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Nuncious. Special Issue: Touching Visions: Intersensoriality and Gender in the History of Science, edited by Hansun Hsiung, Elena Paulino, Elena Serrano
Online ISSN: 1825-3911
In Nuncius, Volume 39 (2024): Issue 2 (Jun 2024), we can find several articles in open access:
- The Stormy Swirl of Sensations (introduction)
Authors: Hansun Hsiung, Elena Paulino Montero and Elena Serrano
Pages: 259–274
- Nerves and Music in the Origin of Passions by B.J. Feijoo (1676–1764)
Author: Elena Serrano
Pages: 338–361
Nuncius is a peer-reviewed, international journal devoted to the historical role of material and visual culture in science. Nuncius publishes 3 issues per year.
Nuncius explores the material sources of scientific endeavor, such as scientific instruments and collections, the specific settings of experimental practice, and the interactions between sciences and arts. The materiality of science is a fundamental source for the understanding of its history, and the visual representation of its concepts and objects is equally crucial. Founded in 1976, Nuncius was originally published as Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza.
Nuncius publishes original articles, unpublished primary sources (Documenta inedita), and occasionally special focus sections to emerging historiographic fields and new methods of research. A rich book and review article section covers the main contributions to the field.
The main language of the journal is English, although submissions in other languages can also be considered. Nuncius is published under the auspices of the Museo Galileo in Florence ( Editor-in-Chief: Elena Canadelli
2024 Impact Factor: 0,4
5 Year Impact Factor: 0,4