Crowdfunding to advance in the study of Homo sapiens Linya, the woman from the Noguera

Excavació de Linya, la dona de la Noguera

The UAB has begun a new crowdfunding campaign to advance in the research being conducted on Linya, the woman from Noguera, the Homo sapiens discovered by the research team from the Centre for Archaeological Heritage Studies (CEPArq) at the Cova Gran de Santa Linya (Les Avellanes, Lleida) in 2020.


“In archaeological fieldwork, we must recover even the tiniest archaeological remain, identify it and examine it. This takes a lot of time and also requires a great amount of analyticial studies, which means that many specialists from different fields are working to interpret the data we obtain”, explains Rafael Mora, professor of the Department of Prehistory and director of the CEPArq-UAB.

To be able to examine Linya in depth, the crowdfunding campaign aims to reach its goal of €20,000, which will cover the tasks that have been divided into five phases. The first, which will take place in June and July, focuses on field work conducted with the participation of some twenty specialists and students. In the second to fourth phases, the research team will examine the materials recovered during the dig, and this will help them in producing reports and academic papers, as well as stabilise and restore the archaeological remains, which will then be digitalised and further examined and distributed. The fifth and last phase will be centred on palaeoanthropological studies of the remains and the communication of research results in scientific journals.

Cova Gran de Santa Linya

Cova Gran de Santa Linya

The Department of Prehistory of the CEPArq-UAB has conducted archaeological digs at the Cova Gran de Santa Linya since 2002, where archaeologists have made important discoveries in addition to Linya, such as tools from the Azilian cultural period (15,000 years ago) or the confirmation of continuous presence of montane pine forests extending from the Pyrennees to the coastline some 50,000 to 15,000 years ago. The site has one of the most complete archaeological registries of Catalonia, reflecting the history of the past 50,000 years, with areas being occupied by both Neanderthals and modern humans.

Website of the crowdfunding campaign "Ajuda'ns a conèixer la Linya, la primera sapiens del Prepirineu":