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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Experts in global justice to train UAB teaching staff

19 Sep 2023
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The second edition of the Seminars in Education for a Global Justice is an initiative by the Fundació Autònoma Solidària (UAB) in colaboration with the Universidad de Antioquia (UDEA) in Medellín, Colombia, and is aimed at UAB lecturers interested in learning about this subject.

2a edició seminari EpJG

The aim of these webinars is to co-construct a joint, integrated and diverse vision of Education for Global Justice (EfGJ) at the University. They are conceived as both educational and reflective spaces, with presentations by experts from partner universities, as well as from other universities around the world. Through critical and constructive dialogue, the EpJG paradigm will be grounded and developed in the university sphere.

During the seminars, which will take place on Tuesdays in October from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., the following topics will be addressed:

  • 4 October: Universitats Refugi: Experiències educatives d’acollida acadèmica de persones desplaçades forçosament. Seminar conducted by Mariana Almeida, researcher in International Relations at the Universidade Federal do ABC (Brazil); Marta Batalla Calavia, technician of the Refugee Welcome Programme at the UAB; Ivan Marí Maldonado, researcher in Anthropology at the UAB; José Castro, from the Institute of Political Studies of the UdeA, Colombia and coordinator of the Committee of Truth (Eje Cafetero/Antioquia). Moderated by: Júlia Pírez, coordinator of the Cooperation and Education for Global Justice area of the FAS.
  • 10 October: Ciutadania  global o ciutadania intercultural? Oportunitats de revisió amb perspectiva decolonial en la internacionalització de les universitats. Seminar conducted by Laura García Restrepo, Academic Coordinator of the Office of International Relations of the UdeA, Colombia; Emilia Cristina González Machado, researcher in Intercultural Paedogogy at the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico; Marisela Montenegro, lecturer and researcher in Psychology and Social Anthropology, UAB, and coordinator of the project Bridges (Building Inclusive Societies: Diversifying Knowledge and Tackling Discrimination through Civil Society Participation in Universities). Moderated by: Natalia Duque Cardona, lecturer and researcher of the Universidad de Antioquia.
  • 17 October: La universitat com a agent de construcció de pau. La promoció de la construcció i cultura de pau des de les universitats públiques. Seminar conducted by Hugo Buitrago Montoya, Director of the Special Peace Unit at the Universidad de Antioquia; Esperanza Milena Torres Madroñero, researcher in peacebuilding, narratives and media at the UdeA; Maria Villellas Ariño, researcher in armed conflicts and peacebuilding from a gender perspective at the School for a Culture of Peace, UAB. Moderated by: Marta Batalla Calavia, Fundació Autònoma Solidària.
  • 24 October: Llenguatges artístics en l’abordatge de migracions i drets humans. L’ús de les arts en l’abordatge dels Drets Humans, fenomens migratoris i interculturalitat a la universitat. Seminar conducted by Maria Cristina Álvarez, lecturer at the Inter-American School of Bibliotechnology (UdeA); José Bolívar Duran, lawyer specialising in human rights and peace studies, musical analyst and community educator; Camilo Durango, anthropologist and General Coordinator of the CEPELA network. Director of the Festival Selva Adentro; Eddy Yazmin Laverde, educator and cultural manager, playwright, and activist of the Abya Yala group, and researcher at the UAB. Moderated by: Hilda Mar Rodríguez Gómez, lecturer and researcher at the Universidad de Antioquia.

For UAB teaching staff, participation in these seminars can be recognised through the UAB Training and Professional Development Unit, and participants will also receive a certificate of participation from FAS/UAB and UdeA.

Fore more information and to register to attend, please contact fas.educacio.global@uab.cat

Full programme
