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Emigra to present a project on early school leaving

Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
A research project funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission focuses on early school leaving. On 17 January, the results of this project will be presented in a seminar organised by the UAB group Emigra at the auditorium (Sala d'Actes) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.


On 17 January the UAB Migrations, Education and Childhood Research Group (Emigra) will host a seminar entitled "L'abandonament escolar prematur a Catalunya en el context europeu", in which researchers will be presenting the results of the project Reducing Early School Leaving in Europe (2013-2018), funded by the 7th Framework Programme. The session will begin at 9:15 a.m. at the auditorium (Sala d'Actes) of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

At 10 a.m., after the institutional welcome and presentation of the project, there will be the first session on students and teachers ("L'alumnat i el professorat: percepcions i perspectives") to discuss the trends identified in a sample of 35 centres of the Vallès Occidental and Maresme regions, with special focus on migrant students. Later, at 11:30 a.m., the second session ("Les mesures: prevenció, intervenció, compensació") will focus on secondary school centres and compensatory education programmes. Finally, at 12:30 a.m., the third part of the meeting, entitled "La situació de Catalunya en el context europeu", will discuss the diversity in incidence and problematics of early school leaving, as well as recommendations and action proposals for education and accompaniment policies. The meeting will end at 1:30 p.m.

The EU's Top Priority

Early school leaving is considered the most relevant indicator of risk of exclusion among young people and ending this is the European Union's top priority for this age group. In Catalonia and in the rest of Spain, the index of early school leaving is elevated, approximately 20% among local students and up to 30% for migrant students.

In addition to the study conducted with over 3,500 students and 500 teachers from 35 centres of the Vallès Occidental and Maresme regions, the project was also conducted in all secondary schools in Sabadell, with funding by the Barcelona Provincial Council.

More information: "L'Abandonament Escolar Prematur a Catalunya en el context europeu" Research Seminar