The Fundació UAB


With the aim of unifying e-mail signatures, which present a diversity that can be confusing, it is recommended to follow this criteria when designing the signature with the application

The order of the elements must be:

  1. First name Last name (in bold)
  2. Position (if any)
  3. Department (if any). Example: Academic Management
  4. Scope (where applicable), which can be: Tourism and Hotel Management, Prevention and Integral Safety and Security, Archiving and Document Management, and UAB Professional Training
  5. FUABformació or Fundació FUAB logo (and a blank line).
    Exceptions: people who work for the Centre de Formació Professional must put the Fundació UAB logo.
  6. Contact data according to this template:

    Fundació UAB
    White Building, XX floor
    UAB Campus
    08193 Bellaterra
    Tel: xxxxxxxxx - Ext. xxx
  7. Website (s): for everyone first and, depending on the scope, the corresponding one.

The typography must be Arial, in its Regular or Bold versions, because it is clear, available in the Office environment, and similar to the typography of the UAB Brand Use Manual,  Helvetic (not available in the Office environment)..

The approximate sizes of the logos of FUABformació and the Fundació UAB are: 0.69 cm (height) x 4.50 cm (width). You can see it by clicking on the logo with the right button.

In addition, another template ("expanded signature") has been designed in the application, which allows adding other social networks. The purpose is to relate the e-mail signature to those social networks that you use in your professional activity. Therefore, we ask that you not add exclusively personal use profiles.
Generated signatures must be entered on all devices from which you send UAB mails (laptops, desktops, tablets, mobiles, webmail ...). This only needs to be done once: afterwards, the corresponding signature will appear automatically at the end of the messages you send.