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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

New web page gives support to research accreditation and evaluation

05 Sep 2022
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The UAB Library Service has renewed the web page providing support to Research Accreditation and Evaluation, SAAR (Suport a l’Acreditació i Avaluació de la Recerca), by updating the design and organisation of its contents.


In 2012, the Web de Suport a l’Acreditació i Avaluació de la Recerca (SAAR) was launched to help researchers fill out the accreditation and evaluation forms requested by the ANECA, AQU and CNEAI agencies.

SAAR also collects the main quality indicators used to evaluate researchers’ scientific output (Impact Factor, quartile, Eigenfactor, H Index, etc.) as well as the main information resources offering these quality indicators.

In the past few years, the UAB Library Service has been working on the total renovation of this tool, reorganising all contents to offer a new versatile and modern platform. Thus, the new SAAR interface accessible at www.uab.cat/biblioteques/acreditacio is being launched this 2022 and offers all the information about the criteria to evaluate the scientific output required by the programmes:

-    ANECA – PEP
-    AQU - Accreditations
-    AQU – Research merits 

It includes information on the last 9 calls of these agencies for all subject areas, and 92 templates have been created in order to help researchers find the information necessary for the evaluation of their scientific output.

SAAR is still offering all the specific indicators required for each agency in all subject areas and shows which are the main information resources offering these quality indicators; this web page also offers a link to the official agencies to obtain the accreditation.

The new SAAR, organised with an intuitive structure, will help PDI members easily find the information thanks to the interconnection of the different platform sections. The UAB Library Service will update periodically this tool to adapt the information to all the new requirements and resources which may arise in the research accreditation and evaluation area.

Since its launch in 2012, SAAR has been a very well valued resource by the UAB's researchers, and it has been helpful as a supporting tool for the assessment service offered by the UAB libraries.

We hope that this new SAAR we launch today will be a useful and reliable tool, as well as agile and intuitive, for all the university's PDI members.

We encourage you to visit this platform at www.uab.cat/biblioteques/acreditacio! And... we hope you enjoy using it!

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  • Quality education
