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Vice Rector Màrius Martínez inaugurates the UAB Barcelona Summer School

Auditori de lletres. Inauguració del 1r període de la UAB Summer School

Over 250 from 22 different nationalities have signed up for the first period of this year's UAB Barcelona Summer School. This latest edition includes a dual modality with both face-to-face and virtual subjects. Students can still sign up to the second period, which will begin in July and offers a total of 11 subjects.


Màrius Martínez, Vice Rector for International Relations, welcomed students participating in the UAB Barcelona Summer School at an event which took place on 21 June at 9 a.m., in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. It was also streamed live and will be available on the Community Involvement Unit's YouTube channel.

Vice Rector Martínez pointed out the opportunity for freign students to take face-to-face subjects and “enjoy the campus and face-to-face interactions”. Martínez also advised them to “make the most of this opportunity, to meet new people, network and work hard”.

The academic coordinator of the UAB Barcelona Summer School, Graham Mortyn, was in charge of explaining the methodology used in this year's edition, both in the first and second period, which will begin on 12 July, and will combine face-to-face with virtual subjects.

Following, Aida Plata from the Community Involvement Unit (Dinamització Comunitària) spoke on the Buddy Programme, in which local students accompany newcomers. The Community Involvement Unit also organises several activities, both virtual and on-site, which will take place after classes with the objective of enjoying spaces and meeting people from other nationalities and practicing languages.

Vice Rector Màrius Martínez ended the event with a short speech in which he encouraged students to make the most out of their stay and discover Barcelona while taking all necessary safety measures.

Summer Schol's Second Period

The subjects offered in the second period of the UAB Barcelona Summer School, which will begin on 12 July, are still open for those interested in signing up. Students can choose from 11 subjects offered online and face-to-face, and ranging from geography of East Asia to advanced programming and innovation and entrepreneurship.

For more information please visit: UAB Barcelona Summer School

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