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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"El color del azafrán" stars young members of the L'Estel de Terrassa foundation

02 Apr 2024
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The inclusive theatre company “Dieguitos y Mafaldas”, made up of young performing arts students and members of the L'Estel de Terrassa foundation, performed Lucena Fernández's “El color del azafrán” at the UAB Theatre Hall. 

el color del azafran

The UAB dedicates this 2023/24 academic year to mental health, with the aim of destigmatising mental health problems and helping people acquire the tools they need to recover and improve their quality of life. Several activities are being offered throughout the year under this year's slogan: "La salut mental està en joc #guanyemlapartida" [Mental Health at Stake, Let's Win the Match].  

The theatre group belonging to the Associació Estel, an association in support of people in risk of social exclusion, made up of people with intellectual disabilities, ended their cultural programme for the month of March on Tuesday 19 March in the UAB Theatre Hall with the play “El color del azafrán” by Lucena Fernández, and scripted and staged by Guifré Baró. The play is based on en exchange between the fiction and reality of different stages in life: childhood, maturity and old age. 

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced inequalities
