Administrative structure
Area of action

Centre administrator: Anna Barragán Leiva
Basic administrative structure offering support to academic teaching and basic research conducted at the centre.
The centre administrator is responsible for the management of university services, its administration and services staff and for the management of the territorial budget conferred onto the centre by the university’s executive administrator.
The centre administrator is not allowed to carry out any teaching or research activities.
Centre Administrator: Anna Barragán
Secretary: Olvido Espés
Telephone: 93 581 19 46 / 93 581 31 43
E-mail address:
Academic Administration Office: Josep Maria Campuzano Puntí
Telephone: 93 581 37 10
E-mail address:
Economic Management: Lourdes Collazos
Telephone: 93 581 37 26
E-mail address:
IT Support: Carmen Pechoabierto
Telephone: 93 581 32 46
E-mail address:
Information Point (SLIPI): José Manuel Castellano
Telephone: 93 581 27 64
E-mail address:
Science and Technology Library: Montserrat Mallorquí
Telephone: 93 581 10 86
E-mail address:
Building Maintenance: Pere Jornet
Telephone: 93 581 30 44
E-mail address:
Quality Management: Teresa Badia Ricart
Telephone: 93 581 40 94
E-mail address:
The Faculty of Biosciences is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The faculty closes during winter and spring break. There may be variations in the opening hours in the months of July and August. Please check the website for more information.