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4th Conference on Bioethics

To be held in Madrid on 17 and 18 November 2017, at the Salón Ernest Lluch of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.


This year the leitmotif is the "European Regulations on Data Protection, Big Data and Evaluation of Health-Care Technologies", dealing with interesting and highly topical issues that will no doubt provoke debate in view of their importance in science research.

Part of the conference will be devoted to the phenomenon of Big Data: analysing the usefulness of this technology for processing large volumes of clinical data for health research. The aim is to propose and discuss new ways to further knowledge in biomedicine and how to implement these while at the same time ensuring that research is ethical and responsible, and that privacy and data protection are given due attention.

There will be a session on the Oviedo Agreement (on human rights and biomedicine), coinciding with its 20th anniversary, to review its impact on legislation and ethical guidelines, and to identify and study the challenges that technological advances in biomedicine could pose to the ethical framework of the Agreement.

The programme also includes the presentation of the new European rules on research with health-care products and medical devices, with the participation of experts on these subjects from Spain and elsewhere in Europe.

More information on the website: