General information
Proposing a programme
Faculties, departments and authorised lecturers may submit proposals to participate in an exchange programme.
Applications for exchange programmes must be signed by the rector or the corresponding vice-rector and a favourable report from one of the following.
- The Faculty/School, in the case of exchange programmes for bachelor's degrees, engineering degrees, pre-EHEA diplomas and/or UAB-specific programmes;
- The department, in the case of third-cycle exchange programmes for master's degrees and graduate diplomas. The approval of the Graduate School is also needed.
Applications for mobility programmes must contemplate the following.
- Confirmation of exemption from paying fees for registration and academic certification at the destination university.
- The period during which the exchange will take place and the system used to adapt this period to the UAB's academic calendar for the corresponding year.
- The fulfillment of any other commitment that participation in the programme might involve.
On proposing a programme, the application must include the name of the designated exchange coordinator. The coordinator will deal with the formalities leading to the UAB's membership of the programme or the inclusion of the activity in the UAB proposal.
The UAB centres involved in an exchange programme will each have one local organiser, except the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, which will have two, and the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, which will have three.
The coordinator will act as registration tutor for students, to make sure they are enrolled on valid courses
Other functions of tutors or acting tutors are as follows.
Deciding on possible exchanges with the approval of the degree coordinator.
Informing students about opportunities for mobility.
Proposing students for the ERASMUS programme.
Determining who has to take the foreign language level test.
Acting as tutors to foreign students and arranging any authorisation they might need to enrol in another centre.
Responding to academic queries from partner universities in an exchange agreement.
Each year faculties and departments will make the call for grant applications setting out specific requirements to be met by applicants and the selection criteria. The procedure for awarding grants is as follows.
- Students interested submit a single application for an exchange programme and a grant.
- The exchange coordinator collates the applications and interviews the applicants within the set period.
- After this period, the exchange coordinator makes a proposal, grouping the applicants according to priority. This list contains all students who fulfill the requirements, indicating which ones are recommended for a grant and which ones are included in the exchange programme but without a grant. Applicants for whom the programme does not have sufficient funds are put on a waiting list.
- The coordinator passes this proposal to the local organiser, along with all the application documents and a report explaining any particular requirements and the criteria followed for making choices and drawing up the final proposal.
- Finally, the UAB's Exchange Programmes Committee officially awards the grants and determines the period for presenting appeals.
Royal decree 1393/2007 of 29 October 2007, which established the Planning of official university studies was abrogated by Royal decree 822/2021 of 28 September 2021, which established the organisation of university teaching and the procedure for quality control.
UAB regulations for degrees governed by Royal Decree 822/2021
Mobility & international exchange website