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New challenges from the environmental volunteer group

Nous reptes del voluntariat del programa de Medi Ambient

The Challenges for Change project of the FAS environmental volunteer group proposes new challenges for this second semester via Instagram with the aim of promoting sustainable habits and good practices.


Volunteers from the FAS Environment Program have launched a new format for the Challenges for Change project, a series of proposals made through Instagram that promote sustainable habits in COVID-19 times.

Challenges for change was born during the Christmas holidays of 2020 to promote and raise awareness about the actions that can be taken during the day to day to reduce the ecological footprint of everyone. Two types of challenges were proposed according to the difficulty: easy challenges and difficult challenges and participants are eligible, in a draw, for various prizes.

Challenges for Change now proposes a single challenge that everyone can do. To take part, all you have to do is take a picture of an object that has been reused from home. The goal is to give a second life to a waste that would end up in the trash. Participants who submit their photos before March 15 can participate in the draw for two prizes: a zero waste package (with toothbrush and toothpaste and a vegetable shampoo) or the book "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson.

Photos can be sent via direct messages to the @reptespelcanvi Instagram account or by uploading the image via stories with the mention of the account. The winners of the awards will be announced on March 18 by networks.