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Non-EU students

Notifications for students from outside of the European Union (non-EU)


Non-UE citizens with a valid student permit in other UE country, will need to apply for an Entry Declaration at the National Police Station in 72 hours from the entrance in Spain (if the passport was not stamped by the custom authority) in order to apply for a mobility within UE.


In order to submit application through the Internet, you must obtain an Electronic Signature through this website. After filling out the form one would need to go to the “Oficina de Registro” that would be the closest, or to “Unidad del Archivo General y Registro in the UAB.

Remember that you won’t be able to make the Electronic Signature if your NIE is expired!


For more information:
International Support Service (ISS)
Building Biblioteca de Comunicació i Hemeroteca General, Plaça Cívica
Campus de Bellaterra
Tel. + 34 93 581 22 10
Fax + 34 93 586 80 25

Office hours:
Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 3pm. Thursday from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
July and August: Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 3pm.

If you are a Non-European Union citizen and you are preparing to study in Spain, you need to arrange your legal situation, depending on the duration of your stay.

Mobility within EU countries: All of those non-UE citizens who want to study at the UAB and do hold a valid EU student permit please check for the legal procedures.

Period of studies up to three months

1) The European Directive REGLAMENTO (UE) 2018/1806 includes in its annex II the countries whose nationals are exempted from the obligation to obtain a visa for study periods of up to three months. Those have to fulfill the legal requisites described in the Shengen Code, and in case of having to prolong the stay, it is possible to request an extension for a maximum of three more months. For more information consult Informaton Forms from the government. 

2) The European Directive REGLAMENTO (UE) 2018/1806 includes in its annex I the countries whose nationals are submitted to the visa obligation (type C) to enter the Schengen Area. For more information, check the Immigration Office web.

Period of studies up to six months

There is a visa (type D) for studies that allows you to stay in Spain for a period of up to 180 days (Visado D Estudios hasta 180 días). This type of visa does not allow you to obtain the Residence Card for foreign students (TIE), but contains a NIE number (ID number for Foreigners).

Period of studies longer than six months

Those non-EU citizens who are going to study in Spain for a period of more than six months have to apply for an open visa for studies (type D). This type of visa (Visado D Estudios, Investigación) is valid for three months for entering the Schengen Area and once you have entered Spain you have to obtain the Student Residence Card for Foreigners (TIE) in order to remain legally in Spain. For more information, you can check check the information about how to get your TIE

The student permit is a temporary permit that permits you to stay in the country for the period of your studies. The card is valid for a maximum of one academic year and can be renewed annually until you finish your studies. Your academic performance will be taken into account when renewing your permit.  The document gives you the right to remain legally in the country while you study.

You will have a maximum of 30 days after entering the European Union to begin the process of applying for the Student Residence Card (TIE). For this, you will need to present your flight ticket (boarding ticket) or the stamp on your passport showing the date in which you entered the European Union.

You can apply for a visa through your nearest Spanish Embassy or Consulate.

Important: All foreign official documents must be previously legalized and must be translated into Spanish or official language of the territory where the application is submitted.
For more information, see the Informaton Forms from the government.

Lost or stolen visa:

To report your visa lost or stolen, email the police report (preferably in Spanish or English) to:

Sección Visados
C/Ruiz de Alcorcón, 5
28071 Madrid

Be sure to include your personal data, an address where you wish to receive the confirmation of your visa and an e-mail address if you wish to receive a copy of this confirmation beforehand.

Initial study permit for non-UE citizens with regular situation in Spain

The initial residence permit is a procedure by which the person from a non-EU State is authorized to request  a residence permit for studies in Spain.

The application must be submitted at least one month before the expiration date of your regular status.

