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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut d'Història de la Ciència


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La Filosofia natural al currículum de les facultats de
medicina durant l'Edat Mitjana
Sergi Grau
12h - Seminaris romm, iHC-UAB 

[Seminar in Catalan]
In this seminar, we will explore the connection between natural philosophy and medicine during the Middle Ages. We will examine how natural philosophy was integrated into the medical curriculum of the leading medical faculties in Europe (with a focus on Salerno, Paris, Montpellier, and Bologna) and analyze the significance of the assimilation of natural philosophy in the field of medicine. This assimilation marked the emergence of a new rational conception of the natural world and its phenomena, allowing European intellectual circles to approach health and illness within this new paradigm. It also played a role in defending the epistemological status of medicine to establish it as an Aristotelian science.