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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut d'Història de la Ciència

Call for Postdoctoral position (MaILHoc project)

19 set. 2023
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L'Institut d’Història de la Ciència (iHC) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) convoca un concurs per a la contractació de Personal Investigador de finançament específic – Investigador postdoctoral –, amb destinació l’Institut d’Història de la Ciència (iHC-UAB) de la UAB, referència 2023DILIFRUA105.




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Eligibility criteria
- PhD degree in history of science.
- Relevant additional training will be valued (undergraduate or postgraduate).
- Excellent command of office software.
- Excellent command of English, Spanish and Catalan is required (C1 or B2).
-Relevant research experience will be valued, particularly experience in developing clear and convincing historical case studies, and specifically in relation with scientific institutions, such as science museums, science centres, zoos, etc.
- Relevant record for high-quality research publications, participation and/or winning research grants, appropriate to the candidate’s career stage, and knowledge transfer initiatives, will be valued.
- Clear interest in the history of the cultural impacts of the development of science centres and the establishment of industrial heritage museums in Spain. Particularly in how museum sponsorship shaped the public perception of science in Barcelona in relation to the construction of the post-Francoist state.
- Previous research experience with scientific institutions (museums, zoos, etc.) archives.
- Ability and commitment to work both independently and collaboratively as part of an international research team.
- Availability to travel to conference and fieldwork.
- Ability to create and contribute to a well-functioning, inclusive and productive research environment.

Dates clau
El termini per inscriure's a aquest concurs és el dia 23/09/2023.

Further information
Les bases i l'annex de la convocatòria es poden consultar al Tauler electrònic de la UAB.

Les persones interessades s'han d'inscriure a través de la web següent: https://seleccio.uab.cat

For further scientific information please contact: carlos.tabernero@uab.cat

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