  • Non-EU citizenship.
  • Be in Spain in a regular situation:
    • There must be 30 days left in the validity of the residence or stay permit.
    • If you have entered as a tourist (90-day stay). Of the 90-day period, there must still be at least 30 days left, from the date of entry.
  • Not be forbidden from entering into Spanish territory.
  • To have enough financial means.
  • Have a public or private medical insurance of a company that is allowed to operate in Spain.
  • Be admitted to a higher education centre in Spain to participate in a full-time program. The academic load considered for this case is 60 credits or at least 20 hours per week.
  • Official form EX00
  • Copy of all passport pages (Valid up to 3 months after the end of your stay in Spain).
  • Residence permit (still valid for 30 days). In the case of entry without a visa, the entry stamp must be provided.
  • UAB admission letter or enrolment.
  • Medical insurance policy (a travel insurance won't be accepted)
  • Enough economic means for your stay. (See table of values).
    • Bank statement with the entity’s stamp. If is a foreign bank, the bank statement must be legally translated by a jury translator.
    • Notarial certificate from a familiar in which the familiar declares to be economically responsible for the economical expenses of the student during his study period in Spain. This letter must be legalized and legally translated into Spanish.
    • Scholarship and/or scholarship credential.

For longer than 6 months:

  • Criminal record certificate of the countries that you have lived in the last 5 years (Legalized and translated into Spanish).
  • Medical certificate certifying that there is no disease that may have public repercussions. This is an easy step. Once you are in Spain, you must go to a “TABACS” and buy this certificate. Then, you can go to a hospital (could be the SAS, the one located in the UAB or the one of your private health insurance) and tell them to fill it.

All documents scanned in PDF must be send to the International Support Service ( Our office will be responsible for submitting the documents electronically and as soon as you receive an answer, we will notify you.

UAB's International Support Service can give you assistance with the application process. You will have to apply for your Student Residence Authorization at the National Police Station of any town in the province where you are registered.

All documents must be presented in either Catalan or Spanish. If your original documents are in another language, they must be certified and accompanied by a sworn translation into Catalan or Spanish.

Documents needed:

1. Official form (EX -17) (original + 2 photocopies) Instructions to fill in the EX17 form
2. Photocopy of your passport
3. Photocopy of your Type D student visa or resolution of the study permit.
4. Photocopy of the EU entrance stamp or your flight ticket (boarding ticket)
5. Photocopy of your enrolment form and receipt of payment (or document accrediting you are a grant holder) 
6. Document stating the duration of your studies (e.g. acceptance letter from the university specifying the duration of the course)
7. ID card-size photos (3)
8. Certificate of census Registration

9. Tax 790 Code 012: Option "TIE que documenta la primera concesión de la autorización de residencia temporal, de estancia o para trabajadores transfronterizos." Attach document of payment.

You will be issued a provisional copy of your Student Residence Authorization Card which will be valid until you will receive the original card in one or two months. The period of validity will depend on the duration of your studies. To collect the TIE card in the police office it will also be necessaire to make an appointment.

IMPORTANT: YOU MUST APPLY FOR THIS AUTHORIZATION WITHIN A PERIOD OF 30 DAYS AFTER ENTERING THE EUROPEAN UNION. For this, you will need to present your flight ticket (boarding ticket) or the stamp on your passport showing the date in which you entered the European Union.

UAB's Academic Administration Offices (Gestió Acadèmica ) will require you to present your original Student Residence Authorization Card and one photocopy to complete your enrolment process. You will have four months after your arrival to present your original card at the Academic Administration Office of your centre. If you wish to obtain the N.I.E., you will find all the necessary information at Form 91.


Documents for TIE renewal

The documents to present for the TIE card renewal vary depending on where the card on itself is asked for the first time. Once you have the affirmative response of the renewal of the permit you must ask for an appointment with the Police in order to get the fingerprints done linked to the new card. The documents you must then present would be the following ones:

1. Official form EX17 (original and copy)

2. Main page of your passaport (original and copy)

3. TIE card (previous one and copy)

4. Affirmative response for the renewal or, if you do not have it, screenshot of the webpage in where you were notified of such affirmative response

5. Appointment confirmation data.

6. ID card-size pictures (3)

7. Census registration if you have changed places since the last time

8. 790/012 Tax with the option: “Tie que documenta la renovación de la autorización de residencia temporal, de estància o para trabajadores transfonterizos” crossed out . Attach document of payment.

Due to staff problems at the Foreigners' Office, there are delays in the student permit application procedure. It is advisable, as far as possible, to submit the extension application within 60 days prior to its expiry in order to avoid remaining without a TIE for a prolonged period of time.



In Barcelona, the Students Sections of the Foreigners Office is in charge of solving the student permit renewals.

From the entry into force of the Law 39/2015, the student permit renewal applications must be submitted through electronic means (in the Foreigners Office Website or in the Electronic Register) or personally at any Register Office or in the Government General Registration Office, at 12, Bergara Street (Barcelona).

In order to submit application through the Internet, you must obtain an Electronic Signature in this website, remember that you won't be able to make it if your NIE has expired. After sending the application for electronic signature, you must visit your closer Registration Office or the General Register in the Rectorate building.

The ISS can check your student permit renewal application before submitting it. Furthermore, we can help you in obtaining your electronic signature, in case you are submitting your application through the Internet, and provide support on electronic procedures.


1. 790 052 tax: The TAX must be paid before presenting the renewal application and a copy must be provided of the receipt of payment along with the other documentation. Paying the tax does not automatically imply that renewal has been granted but it is not possible to favourably resolve the application unless it can be shown that the corresponding fees have been paid. If you have any problems downloading this PDF, you will also find the document at the end of this page. Attach document of Tax payment.

2. Official Form Ex-00 original + 1 photocopy).  If you have problems in downloading this link, you can find the document at the bottom of this page.

3. Passport (main page).

4. Student Residence Card (front and back)

5. Enrolment application and receipt of payment ( or document accrediting you are a grant holder): It is valid to present a copy of the bank transfer. 

6. Last year's academic transcript.  If you are doing a PhD thesis, a letter from the your thesis director or tutor (you will find a draft at the bottom of this page).

7. If you have changed your residence, you must present the up-to-date Certificate of census Registration.

8. Economic means 


They must be accredited through one of the options indicated below:

  • Option 1) Bank account  -->  Have sufficient financial means to cover the costs of your stay and return to your country and, where applicable, those of your family members, in accordance with the following amounts:
    • For its support, monthly, 100% of the  IPREM .  Official IPREM value .
    • To support their family members, on a monthly basis, 75% of the  IPREM  for the first family member and 50% of the  IPREM  for each of the remaining person.
  • Option 2) Bank account --> Show the average monthly income for the last 6 months. In this case, the balance of the bank account must not be less than half of 100% of the IPREM . 
  • Option 3) Scholarship and/or scholarship credential.
  • Option 4) Help from a family member outside of Spain (Only spouse, parents/guardians, siblings).
    • Current public or private document indicating that the declarant is responsible for the expenses of the student's stay in Spain.
  • Option 5) Help from a family member legally residing in Spain.

    • Manifestation through a public document (notarial act) of family support.  

9. Medical insurance policy. Click on the link for more information.

From June 25th, the Social Security card will not be considered enough for the NIE renewal procedure. It will be needed a "Entitlement to medical assistance", issued in one of the National Institute of Social Security offices.
If it is not possible, it will be needed a private medical insurance.

Please remember that the deadline to apply for an extension of the stay for studies is 60 calendar days prior to the expiration of the authorization and 90 calendar days later, although the day after the expiration of the authorization its holder will be in an irregular situation.

Check the Handbook for the renewal of the NIE with all the information detailed.


Non-EU students whith an student permit have the possibilityn to work without the need of an additional work authorisation as far as its permit indicates 'Autoriza a trabajar'.

This authorisation allows them to work up to 30 hours a week provided that it is compatible with their academic schedule. Its expiry date is subject to the end date of the contract and/or the expiry date of the TIE (Identification Card for Foreigners), although it is renewable.

In case you have a contract from an UAB department, or for more information, please contact the ISS.

Telf. +0034 935812210

Any foreign student, researcher or professor coming to a catalan university must have medical insurance coverage.

If you are from outside of the European Economic Area you should check whether there is an agreement for healthcare between the Social Security of your country and the Social Security of Spain. If there is such an agreement, you should submit the necessary documents in your country so that you can have free access to Spanish public healthcare.  

In the case of renewing your Residence Card (NIE, TIE) you have to check if the above mentioned document replaces the obligation to present a private medical insurance regarding illness and accidents (Social Security does not include the repatriation to your home country). For more information, contact the ISS.

If your country has no healthcare agreement with the Spanish Social Security system, you should take out private insurance coverage for the whole time of your stay in Spain.

The private medical insurances need to insure no less than 100.000 euros in the basic services (hospitalization, etc.), without gaps of coverage or co-payments.
The insurance company OMNIBUS is offering an insurance for incoming international students, researchers and professors of UAB that covers medical expenses referring to illness, accidents and repatriation, among others.

You will find information about its benefits and rates in the following link, where you can also purchase it on line.

Insurance MOBILITY "IN"

Important: To be applicable for this insurance it is compulsory to be enrolled at UAB. Therefore you have to enter your NIU (identification number of enrolled UAB students, researchers or professors), NIA (identification number of admitted UAB students,  researchers or professsors) or NIP (identification number of admitted UAB exchange students).

More information:
International Support Service (ISS)
Building Biblioteca de Comunicació i Hemeroteca General, Plaça Cívica
Campus de Bellaterra
Tel: + 34 93 581 22 10
Fax: + 34 93 586 80 25

Opening times:
Monday to Friday, from 9.30am to 3pm. Thursdays from 9.30am to 4.30pm.

Relatives of students from countries outside the European Union who intend to visit Spain must obtain a Type D visa for student relatives before leaving their country. This visa can be applied for at the nearest Spanish Consulate or Embassy.

Without this visa you will not be able to obtain the Authorised Stay permit necessary to stay legally in Spain.

It is important to anticipate the length of your stay beforehand as a Type D visa is only valid for 180 days (D Student 180 days) and once in Spain it is not possible either to renew the visa or apply for  an Authorised Stay Permit with a limited stay visa. If you anticipate staying for longer than 6 months, you will need to obtain a Type D Student Visa (open) before leaving your country.

Once in Spain it is not possible to change your visa. The only valid visa is the non-European international visa obtained from the Spanish Embassy or Consulate before arrival. Only relatives with Type D Student (open) visas can apply for the Authorised Stay Permit for Students on arrival in Spain.

The Stay Permit for Students is a temporary permit valid for the period of the studies in Spain. The permit is issued for a maximum of one academic year and is renewed annually. This document is proof of the legal right of the holder to remain in Spain.

On entering the European Union you have a maximum of  30 calendar days  to begin the application process for the Authorised Stay for Students Permit. For this purpose it is essential that you keep your flight tickets (boarding cards) or obtain an EU entry stamp at the airport when you go through customs. 


The UAB, through the International Support Service, offers assistance in this process, which should be carried out at the National Police Headquarters (Comisaría de Policía Nacional) in the area where the student is registered.

All documents must be presented in one of the official languages (Spanish or Catalan) and where this is not possible originals in other languages that have been duly legalized (Form 37) will be accepted if they are accompanied by a sworn translation.

Documents to be presented:

1. Official form (Form EX -17) (original + 1 copy)
2. Copy of passport
3. Photocopy of Type D Student visa (open)
4. Photocopy of EU entry stamp or flight ticket (boarding pass)
5. Passport sized photographs (3)
6. Certificate of registration in Spain (empadronamiento)
7. Wedding and/or birth certificate
8. Photocopy of the receipt (or original) of the Authorization of Stay of the Student Residency Permit holder
9. Tax 790 Code 012: Option "TIE que documenta la primera concesión de la autorización de residencia temporal, de estancia o para trabajadores transfronterizos."

The Police will issue an immediate official receipt for the Permit. The Authorised Stay for Students Permit will be received a month or two later. Its validity depends on the period of study or the end of the academic year.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You have a maximum of 30 days to apply for your Authorised Stay for Students permit from the day of entry to the European Union. For this purpose it is essential that you keep your flight tickets (boarding cards) or obtain an EU entry stamp at the airport when you go through customs.


