FMUAB 2018 will have a Violet Stand to tackle sexist aggressions

Punt Lila FMUAB 2018
Once again, the Observatory of Equality is getting ready for a new Festa Major UAB edition


 As every year, the Observatory for Equality will take part in the Festa Major’s activities. This year, for the first time, we will have a Violet Stand in Festa Major. This space will be located in Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació, where we will provide information about the protocol on how to tackle and intercede in the event of a sexist aggression. The Violet Stand will be coordinated alongside with Dinamització Comunitària and two experts on sexist violence will also be present.
Still, if you are a student and you wish to collaborate in making the Festa Major free of sexism, we are looking for volunteers to participate in the Brigades del Punt Lila (“Violet Stand Team”). This will help raising awareness on the existence of protocols against sexist and LGTBIphobia aggressions. If you wish to be part in the Brigades del Punt Lila team, send an email to

This year we are still promoting our campaigns No siguis paparra (“Keep your hands to yourself”) and Lligues o Assetges? (“Are you flirting or harassing?”), that are meant to raise awareness on harassment in festive contexts like the FM and also aims to promote respectful and equal ways to socialize in this kind of events.