Research groups

In the Department of Mathematics, research is conducted by research groups formed by members of the Department.
  More information
Complex and Harmonic Analysis Group
Head researcher: Joan Mateu
Stochastic Analysis Group (www)
Head researcher: Frederic Utzet.
UAB Low-Dimensional Discrete Dynamics Group (www)
Head researcher: Lluís Alsedà
Partial Differential Equations and Applications Group (www)
Head researcher: Àngel Calsina
Advanced Statistical Modelling Group
Head researcher: Pere Puig
Differential Geometry Group
Head researcher: Marcel Nicolau
Ring Theory Group
Head researcher: Pere Ara
Barcelona Algebraic Topology Group (GTAB) (www)
Head researcher: Jaume Aguadé
UAB Dynamic Systems Group (GSD-UAB) (www)
Head researcher: Jaume Llibre
Theory of Functions Group
Head researcher: Joaquim Bruna
Number Theory and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry Group
Head researcher: Enric Nart
Research Group in Mathematical Modelling and Applications (GRAMM)
Head researcher: Aureli Alabert(www)
Research Group in Geometrical Methods in Group Theory
Coordinator: Warren Dicks
PhD in Surgery and Morphological Sciences PhD in Surgery and Morphological Sciences


UAB Divulga UAB Divulga. Science Journal


Libraries of the UAB Web of the Libraries of the UAB


Parc de Recerca Transference of technology and knowledgement of the UAB


Theses in the network The PhD theses of the catalan universities


Finantial aids, grants and calls More Information



Department of Mathematics
Building C Science Faculty
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)
TEL +34 93 581 13 04
FAX +34 93 581 27 90





2025 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona