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Delegates’ training is now online

Formació delegats onlin. Abril 2020

Today, Tuesday 31st March, begins the period for delegates to start online training about the rector’s election day, that will take place on May 2020.


Delegates' training sessions programmed for April 2020 have been suspended due to the cease of university activity announced on March 16th. However, Community Involvement Unit has been working to offer an online session about rector’s election day on May 2020.

Delegates’ training program offers various monographic sessions on topics of interest for delegates throughout the academic year. Therefore, delegates that have been elected for the first time attend to different sessions than delegates who have been reelected. On the first semester, Community Involvement unit offered training sessions about the academic evaluation surveys or job opportunities at UAB, for instance. 

This extraordinary online training consists on a quiz about rector’s election day that aims at reinforcing autonomous work and research abilities, both basic skills for delegates to perform their task. The quiz can be accessed by delegates of all profiles from March 31st to April 13th on Delegate’s Moodle.