Academic Training

Work placements


1. Curricular or extracurricular

a) External placements are termed curricular when they form part of the study programme, count for ECTS credits, and have the duration specified in the study programme,  corresponding to the number of credits.

b) Placements are deemed extracurricular when they do not form part of the study programme and are completely voluntary on the part of the student. They must still be directly linked to the student's studies and must have a workload of no more than half that of an academic year (750 hours). An academic year is taken to be the period between September of one year and September of the next.

2. Admission requirements

To undertake a placement, students must meet the following requirements:
a) They must be enrolled on the university programme to which the basic competences acquired on the placement correspond.
b) In the case of curricular placements, they must be enrolled on the corresponding course within the study programme.
c) They must not be employed by the partner organisation where they wish to undertake the placement or be related up to the second degree of kinship to a manager or external tutor.

3. Educational cooperation agreements

1. The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona subscribes to educational cooperation agreements on curricular external work placements. An agreement must be made between the company, the student and the School in order for the placement to go ahead.

Students may not, under any circumstances, begin a placement without the relevant agreement in place. One of the purposes of the agreement document is to ensure proper cover in the event of an accident.   

All placement agreements for FUABformació School studies must be handled by the Jobs Bank and Placements Unit.

4. Insurance

All master's degree students are covered by the School's insurance on enrolling. The student insurance for academic year 16/17 covers placements between 15 September 2016 and 15 September 2017.

5. Tutors

Each student has a placement tutor at the School, who keeps students informed about their assessments and provides guidance.