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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The 3rd Inclusive Artistic Week is here!

24 Nov 2023
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From Monday 27 to Thursday 30 November the UAB will be celebrating its 3rd edition of the Inclusive Artistic Week, which will include puppet shows, films and dance to raise awareness among the university community of the process of including people with functional diversity and sharing experiences of inclusiveness with other university members.

III setmana artística Inclusiva

With the aim of raising awareness among the university community about the process of inclusion of people with functional diversity and sharing inclusive experiences with the whole community, the UAB organises for the third consecutive year, and within the framework of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, its 3rd Inclusive Artistic Week at the UAB campus. To attend the activities, it is necessary to register in advance using this form.

On Monday 27 November at 12 noon, the UAB Theatre Hall will host the puppet show Bostikianes, created by Laura Guiteras and Ariadna Martí, which was born from the need to explain the role of women in society in the past and present, based on recollections and views on the present and future. To do this, it uses the language of puppets and live music, which allow to take distance and add a humorous touch to various topics. 

The show, which is the result of a research and creation work initiated during lockdown in the Nau Bostik, an art and culture space in Barcelona, presents the first part of the generational trilogy of Bostikianes. The starting point is old age, the woman-memory, represented by Anna Maria Bostik, a grandmother suffering from "musical diogenism", who cannot stop singing, and through music speaks of the emotions of a lifetime.

On Tuesday 28 November at 12:30 p.m. in the conference hall of the Rectorate building, the UAB will hold the institutional event in commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, organised by the Observatory for Equality and PIUNE, which this year will focus on the accessibility of communication and information in university studies. Anna Matamala Ripoll, lecturer at the Department of Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies, will give the lecture "Fem xarxa per a una comunicació accesible: recerca i transferència". During the conference, she will present the ATHENA project, which is being developed by the TransMedia Catalonia group and investigates audiovisual translations and accessibility to information in different media channels.

At the same event, the Impuls Scholarships will also be awarded to students with disabilities at the UAB. These scholarships are part of the Impuls Programme, created by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària and funded by the Social Council of the UAB, which aims to facilitate the integration of this group at University. Those who receive the scholarship receive financial aid for personal assistance and mobility during class hours.

On Wednesday 29 November at 12 noon, the Cinema Hall of the UAB will host the screening of the documentary Venim a crear. Institucions artístiques per a tothom, which will give way to the film forum "Espais artístics inclusius", with the participation of professionals and users of artistic and educational institutions: Sònia Camacho (TNC), Clara Florit (Escola del Mar), Maria Garreta, Yaiza Fernández, David Utanda and Dani Moreno (Fundació ASPACE), Alba García (Can Framis. Fundació Vila Casas) and UAB lecturers Josep Maria Sanahuja and Mar Morón.

On Thursday 30 November at 1 p.m. at the UAB Theatre Hall, university memebrs will be able to enjoy the inclusive dance theater show Parlem-ne, by the Vero Cendoya Company.

In 2018, the UAB passed the Second UAB Disability and Inclusion Action Plan (2018-2023), an instrument to articulate policies for disability care and inclusion in the university environment. The student body is also supported by PIUNE.

To register for the activities of the 3rd Inclusive Artistic Week on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday:



The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced inequalities
