News archive

Programació Sala Teatre al març

March laden with cultural programming

March is full of cultural activities in which the university community will be able to enjoy two plays, “Solitude in Stromboli. Dreams, signs and symbols” and “The Misanthrope”; two concerts, a musical tribute to Mike Oldfield and another that recalls the legacy of the greatest female names in music; and two screenings, Modern Times and Fermat's Room. All the activities are part of the programme of our cultural card.




Campus de la UAB buit

Cold weather alert

The Government of Catalonia has once again activated its civil protection plan for emergency weather, PROCICAT, due to the episodes of low temperatures and snow forecast for the following days by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. Information on measures to be taken will depend on the evolution of these weather conditions.

Figura adaptada d'ACS Nano 2021, 15, 8, 12945-12954

The UAB organises the International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology

The 22nd edition of the conference will take place from 12 to 16 June 2023 at the Casa Convalescència and will serve to present and debate current trends and future directions in computational nanotechnology in the simulation of nanostructures, nanomaterials and nanodevices. An eminently interdisciplinary field involving areas such as electronics, engineering, physics, applied mathematics, chemistry and biology.

Campus de la UAB buit

Cold weather alert

The Government of Catalonia has activated its civil protection plan for emergency weather, PROCICAT, due to the episodes of low temperatures and snow forecast for the following days by the Meteorological Service of Catalonia. Information on measures to be taken will depend on the evolution of these weather conditions.

Formació Artística del curs 2022-2023

Registration for second semester artistic workshops to open on 1 February

The registrations for artistic workshops, courses, or the UAB Stable Groups will open on 1 February. These semester-long activities promoted by Cultura en Viu, which are part of four formation and creation classrooms (Music, Theatre, Dance and Writing), offer the opportunity to start or continue learning an artistic discipline with professionals. All proposals are available at reduced prices for university members and students can apply for academic recognition of ECTS credits. The registration period will be open until 24 February or until all places are filled.