CORES UAB CORE in Smart & Sustainable Cities

Objectives and research lines

The CORE network

The main objective of the CORE network is to position, provide visibility and manage the capacities of the UAB research and development activities in the areas of smart and sustainable cities. For that, we want to support the design of new policies and strategic projects of the research groups and the Sphere UABCei (Campus of International Excellence) centres. The aggregation of the activities into a thematic network increments the competitiveness of the groups by the joint efforts, the coordination of multidisciplinary activities and the common transversal management of the resources.
The smart city CORE community is a project that is promoted from the campus research centres and groups. It's being supported by the Research vice-chancellorship and it's affiliated to its Strategic Development Unit.
The main objectives of the community are:

  1. Management of the community focused in smart, sustainable and inclusive city growth research and development
  2. Manage the thematic network of research activities for the research in smart and sustainable city management.
  3. Increase the positioning and visibility of the technological transfer in the fields of energy management and urban mobility
  4. Support the citizen participation policies in the smart city context
  5. Coordinate policy application efforts and applicable technologies with local, regional, national and international agents