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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB conducted over 80 urban planning interventions on campus over the summer

08 Sep 2022
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During the summer months, the UAB conducted over 80 interventions to restructure and improve several campus areas, more than double the interventions conducted last year. In addition to the new bus stops located on the Central Axis, lecture halls have also been remodeled, new more isolating and sustainable windows have been installed, and a new high performance boiler room was created, as well as changes in lighting and library spaces which have now been turned into multipurpose areas.

Durant l'estiu s'han fet més de 80 actuacions en l'interior i l'exterior dels edificis.

These changes on campus respond to the need of finding new ways of using multipurpose areas, improving energy efficiency, comfort and habitability, increasing security and access to campus, and repairing and renewing teaching and research facilities, as well as improving outdoor spaces.

They form part of the UAB 2022 University Investment Plan, which has a larger budget this year: a total of 6.7 million euros, representing 40% more money invested than last year.

The most visible changes are in the Central Axis, where a new centralised bus stop for interurban bus lines has been built, as well as a roundabout and improvements to the riverbank right in front of the new bus stop.

The asphalt was also renewed, as well as the sidewalks near the Cases Sert and the access from the Plaça Cívica to the northern part of the campus was also improved. The main ramp to the Faculty of Medicine was also repaired and lights fixed on Avinguda Domènech.

With regards to indoor spaces, the Aulari Central 
(10 halls) were completely renovated and some library spaces were turned into multipurpose and teaching rooms. Two lifts and three escalators were also installed. In accordance with the safety regulations, two fire protection systems were installed in two corridors, and old windows were changed for more functional and sustainable ones. The floors in the changing rooms of the Servei d'Activitat Física (SAF) were cahnges and the exterior walls of the B5-B7 and M3 towers were also redone, as well as 15 central cooling systems located in different buildings. The dissections room was also fully renovated and a high performance boiler room was built.
