
Research Statistics


68 Phd programmes (2023-2024)
16 industrial doctorates (2023)
4,753 PhD students (2023-2024)
700 PhD theses (2022-2023)
111 International research projects (2023)
303 state research projects (2023)
13 European Research Council (ERC) grants (2023)
5,171 articles published (2023, Scopus)
518 training research staff (2023)
626 research agreements (2023)
9 priority patents applications (2023)
12 new companies started at the UAB campus (2021)
78.3% research and teaching staff with current research recognisements (2022)
26.5% research and teaching staff team-leaders in research projects (2022)
€141.5M total funding for research and transfer (2023)
€121.2M obtained from competitive research calls (2023)
€20.0M in research agreements and services (2023)