The Way of the Carpenter: Tools and Japanese Architecture; amb el Prof. William H. Coaldrake (University of Tokyo)

Conferència organitzada per la Facultat de Traducció i Interpretació, el CERAO i el Grup de Recerca GREGAL de la UAB, amb el patrocini de Fundación Japón.


“The Way of the Carpenter: Tools and Japanese Architecture”
Prof. William H. Coaldrake (University of Tokyo)

In this lecture, Prof. Coaldrake will consider the Japan's "Way of the Carpenter," the tradition of the master builder, his materials, his methods & his tools. He will describe the venerable guild system through which, until very recently, the art & craft of Japanese architecture were cultivated, and he will discuss the interaction between tools, materials, & innovations in Japanese traditional architecture through the ages.

Llengua: anglès

Lloc i data: (11.00 – 13.00 hs.) aula 005, FTI