Radical Environmental Humanities Reading Group
Detalls de l'event
- Inici: 27 juny 2024 15:00
- Final: 27 juny 2024 16:30
- Zoom
27/06/2024, 15h (CET), Zoom
Reading Group coordinated by Dr. ICREA Marco Armiero (iHC-UAB)
This week's book will be: "Ideas to postpone the End of the World”, by Ailton Krenak.
Krenak challenges our society's relentless pursuit of progress while advocating for a deep reconnection with nature and indigenous wisdom. Drawing from his own experiences as a leader of the indigenous movement in Brazil, Krenak paints a vivid picture of our current ecological crisis and offers radical, yet profoundly hopeful, solutions to postpone the impending demise of our planet. Through his piercing intellect and poignant storytelling, Krenak compels us to question our assumptions, reassess our priorities, and embark on a transformative journey towards a more harmonious coexistence with the Earth. This compelling literary work is an urgent wake-up call for humanity, inviting us to face the consequences of our actions while igniting a spark of change within us all.
For further information & Zoom link, please write: marco.armiero@uab.cat