The UAB to create the Artistic Heritage Campus to research and promote the cultural capital of Catalonia's museums
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has launched its Artistic Heritage Campus, an initiative that will provide a stable collaboration between the University and other institutions, centres and administrations managing Catalonia's artistic and cultural heritage.

The presentation of the Artistic Heritage Campus took place on 28 January at a ceremony held at the Museum of Art of Cerdanyola in the presence of Rosa Maria Sebastián, UAB Vice-Rector for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship; Carlos Cordón, Mayor of Cerdanyola del Vallès; and Margarita Freixas, Dean of the UAB Faculty of Arts & Humanities.
The new campus is a knowledge transfer tool that makes university research resources available to the surrounding areas, mainly to its museums and municipalities, to promote knowledge of tangible and intangible artistic heritage and to collaborate both in research and in the areas of teaching, management and dissemination.
It currently brings together 17 museums and institutions, a number that may increase in the future. Different UAB departments, three bachelor's degrees (Art History, Musicology and Humanities) and three master's degrees (Analysis and Management of Artistic Heritage; Musicology, Music Education and Interpretation of Early Music, and Digital Humanities and Heritage) are involved in the campus' activities; as well as research groups, centres and institutes that are also linked to the projects.
“The joint work of all these actors will favour thinking about research and heritage values in a multifaceted way, working aligned towards the objectives set, promoting the social value of this heritage and the recovery of historical memory, and creating synergies in the research of neighbouring museums,” says Carles Sánchez Márquez, professor in the Department of Art and Musicology and director of the Artistic Heritage Campus at the UAB.
One of the lines of work promoted by the Artistic Heritage Campus is the elaboration of final degree projects (TFG) and master's degree projects (TFM) focused on the study of topics related to the collections in museums and institutions that are part of the network.
In this sense, some works already conducted serve as examples of future projects. This is the case of the pilot project Arts in Health of the Museum of Terrassa, the exhibition on the artist Nazario “Art and dissidence in times of repression and liberation” of the Museum of Art of Cerdanyola, the round table “Heritage, health and welfare” at the UAB, and the contest ProjectAR-TE of exhibition projects of university students.
The UAB Artistic Heritage Campus is currently formed by the following museums and institutions:
- Museu Abelló, Mollet del Vallès
- Museu Arxiu Tomàs Balvey - Casal de Cultura Dr. Daurella, Cardedeu
- Fundació Hospital de l’Illa del Rei, Menorca
- Museu d’Art de Cerdanyola
- Museu del Càntir, Argentona
- Museu d’Arenys de Mar
- Museu Etnogràfic de Ripoll
- Museu d’Història de Sant Feliu de Guíxols
- Casa Museu Verdaguer, Folgueroles
- Museu de Terrassa
- Museu Diocesà de Barcelona
- Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer, Vilanova i la Geltrú
- Museu de Montserrat
- Museu Episcopal de Vic
- Reial Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi, Barcelona
- Museu Municipal de Llívia
- Museu d’Esplugues
UAB Artistic Heritage Campus webpage: