The current proposal is part of a broader initiative named Sphere UAB-Campus of International Excellence (Sphere UAB-CIE). The UAB was awarded as Campus of International Excellence in the first round of the initiative that was launched in 2009 by the Spanish Ministry of Education following a similar scheme to that of the Initiatives d’excellence, IDEX4 or the Exzellenzinitiative in Germany.
The Sphere UAB-CIE comprises the departments, scientific and technological services and parks, research institutes and centres, and the university hospitals affiliated to the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, as well as companies and municipalities surrounding the campus, with which the UAB has strong historical and collaboration ties.
This is the first step towards the long-term objective of establishing a future pole for innovation involving R&D&I centres and the productive, social and cultural networks located in the regional area of influence of the UAB.
Some of the Sphere UAB-CIE members will participate actively in this programme. The following ones contribute to the co-financing of the programme and to the recruitment of postdoctoral fellows.