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New Awards for Final Degree Projects Promoting Social Transformation

Premis TFG amb perspectiva de gènere 2021

Once again this year, the UAB will be awarding prizes for Final Degree Projects (TFG) carried out by university students and which promote social change. There are three different calls, which will be open from 1 July to 29 October 2021.


The UAB will award the TFGs of the 2020/21 academic year which have focused on topics related to social transformation. There will be three calls: one for projects with a gender perspective, another for those dealing with sustainable development and global justice, and a third for those carried out using the Service-Learning methodology. The calls are opened from 1 July to 29 October 2021.


Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice

The 5th edition of the Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice has been announced. This initiative by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, with the support of Barcelona City Council, is part of the UAB’s contribution to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, and aims to promote interest in research on sustainable development and global justice. The projects eligible for this award can deal with topics such as climate change, human rights, citizenship, culture of peace, social economy, migration, community health, and waste management, among others. With a total prize of €1000, each of the best final degree projects in each field of knowledge will receive the amount of €250.

Rules and registration forms:


Final Degree Projects with a Gender Perspective

The Observatory for Equality, in collaboration with the Catalan Women’s Institute (ICD), announces these awards to raise awareness among students about gender equality and non-discrimination by promoting their interest on research. Projects applying gender perspective in the approach to the researched phenomenon are eligible for these awards. Gender perspective is understood as a critical approach to any phenomenon that reveals, makes visible, analyses or tackles gender and LGBTI inequalities, including the social and cultural institutions that sustain them. The award will consist of a diploma for each of the authors of the winning projects for each degree, and the publication of the projects on the Observatory’s website.

Rules and registration forms:


Final Degree Projects with an ApS Methodology

The ApS (Service-Learning) Office, managed by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, will award the best Final Degree Projects that address the needs and challenges of civil society, in collaboration with social and environmental organisations, or public centres and institutions, within the framework of the University’s social commitment to its environment. This award aims to recognise projects that have been carried out using the ApS methodology in order to offer a real service to the community. Applicants must send a short video justifying how the fact of having carried out a TFG in ApS methodology has enriched their professional outlook. The prize is also €1000, which will be distributed among the four best projects, one for each area of knowledge.

Rules and registration forms: