Build your internship opportunity

Bring us the company where you want to do an internship

If you have already done an internship in a company during your Bachelor Degree and you want to keep your professional development within the same company, please follow the following steps to create your CITIUS offer: 

    1. Look out for a company
    Look out for a company that is looking for an intern student during 11 months. You can explain what is CITIUS and how it works through the information report for companies.  
    2. Sign the collaboration agreement
    If the company is interested in joining the CITIUS programme, sign the collaboration agreement with the UAB.
    3. Enrolment
    The CITIUS team will contact the student via email to ask him for the required documentation for the enrolment and the student will be appointed to sign the agreement.
    4. The programme begins
    Lastly the student receives the access to the platforms and can start the internship and classes.