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UAB Christmas Concerts

Imatge Concert tonadillas

On 19 and 21 December, the UAB will host concerts organised by Cultura en Viu, and by the UAB faculties and schools.


The first concert, to be held on 19 December, is organised by Cultura en Viu and will be held at the UAB Theatre Hall (Plaça Cívica), with performances by the UAB Choir, Chamber Choir and Orchestra. The concert, directed by Poire Vallvé, is entitled Un pont d’esperança [A Bridge of Hope] and will include pieces by Orlande de Lassus, Thomas Tallis, Zoltán Kodály, Sabariego, Paul Simon, Freddie Mercury, and George and Ira Gershwin.

The second Christmas Concert, which this year marks its sixth edition, is organised by the UAB teaching centres and will be held on 21 December at the UAB Auditorium. It will include the performance of Les Fourchettes, a vocal quartet from Barcelona formed by Paula Sánchez-Valverde, Elia Piera, Eulàlia Rosa and Elena Ribera. The quartet will offer a repetoire that pays tribute to female vocal quartets from the 1950s and 1960s and at the same time vindicate the figure of the barber's shop quartet, traditionally a male quartet singing anything from jazz standards to modern pop rock songs. To attend please fill out this form.