Bachelor's Degree in Hotel Management

Selecciona las asignaturas a matricular.

IDIOMAS: Elige una primera y segunda lengua extranjera (distinta a la primera) que serán las mismas durante los tres primeros cursos.

Código Primera lengua Tipo de asignatura / Nºcréditos /Docencia
103760 Inglés I FB/ 6/ Anual
103762 Francés I FB/ 6/ Anual


  Segunda lengua  
103768 Francés I FB/ 6/ Anual
103767 Alemán I FB/ 6/ Anual


  Resto de asignaturas de primer curso  
103725 Derecho FB/  6 / 2 Sem
103726 Alimentación, higiene y seguridad alimentaria OB/ 6/ 2 Sem
103738 Economía FB/  6/ 1 Sem
103743 Contabilidad general FB/ 6/ 2 Sem
103744 Economía de la empresa FB/ 6/ 1 Sem
103746 Estadística aplicada FB/ 6/ 2 Sem
103747 Fundamentos del sector turístico y hotelero OB / 6/ 1 Sem
103769 Habilidades informáticas y de estudio FB/ 6/ 1 Sem

Código Primera lengua Tipo de asignatura / Nºcréditos /Docencia
103763 Inglés II FB/ 6/ Anual
103765 Francés II FB/ 6/ Anual


  Segunda lengua  
103715 Francés II OB/ 6/ Anual
103714 Alemán II OB/ 6/ Anual


  Resto de asignaturas de segundo curso  
103727 Dirección y gestión de alojamiento I OB/ 6/ 1 Sem
103728 Dirección y gestión de alojamiento II * OB/ 6/ 2 Sem
103729 Dirección y gestión de cocina I OB/ 6/ 1 Sem
103730 Dirección y gestión de cocina II * OB/ 6/ 2 Sem
103731 Dirección y gestión de restauración I OB/ 6/ 1 Sem
103732 Dirección y gestión de restauración II * OB/ 6/ 2 Sem
103745 Gestión de recursos humanos en la indústria hotelera (inglés) FB / 6 / 1 sem
103770 Análisis de instalaciones, equipos y mantenimiento OB / 6 / 2 sem

* Prácticas residentes anuales y clases teóricas durante el segundo semestre.

Choose 48 ECTS (Optative) and Bachelor's Degree Final Project (Compulsory).

Code  Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Type / Credits / Semester

103784 Trabajo de Final de Grado OB / 12 / Anual



Only you can choose one First foreing language IV and/or one Second foreign language IV and/or one Third foreign language I.

Code First foreign language 

Type / Credits / Semester

103710 English IV OP / 6/ Anual
103712  French IV OP / 6/ Anual


Code Second foreign language 

Type / Credits / Semester

104630 French IV OP / 6/ Anual
104619 German IV OP / 6/ Anual


Code Third foreign language

Type / Credits / Semester

103721 Francés I OP / 6/ Anual
103720 Alemán I OP / 6/ Anual
104138 Chino I OP / 6/ Anual


Code Others fourth year subjects

Type / Credits / Semester

103733 Strategic and Commercial Hotel Management OP / 6/ 2 Sem
103734 Sales and Revenue Management (English) OP / 3/ 2 Sem
103737 Advertising and Public Relations (English) OP / 6/ 1 Sem
103748 Hotel Management Topics (plazas limitadas) OP / 6/ 2 Sem
103752 Quality and Environmental Management OP / 6/ 2 Sem
103753 Conference and Congress Organisation and Management OP / 3/ 2 Sem
103754 Hotel Organisation and Customer Service (English) OP / 6/ 1 Sem
103755 Theme Parks Leisure Entertainment (English) OP / 3/ 1 Sem
103757 Tourism Topics (English) OP / 6/ 2 Sem
103759 Communication and Managerial Strategies in Hotel Management OP / 6/ 2 Sem
103771 Company Creation and Innovation (English) OP / 3/ 1 Sem
103772 International Hotel Group Management OP / 6/ 1 Sem
103773 Corporate Management (E-Marketing) (English)  
103774 Practical Training in Catering Food Service * OP / 6 / 2 Sem
103775 National and International Placements * OP / 12/ 2 Sem
103778 Catering Company Management OP / 6/ 1 Sem
103779 Gastronomy and Oenology OP / 6/ 1 Sem
103781 E-commerce in the Hotel Sector (English) OP / 3/ 2 Sem
103783 Information and Management Systems in the Hotel Sector (limited places) OP / 6/ 2 Sem

* No docencia / Sesiones de aula y tutorías a determinar

You must enroll the Final Degree Project and choose (at least) 30 of the credits offered in the "Specialization Optional Subjects" section. The rest of the elective subjects to achieve 48 credits, can be consulted in the Fourth year (no mention) section, in the elective subjects table.

Code Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Type / Credits / Semester

103784 Bachelor's Degree Final Project OB/ 12/ Anual



Choose 30 credits (minimum). In case you want to choose a First foreing language IV and/or Third foreign language I, you can only choose one first and one third language.

Code Specialization optative subjects Type / Credits / Semester
103710 First foreign language English IV OP / 6/ Anual
103712 First foreign language French IV OP / 6/ Anual
103711 First foreign language German IV OP / 6/ Anual
103721  Third foreign language French I OP / 6 / Anual
103720 Third foreign language Alemán I OP / 6 / Anual
104138 Third foreign language German I OP / 6 / Anual
103733 Strategic and Commercial Hotel Management OP/ 6/ 2 Sem

Theme Parks Leisure Entertainment (inglés)

OP/ 3/ 1 Sem
103774 Practical Training in Catering Food Service * OP/ 6/ Anual
103778 Catering Company Management OP/ 6/ 1 Sem
103779 Gastronomy and Oenology OP/ 6/ 1 Sem
103783 Information and Management Systems in the Hotel Sector (limited places) OP/ 6/ 2 Sem

* No teaching / Classroom sessions and tutorials to be determined



You must enroll the Final Degree Project and choose (at least) 30 of the credits offered in the "Specialization Optional Subjects" section. The rest of the elective subjects to achieve 48 credits, can be consulted in the Fourth year (no mention) section, in the elective subjects table.

Code Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Type / Credits / Semester

103784 Bachelor's Degree Final Project OB/ 12/ Anual



Choose 30 credits (minimum). You can only choose one First foreing language IV and/or Third foreign language I.

Code Specialization optative subjects Type / Credits / Semester
103710 First foreign language English IV OP / 6/ Anual
103712 First foreign language French IV OP / 6/ Anual
103711 First foreign language German IV OP / 6/ Anual
103721  Third foreign language French I OP / 6 / Anual
103720 Third foreign language Alemán I OP / 6 / Anual
104138 Third foreign language German I OP / 6 / Anual
103733 Strategic and Commercial Hotel Management OP / 6 / 2sem
103753 Conference and Congress Organisation and Management OP / 3/ 2sem
103759 Communication and Managerial Strategies in Hotel Management OP / 6 / 2sem
103771 Company Creation and Innovation  OP / 6 / 1sem
103772 International Hotel Group Management OP / 6 / 1sem
103773 Corporate Management (E-Marketing) OP / 6 / 1sem
103783 Information and Management Systems in the Hotel Sector (limited places) OP / 6 / 2sem