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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Artist Rosa Llop to conduct artistic and educational actions as part of the Interstice project

25 Jan 2022
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On 25 January, artist Rosa Llop began her collaboration with the European Interstice project, coordinated by the UAB: she will conduct a collective thinking exercise on the representation of time in a school, an art centre, and finally, at the Faculty of Education, with the objective of diluting art and education to the point in which it gives way to a new educational paradigm.


Towards the end of February, artist Rosa Llop will visit the Faculty of Education to train students in the specialisation of Art of the bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education + Primary Education, with the pedagogical material being prepared by the Interstice.

During the months of January and February, different artistic and educational actions will be conducted under the framework of the European project Interstice, which is coordinated by the UAB. The actions will take place at the Josep Maria de Sagarra school in Barcelona, under the guidance of Rosa Llop, resident artist of the Espai C project.

The first session, on 25 January, took place at the Espai C centre of the Josep Maria de Sagarra school. 

The second session, to take place on Thursday 10 February, will be conducted at the Hangar- Centre for art research and production, where artist Rosa Llop is resident. There, she will conduct an action forming part of the Interstice project, with the same pupils from the Josep Maria Sagarra school. Rosa Llop, in collaboration with Giulia Deval, will conduct a collective thinking exercise related to the representations of time. Through non-discursive languages, such as images, graphs and sound, the pupils will reflect upon the policies implied in the modern representations of time and propose new completely independent representations from a multi-species perspective.

The objective is not only to go to schools and work with pupils there and help them discover some of the artists' conceptual strategies, but also to bring schools to artistic centres, and make these centres become educational centres.

Following these first sessions, towards the end of February, the same artist will visit the UAB Faculty of Education to train students enrolled in the Arts specialisation of the bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education + Primary Education, with pedagogical material being prepared by the Interstice project.

In the future, these same university students will visit the school with the artist and train the school staff.

According to Gemma París, coordinator of Plastic Arts at the Faculty of Education and researcher at the Organisational Development Research and Studies Centre, "the idea is that the frontiers between art and education should become diluted, and learning processes should be mutual between artists, teachers and those studying education".
