External academic work placements
External academic work placements
External academic work placements constitute a training activity which aims to complement the knowledge acquired in class with the skills needed to work professionally, helping students become familiar with the labour market and encouraging their entrepreneurial spirit.
Work placements can be carried out at the university itself, or with other collaborating public and private entities, such as companies and institutions, both locally and internationally.
If there are children in your work placement, please check this link for more information.
The external academic work placements aim to:
- Contribute to the integral theoretical and practical training of students.
- Provide knowledge of the specific work methodology needed in each professional sector.
- Favour the development of technical, methodological, personal and participative skills.
- Acquire practical experience to help students enter the labour market and improve their employability.
- Favour the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
The company or institution must have someone to act as a tutor to the student, with the appropriate experience and ability to define a training project. This person will monitor the student's training and once the work placement is completed, will be in charge of writing up their report according to the model included below. Given the case that the UAB tutor and the company's tutor agree for the need of an intermediate report, the report will need to be filled in according to the model included below.
The collaborating entity will have established a training projects according to the model set down in the specific agreement signed with the UAB, where among other aspects, the entity specifies the tasks the student will be working on and how they can provide the student with practical skills for their professional future, i.e. they must be directly related to the student's studies.
With the objective of assessing the work placement, students will need to write up a final project, according to the model included below. At the same time, if the UAB tutor and the company's tutor agree upon it, the student will need to hand in an intermediate report following the model included below.
Royal decree 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007, which established the Planning of official university studies was abrogated by Royal decree 822/2021 of 28 September 2021, which established the organisation of university teaching and the procedure for quality control.
Real Decreto 1497/1981, RD 1497/1981, de 19 de junio, sobre Programas de Cooperación Educativa
RD 1845/1994, of 9 September, that updates RD 1497/1981
RD 592/2014, on practical academic training
UAB regulations for degrees governed by Royal Decree 822/2021
Specific educational cooperation agreement for undertaking external academic practicums in collaborating institutions
Student's intermediate report model
Student's final report model
Tutor's intermediate report model
Tutor's final report model