The Fundació UAB

"Barcelona inspires", a photographic collection of the urban experience of Study Abroad students

Estudiants de Study Abroad posen amb fotos exposades

The third photography contest of the Specific Programmes for International Students Study Abroad was held at Casa Convalescència, from April 12 to 17, with an exhibition of the students' work. A popular vote has determined the winning photo.


As part of the Digital Photography course, taught by Gunnar Knechtel and Christiane Von Enzberg, the students have portrayed what they find most motivating about the city and its surroundings while applying the new photographic techniques they have learned in class, such as compositing tools and camera techniques such as ghosting, motion blur, and shallow depth of field.

The result is a set of portraits of our city, in colour and black and white, which give a multicultural perspective on our architecture, our markets, our sports activities and, of course, on the Barcelona population. The exhibition, with the name "Barcelona inspires" and exhibited in the left exterior corridor that opens onto the main garden of the building, thus becomes a documentary mosaic of the urban experience of international students during their academic stay in Barcelona within the Study Abroad Pre-Established programme.

Students and staff had the chance to vote for a maximum of 3 photographs, by scanning a QR code, in order to choose the winning image by popular vote.

The author of the photo that took home the award is Francisco Vázquez, from the University of South Florida, United States of America, and is studying the Business itinerary within the Spring semester of the Pre-Established programmes.

Francisco Vázquez, amb la foto guanyadora, i el professor Knechtel

Francisco Vázquez, with his winning photo, alongisde teacher Knechtel.