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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

12 students work anti-racist messages through theatre

27 Nov 2014
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Cultura en Viu, the Observatory for Equality, the Community Involvement Programme and the UAB Solidarity Foundationproposed this activity to channel the force of the stage language, which is critical, reflective, educative, dialectic, artistic, attractive and expansive, and thus promote and spread the anti-racist message.
This activity had the participation of 12 students from different UAB faculties and took place on 24 November at the UAB Theatre from 5 pm to 6:45 pm. This initiative by the educational cultural association P11 Cultura en Accióis part of a theatrical production projectthrough a participative process by the artistic team of the project, social entities and cultural and young spaces from Barcelona. The objective of the project is not the final result, but the participative process in which the creation of the show is an objective per se. Every step of the process is an objective needed to make a critical and sensitive work towards the reality.

The activity started with the representation of 5 scenes of racist attitudes. All of them were about 3 main characters (a woman, her son and a Russian caregiver). The son is friends with his grandfather's caregiver, who comes from Russia, a relationship that his mother does not approve. The scenes produced reflection about the mother's rejection and concern, and how these feelings have an impact on the son. Once the 5 scenes had been played, a member of the company tried to make students participate and give their opinion about the situations experienced by the characters. When the activity ended, the characters answered the questions of the public, which was useful to understand each other's point of view and reflect on the suitability of their actions. Finally, the company members asked to propose an alternative ending.

The result will be a theatrical performance by the association addressed to young people and it will take place at Can Felipa (Barcelona) on 29 January with the objective of pointing out the prejudices and the discriminatory, racist and xenophobic situations in a critical way.
As the creators of the project explain "racism is a social problem that affects many people, who see their honour attacked in their daily lives because of their origin, skin colour, ethnic group, culture, religion, among others". This is why we need "to work to end with racism and xenophobia by educating in human rights and social cohesion and highlight the value of being a rich society in diversity and consolidate a cohesive city".