1. Tax 790 052: The TAX must be paid before presenting the renewal application and a copy must be provided of the receipt of payment along with the other documentation. Paying the tax does not automatically imply that renewal has been granted but it is not possible to favourably resolve the application unless it can be shown that the corresponding fees have been paid. If you have any problems downloading this PDF, you will also find the document at the end of this page.

2. Form Ex-00 

3. Passport (personal details page)

4. TIE card (Tarjeta de Autorización de Estancia) (both sides)

5. TIE card of the person who offers the right of the relative to visit.

6. Marriage or birth certificate

7. For children, certificate of school attendance in Spain

8. Proof of economic means. The head of the family must be able to offer proof of that they have the necessary economic means to maintain a family. (economic means table)

9. Health insurance policy that covers illness and accidents during the whole stay in Spain as well as the medical expenses.



According to art. 5 of RD 557/2011, those non EU citizens who wants to enter Spain from a country outside Schengen area, while applying fot extension of his residence permit or applying for the new ID card for foreigners (TIE), will need to apply for a return permit.

The return permit will be valid for no more than 90 days from the expiration of the residence or stay permit, if requested prior to said expiration.

In the event that it is requested at a time after the expiration of the residence or stay permit, the return permit will be valid for no more than 90 days from the date it was granted.

The return permit will be issued by the National Police Stations, you will need to apply for an appointment.


For more information see:
Return permit - Official Information Sheet (in Spanish)

RDL 11/2018, de 31 de agosto Título III

The Job Seeking visa, or Employment seeking residence permit, is an authorization based in Spain that would allow you to access a job suitable to your field and level of studies or, if you deem it possible, to create a start-up once you have finished your official high-level studies.

This is a non-lucrative residence permit which means that you will not be able to work with it. Once you have found a job, it would be the company itself who process the visa change from Job Seeking Visa to Worker Visa.

The maximum duration of the permit is up to 24 months, starting from the expiry of the previous student permit.

Application period: You can request for the visa between 60 days before and 90 days after the expiration date. 

  • Be title-holder of a Student Visa.
  • Own a Spanish-based high-level official study diploma (undergraduate, official master, phd)
  • The permit cannot be requested with a non-official degree
  • Medical insurance that would cover the duration of your stay
  • Own enough economic means for such period.
Needed documents
  • Passport
  • Official form EX01 (option "Titular de estancia por estudios superiores que cesa, para búsqueda de empleo")
  • Form and receipt of the payment of the tax 790/052 (Option 2.1)
  • High-level official study diploma (Or, in case the hard copy is missing the substitute option given to the student)
  • Medical insurance
  • Proof the economic means of the Table with the following model: Declaración Responsable Suficiencia Económica
  • Digital signature

The request must be presented via online through the Mercurio platform thanks to the digital signature provided by the students.
The electronic signature can be obtained through the idCAT website, remember that you won’t be able to make it if your NIE has expired. After filling out the form one would need to go to the “Oficina de Registro” that would be the closest (Or to “Unidad del Archivo General y Registro” in the UAB.

In order to carry out the procedure, prior to the installation of the digital certificate, the AUTOFIRMA program must be downloaded

In the ISS we can inspect the documents before doing the request. Furthermore, we can aid throughout the process of getting a digital signature and the request itself.

All documents must be presented and they are compulsory. (The maximum capacity for the pdf file cannot be bigger than 5MB so we recommend bringing it compressed beforehand).
The solicitation must be directed to “Oficina de Extranjería de Barcelona” or to “Subdelegación/Delegación del Gobierno en Barcelona”.

The period for getting an answer after presenting the documents will be 20 natural days after which it will be understood as an automatic pass given by administrative silence.

Family/Relatives status

Those of who were title holders of a student visa and had their relatives linked to it will be able to obtain a similar permit under the same premises. This title will not let said relatives work.
In order to justify the economic means for them, 75% of the IPREM for the first relative –with a 50% of it for the rest- must be presented.