"Màquina Climàtica" exhibition in Barcelona shows the importance of the greenhouse effect
The exhibition, with an important involvement by the ICTA-UAB Sostenipra group, will be on display at the Parc de la Ciutadella's Hivernacle from 7 June to 8 December. The exhibition aims to raise awareness of the fact that, despite there being life on the planet thanks to the greenhouse effect, human actions are affecting its balange and creating a climate change of gave consequences.
Through the history and function of greenhouses, and more specifically of the Parc de la Ciutadella Hivernacle, or greenhouse, the exhibition aims to raise awareness about the fact that, although our planet has life thanks to the greenhouse effect, which regulates temperatures and makes the Earth habitable, human action is altering its balance and generating a climate change with serious consequences. Greenhouses are also emerging as spaces of the future for sustainable and local food.
The “Màquina Climàtica” exhibition has included the participation of the research group Sostenipra of ICTA-UAB, which provided the content and the plants, tomato plants, for the greenhouse. In a journey through the past and future of greenhouses, the exhibition explores what greenhouses are and how they work, what the greenhouse effect is and its relationship with climate change.
Divided into three parts, the exhibition proposes to unite knowledge and art, with an audiovisual on the greenhouse effect and an artistic work that highlights the behavioural changes caused by climate change, to call for action in defense of the environment. It also shows how greenhouses are a commitment of many cities to promote sustainable food, with experiences from around the world and also those from our closest environment. The production of food in greenhouses allowsproducing on site, without the need to establish it in a specific space or generate a carbon footprint due to transport, and with a very low water consumption.
The exhibition, organised by the Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens, can be visited from 7 June to 8 December 2024 in the Hivernacle of the Parc de la Ciutadella.
The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable cities and communities
Climate action