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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB offers a double master's degree in law with the Renmin University of China

11 Nov 2014
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The double master's degree in European and Chinese law is offered under the UAB master's degree in European Integration at the Faculty of Law of the UAB and at the Renmin University of China (RUC).
UAB-RUC Double Master's Degree in European and Chinese Law
UAB-RUC Double Master's Degree in European and Chinese Law

Two Chinese students are already participating in the double master's degree in European and Chinese Law offered jointly by the UAB and Renmin University (RUC), and will go on to earn corresponding diplomas in European Integration by the UAB and the Juris Master and LLM Program in Chinese Law by the RUC. a These two prestigious diplomas include the Diploma Supplement which specifies their recognition by the European Commission, the European Council and the UNESCO.

Given the differences in structure of the two academic programmes, this double master's degree consists of a total of three years for Chinese students and a total of two years for UAB students. In the case of RUC students, the first and third years are spent in China and the second in the UAB; those studying at the UAB spend their first year at the UAB and the second in China. All students work on one final master thesis which is co-directed by professors of both universities.

A joint committee manages the double master's degree and each student is assigned a tutor who assists them while they are at their host university. They also help with the procedures in administrative processes, in searching for housing and learning local languages. Two students from each university participate in each edition of the master's degree.

In accordance with the languages in which the lectures are given, this double master's degree is aimed at UAB students with a high level of English and RUC students with a high level of Spanish. A personal interview must also be passed to be admitted as a candidate.

The creation of a double master's degree was possible thanks to the agreement signed between Ferran Sancho, Rector of the UAB, and Chen Yulu, President of RUC. The joint master's degree also part of the framework of the Ortelius Programme, a platform created to share and design joint academic programmes in which the UAB acts as a liaison between East Asia and Latin America. The UAB has launched this programme with the support of Banco Santander through its Santander Universities Global Division.

As part of the UAB internationalisation process, in October 2014 new agreements were signed with two Chinese institutions: one with one of the most prestigious universities in China, the Fudan University Law School of Shanghai, aimed at fostering exchanges between undergraduate and graduate students; and another with the Fudan Shanghai Institute of Lawyers, aimed at offering continuing education to lawyers.

More information:
Official UAB Master's Degree in European Integration
Renmin University of China (RUC)
