To present and defend your thesis as a compendium of publications you must apply to the PhD Committee of the Department of Mathematics.

You should present your application for a compendium thesis to the PhD Committee along with the following information:

- Supervisor(s) report indicating the appropriateness of the defence of this thesis as a compendium, the contributions of the thesis, opening up new paths of work and the applicability of the results.
- Copies of original articles
- Written acceptance by all doctoral co-authors that the work will be presented as a thesis. They must be original. Faxed, scanned or electronic versions are not admitted.
- Rejection of non PhD co-authors of the works to present the documents for another doctoral thesis.   They must be original. Faxed, scanned or electronic versions are not admitted.


a) A minimum of two original research article in specialised journals with an impact factor established by the Institute for Scientific Information, ISI. One of the articles must be high to medium impact.

b)The articles must have been published or accepted (**)  after the date of admission to the PhD programme (RD 99/2011) or the inscription date of the thesis (RD 1393/2007) and not have been used in previous theses. An agreement by all the signatories of the article which is to be used for that purpose must also be provided.

c) The original articles should near the name of the Department of Mathematics of the UAB in relationship with the PhD candidate.

(*) The Academic Committee of the PhD programme in mathematics will make a decision within 15 days.
 (**) Acceptance must be accredited via a formal letter from the publisher.

Structure of the thesis as a compendium of articles

The presentation of the thesis as a compendium of publications must consist of 25 pages in addition to the articles and should be structured as follows:

1. Introduction presenting the works and justifying their thematic unification as thesis.
2.  Overall presentation of the results and discussion of their originality and relevance in the recent research context of the subject.
3.  Final conclusions.
4.  Copy of works previously published and accepted by the Academic Committee.

Application for Thesis as a Compendium (word_catalan)
Supervisor's report for Compendium (word_catalan)
Co-authors acceptance of Thesis as a Compendium (word_catalan)
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Doctorat en Matemàtiques
Departament de Matemàtiques
Edifici C Facultat de Ciències
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 11 37
FAX +34 93 581 27 90





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