
Ciència i emprenedoria en femení

Leading research experts meet at the UAB campus for "Science and Entrepreneurship in Feminine"

On 18 November at 9:30 a.m. the offices of the Vice Rector for Innovation and Strategic Projects and the Vice Rector for Students and Employability organise a "Science and Entrepreneurship in Feminine" seminar to raise awareness of women standing out in innovation and entrepreneurship at the UAB campus, and provide specific resources for women interested in innovating and/or becoming entrepreneurs. The session will be held in the UAB Theatre Hall.

Escena de La Gata Perduda

The opera La gata perduda, result of the Traction project with UAB involvement

The Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona recently premiered La gata perduda, a participative opera in which neighbours and entities from the Raval district in Barcelona were the actors. The opera is the result of the Traction project, focused on opera as a social transformation through audiovisual art and emerging technologies; a project in which the UAB research group TransMedia Catalonia also participated.

Grup de Recerca en Biosensors i Bioanàlisi IBB-UAB

UAB to design a biosensor to stratify the severity of fever in children

Researchers from the Biosensors and Bioanalysis group at the IBB, led by María Isabel Pividori, will work on the development and validation of a tool to quickly and easily measure biomarkers of fever severity in children, with the aim of increasing child survival globally. The research will be carried out within the framework of the recently launched European project EChiLiBRiST.