I have registered for the first annual review. What else do I have to do?

In accordance with the new RD 99/2011, your admission is valid if within a maximum of three months from the admission date, you present the following:

- Research plan
- Code of good practice
- Commitment document
- Activities document

All of these procedures must be carried out at the Department of mathematics, where your information will be stored.

You only have to do this once at the beginning of the PhD programme.

Commitment Document
Activities Document
 Code of Good Practice 
Research Plan

The Code of Good Practice is a set of recommendation and commitments that acts as a guide to PhD candidates in their joint situation as postgraduate students and trainee researchers.

The UAB is committed to the objective of achieving excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer, and supports the development and use of learning methodologies adapted to each stage.

The School for Doctoral Studies, as an integral part of the UAB, subscribes to that commitment and sets it out in the code of good practice, which is understood as a code of values and principles that inspire its activities and adhered to by all those taking part in them. It should therefore be understood that the School for Doctoral Studies has an internal set of rules including the rights and responsibilities of the supervisors, academic tutors and PhD candidates.

You must sign this code of good practice once you have been admitted to the PhD programme and no later than three months after admission (download here the signature form).

Signature Form Code of Good Practice
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PhD in Mathematics
Departament de Matemàtiques
Edifici C Facultat de Ciències
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 11 37
FAX +34 93 581 27 90






2024 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona