New online workshop on human rights, migration and asylum

Cartell del taller de Drets Humans, Migracions i Asil

The registration period for the new edition of the "Human Rights, Migration and Asylum Workshop", organized by the Refugee program on the migratory phenomenon and the protection of human rights, has opened.


This second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, the Refugee Program of the Autonomous Solidarity Foundation will hold an online workshop on Human Rights, Migration and Asylum aimed at undergraduate or master's degree students or people with an interest in the field of international protection and rights of migrants. Students from other universities can enroll.

The workshop is an interdisciplinary approach to the phenomenon of migration, forced displacement and international protection. From a human rights perspective, it will show what is happening at the borders and explore the structural causes of these migrations and the effects of current migration policies.

The course will consist of 7 participatory workshops, where through various geographical case studies, participants will be able to understand the key concepts and apply the theoretical content to the reality on the ground. The training will also have the participation of specialized entities and experts to encourage critical reflection and promote knowledge of possible alternatives that prioritize the protection of human rights.

The workshop will take place from March 4 to 25 and will be held in virtual format on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16 to 18:30. The cost of the workshop is 40 euros and can be recognized for 2 ECTS credits. If you want to participate, just fill out this form. And for any queries regarding the workshop program, you can contact

This semester, the FAS has scheduled two other workshops with academic recognition. This is one about visions and reflections on drugs and another on disability that will open their registrations on February 8.