Mendeley Institutional

Mendeley is a reference manager, an academic social network and a scientific literature collaborative catalog. It allows to manage your research, showcase your work, connect and collaborate with over six million researchers worldwide.

Mendeley allows you:
  • Generate bibliographies automatically.
  • Find relevant documents of your areas of interest.
  • Easily import documents from other platforms.
  • Collaborate easily with other online users.
  • Access your documents from anywhere via web.

Mendeley combines a desktop version (Mendeley Desktop) with a web version (Mendeley Web), which must be synchronized.

The UAB offers access to Mendeley Institutional to its community members.

  1. Go to Mendeley via our ARE service:
  2. Log in with your own NIU and password
  3. At Mendeley web, you must choose 2 options:
    • 3a. If you don’t have any Mendeley account, choose the option Create an account and fill out the form with your personal and academic data
    • 3b. If you have a free Mendeley account and you want to upgrade it to Mendeley Institutional Edition, you must choose the option Sign in with the username and password of your free account
  4. Being connected via our ARE service, Mendeley automatically detects that you have the institutional benefits
  5. Check at that your account is Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE)
  6. From now on, you can access to your Mendeley account from anywhere with the MIE benefits

  7. This access will lasts for one year. During this year you can enjoy the advantages of your MIE account signing in directly at

  8. At the end of this year, you will receive an e-mail suggesting you that, if you are still members of UAB community, you should renew your institutional access. To achieve this, you must access to your Mendeley account via our ARE service again, and the renovation will be done automatically

100 GB capacity - 1000 private groups - 100 members in each group

If you need training about Mendeley, contact with your library via this form