Basic Information

Become a CITIUS company

Empreses Citius

Are you a company / institution and you want to offer quality internships to graduate students?

CITIUS for companies

The institutional CITIUS programme from the UAB, through the Master and Graduate Study in Business Management, aims to be a training and job placement platform offering the maximum quality to the students and also for the partner companies, since without them this programme would not be possible. Therefore, the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona has planned and conceived, from the beginning, a programme that is able to recruit and train the best talents for the companies.

Advantages for CITIUS compnaies

The companies gain great advantages by being part of the programme: 

  • Absence of employment relationship. The three-parties' agreement between the University Autónoma de Barcelona, the student and the company do not have an employment relationship since the agreement is framed during the student's education. This way, the company acquires a training commitment towards the CITIUS student that is bound through the signature of an internship agreement, and not through an employee contract. 
  • Possibility to realize an extended trial in real context. The institutional CITIUS programme from the UAB offers to the company the possibility to have, during 12 months (11 months of internship), highly motivated university students. Therefore, the evolution of the students can be constantly monitored in order to assess their progress.  
  • Tandem company / institution & UAB. The quality training that offers the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona within the business field is a perfect complement with the internship in a real working environment. The tandem establishes an added value between both institutions which makes possible to attract and promote talent. 
  • Future workability at the short term. Most of the students that start their professional career with the institutional CITIUS programme from the UAB acquire the methods and processes of the company where they carry out the internship. This way, the partner company has the possibility to train a professional that suits their needs, with a future workability at the short term. 

Commitment with the company

The partner companies of the CITIUS programme commit to offer a compatible internship for the students with the academic requirements: 

  •      Study grant for 11 months
  •      The student is in charge of the enrolment fee
  •      Possibility to finance part or the total amount of the enrolment fee by the student
  •      A tutor should be assigned to the student. The tutor monitors the training and evaluates the progress and the final assessment of the internship. 

Please fill out the Information Request form for companies and ask for more information regarding the CITIUS programme and the Business Management master. 

Ask for more information

If you need more information, please fill out the following form and we will reply as soon as possible.