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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB to take part in a European project on SDGs and emotional intellgence

23 Jan 2024
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The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is one of the European universities involved in a new project entitled "Building a Comprehensive Educational Ecosystem for Sustainable Development Goals (EDU4SDG)".

Imatge de la reunió europea
Primera reunió dels integrants del projecte la ciutat de Lódz (Polònia)

This initiative under the Erasmus+ programme was launched in October 2023 and will be operating until September 2026. The first reunion took place in the city of Lódz, Poland, this past November. Its objective consists in fostering the contributions of higher education to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by working on emotional intelligence and preparing those interested in becoming agents of change at universities.

It is addressed to students, academics and administration staff, heads of education centres and also people outside of the university sector interested in improving their SDG-related skills, in addition to expanding their professional experience and meeting the needs of the current labour market.

Different seminars will be conducted, such as one entitled "Working with Emotions", a board game will be created to foster the development of emotional intelligence, as well as an online platform called SDG Knowledge Hub with different resources to learn about aspects related to the SDGs and emotional intelligence, and there will also be a summer school called EQ = Social Responsibility in Riga, Latvia, apart from many other activities.

The project is funded by the European Commission (Erasmus+ Programme) and coordinated by the Lódz University of Technology, Poland; with the collaboration of the UAB, the Welfare and Benefit Association (ABD), Spain; the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities, Germany; Team Coaching, Poland; and the Riga Technical Universita, Latvia.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality education
  • Partnerships for the goals
