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Palau de la Música to hold the UAB's 50th anniversary concert

The concert, which was celebrated on 19 May at the Palau de la Músic Catalana, commemorated 50 years since the founding of the UAB. The interactive video of the concert in 360º can already be viewed, with performances by the UAB Orchestra and Choir, accompanied by Marc Timón, and the girl's and children's choirs of the Orfeó Català. The full concert can also be viewed here


On 19 May, in celebration of the UAB's 50th anniversary, the Palau de la Música held a concert attended by 1,500 people. A fragment of the recital, starring the UAB Orchestra and Choir, together with Marc Timón, and the girls' and children's choirs of the Orfeó Català, in an interactive video recorded at the Palau de la Música Catalana in 360º. You can also watch the full concert here

During the first part of the concert, the audience was able to enjoy two pieces interpreted by the Orfeó Català's children's choir and girls' choir, all members of the Orfeó Català's youth academy. Following their performance, director, composer and UAB journalism alumni Marc Timón offered the cantata El secret de les coses. A representation of the hymn Hör mein Bitten, by Felix Mendelssohn, was then offered by the UAB Orchestra.

One of the concert's objectives was to demonstrate the university's commitment to culture, as well as reflect upon its trajectory and role in social transformation. It also aimed to acknowledge the vast amount of work done by the founding generations, who have handed down their legacy to today's generation.

Aid to Refugee Students

All profits went to funding the #UABRefugi grants, an initiative aimed at promoting access to university for students who are now refugees.

As part of the refugee shelter programme at the UAB, led by the UAB's Solidarity Foundation, this strategy aims to facilitate the access and continuation of higher education studies for university students who forced to flee their country, were also forced to abandon their studies. From a human rights perspective, the university is seen as an inclusive agent and a key element of social transformation which contributes to the improvement of shelter and inclusion processes for people seeking refuge.

The UAB Orchestra

The UAB Orchestra was born in 1997 under the direction of Joan Casals and with the intention of creating a common space for students to share musical ideas. Since 2001, Jesús Badia is the orchestra's director, a rigorous professional in music and style, as well as a firm believer in the orchestra's human capital. Many pieces of the repetoire are similar to Classicism, but the orchestra also interprets many pieces ranging from Baroque to modern music. 

The UAB Choir

The UAB Choir was born in 1982, created by Baltasar Plans, the choir's first director. In 2002 the UAB Aula de Música was created and Poire Vallvé became its director. The ensemble often interprets newly created pieces and in several occasions it has been in charge of primiering contemporary pieces in collaboration with young composers from the ESMUC music school and other musical groups and institutions.



Traditional pieces from around the world.
Cor Jove de l’Orfeó Català
Esteve Nabona, director.

Choral repetoire from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Cor de Noies de l’Orfeó Català
Josep Surinyac, piano. Buia Reixach i Feixes, director.


Universitas. Poire Vallvé, poem by Rafael Simó.
UAB Choir
Poire Vallvé, director. Maika Casalí, deputy director.
UAB Orchestra and members of the Vallès Symphonic Orchestra
Jesús Badia, director

El secret de les coses. Marc Timón.
UAB Choir
Poire Vallvé, director. Maika Casalí, deputy director.
UAB Orchestra and members of the Vallès Symphonic Orchestra
Jesús Badia, director. Marc Timón, director


Hör mein Bitten. Himne MWV 49. Felix Mendelssohn.
Tutti (all choirs and orchestras)
Clara Florit, soprano soloist
Joan Casals, organ