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MOBINT MIF Grants 2024-2025
On September 9, Resolution REU/3220/2024, of August 30, is published in the DOGC, which opens the call for grants for international mobility of students with...
The UAB to dedicate this academic year to raising awareness on the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption
The University will dedicate the new academic year on raising awareness about the need to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Under the slogan “Reduce the use of...
Welcome sessions for international students
In September, the International Support Service of the UAB is organising welcome sessions for the international students enrolling in bachelor’s and master’s...
The UAB Research Ethics Committee celebrates its 30th anniversary
The UAB is organising an event to commemorate thirty years since the founding of the UAB Research Ethics Committee (CERec)—previously known as the Ethics...
The UAB approves the 1st Plan for Gender Equality in Labour Matters
The first UAB Gender Equality Plan for Labour Matters (I PIGML) is the document resulting from the negotiation process between the representatives of the...
Aeronautic Management students can obtain private pilot license simultaneously with their studies
UAB Rector Javier Lafuente and President of the Aeroclub Barcelona-Sabadell (ACBS) Joan Nogueroles signed today a collaboration agreement that will allow...
Campus Ítaca comes to an end and students are encouraged to continue studying after secondary school
The 21st edition of the Campus Ítaca ended yesterday with the closing ceremony of the second round, which took place simultaneously in the conference hall of...
Frequently Asked Questions during the vacation period
The Area for International Relations manages the administration and logistics side of the exchange programme and the reception of the international...
The Vives Network of Universities awards a gold medal to Gemma Rigau
Gemma Rigau, honorary lecturer in the Department of Catalan Studies at the UAB, received the Gold Medal of the Vives Network of Universities at a ceremony...