PhD students
PhD title: Mitologies dels gèneres. Feminitats i memòria històrica a Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Artur Lozano-Méndez; Dr. Amelia Sáiz López.
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Catalan
Abstract: This thesis revolves around the manga “Kono sekai no katasumi ni” (In This Corner of the World) by Fumiyo Kono. The primary objective of this research is to offer an intersectional analysis of a piece from Japanese popular culture, integrating feminist insights and issues with the creation and transmission of historical memory. Based on the premise that historical narratives are the product of the confluence and interaction of various theoretical and political paradigms, our research has been divided in three axes of analysis that maintain a dialogical relationship throughout. Thus, the study will explore the division of manga genres and the connections of this categorization with symbolic violence and the feminization of care; the representation of femininity and gender roles; and finally, the feminization of historical memory and the victims. The plot of the chosen work takes us to the last years of World War II and is directly related to manga about the atomic bomb. However, this context does not become a limitation for our research. On the contrary, it functions as a pretext that allows for the investigation of social issues on the one hand, and specific aspects of Japanese popular culture on the other. Ultimately, we put forth a way of thinking about manga that can be used in other case studies.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2020
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Abulí Federico, Ivette (2022). Beyond witches, mothers or wives: On the power of feminist narratives and historical memory in Manga. Compàs d'amalgama, 27-33
Papers at conferences:
Abulí Federico, Ivette. Ibasho quest? Precarietat, cures i poder al sh¿jo. I Ciclo de Seminarios de Avances de Investigación InterAsia 2023 (online). Octubre de 2023.
Abulí Federico, Ivette. Ibasho quest? precarity and emotional struggles in in this corner of the world. 17th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, EAJS, Ghent, 15-21 agost 2023.
Abulí Federico, Ivette. Womanhood representation and historical memory in Kouno Fumiyo’s work. 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, EAJS, Ghent, 25-28 agost 2021.
Abulí Federico, Ivette. Bisque dolls? Women and vulnerability in "In This Corner of the World". International PhD Symposium on Fragile Selves, Università Ca'Foscari, Venècia, 2-4 març 2022.
PhD title: Translation of books and movie subtitles under strict censorship: Case study of Iran
PhD supervisor: Dra. Liudmila Navtanovich
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2023-03-27
International PhD: Yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: The thesis is motivated by the need to present and analyze the extent and spread of censorship in translation of books and movie subtitles, in Iran,one of the countries with highest level of censorship in the world. a comprehensive study of phenomenon should help to understand the problems and consequences caused by extremely strong censorship and the role of translation in such environment.the present study aims to demonstrate a clear picture of how strict censorship affects the key role that translation plays in the creation of cultural identity and the damage that it implies to the native culture and the target language readers and indicate the extreme salvation of the literary text strictly governed by censorship. censorship in Iran performs under the label of artistic, political, ideological,religious and cultural supervision.To this end, the study will sort and classify the corpus under the study( 5 literary works, novels and plays and 5 subtitled movies translated into Persian) based on the types of censorship. the study categorizes translations into four type with respect to the observed rate of censorship: Extract Translation, Partial Translation, Non- Translation and Illegal translation.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2023-06-30
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Línia prioritària de recerca de l'Àrea dels Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Investigating humor in Chekhov’s Persian Translations
PhD supervisor: Dr. Inna Kozlova
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 01/02/2021
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Anton Chekhov is one of the world's most influential fiction writers, widely translated into numerous languages. Despite his literary prowess and the comedic elements evident in his works, there has been limited research on the translation of his humor, particularly in Iran. This study aims to investigate the humor in the Persian translations of Chekhov’s works. The research addresses three key questions: what types of humor Chekhov employs, how this humor is rendered in Persian translations, and how Iranian readers appreciate his humor in both English and Persian translations. A corpus of humorous extracts (with 50 extracts) from Chekhov's works is analyzed qualitatively to identify the types of humor and the translation techniques used. To analyze the corpus, a theoretical framework is designed by gathering definitions of different types of humor from various researchers such as Berger (1976, 1993), Attardo (2014), Triezenberg, (2008), and Keisalo (2016) to tailor-make the framework to this study and be able to define various types of humor incorporated in the corpus. The data indicates eight main types of humor used in Chekhov's works, with irony, exaggeration, absurdity, and incongruity being the most common. Moreover, to assess the translation techniques Molina and Hurtado’s (2002) framework is employed and the results indicate that the most used techniques by Persian translators to render Chekhov's humor were modulation, amplification, and literal translation among eleven techniques. The last phase of this study deals with readers’ responses to his humor. To achieve so, four sets of questionnaires, in both English and Persian, will assess responses from participants including MA students in English Literature and Translation Studies, advanced undergraduate students, university professors, published literary translators, and members of Iranian English literature associations. The participants' responses will be evaluated to determine the perceived humor in both languages.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2020
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Younesi, A., Navidinia, H., & Raies Ozhan, A. R. (2018). Tourism discourse analysis: comparing the vocabulary features used in the original and translation of Iranian tourism texts. e-Review of Tourism Research, 15(1).
Hossein, N., Armin, Y., & Raies Ozhan, A. (2015). Translation Creativity: analyzing the degree of using creative strategies in translating Iranian tourism websites and brochures. Istanbul University Journal of Translation Studies, (10), 11-28.
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.):
Raies Ozhan, A. (2024). Investigating humor in Chekhov’s Persian Translations. 2nd International Conference Translation and Cultural Sustainability Challenges and New Avenues seminar, Salamanca, Spain.
Raies Ozhan, A. (2018). Examining intersemiotic translation of book covers as a medium of cultural transfer. The First National Conference on Fundamental Research in Language and Literature Studies, Tehran.
Raies Ozhan, A. & Etesaminia, F. (2015). Assessing the Usage of Farhangestan's Suggested Words among Undergraduate Students of Translation. National Conference on Translation and Interdisciplinary Studies, Birjand. Iran.
PhD title: La voz del intérprete de conferencias y su uso durante el proceso interpretativo
PhD supervisor: Dr. Marta Arumí Ribas; Dr. Cecília Gassull Bustamante.
Date of project acceptance: 14/02/2023
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish and English
Abstract: The subject of this doctoral thesis is the conference interpreter's voice and its use during the interpreting process. To date, the study of the interpreter's voice has been addressed as part of quality studies in interpreting: the expectations and actual evaluation of various quality parameters by users and interpreters (intonation, voice pleasantness, fluency, diction...) have been studied; studies have also been carried out in which anomalies in the interpreters' prosody have been observed during simultaneous interpreting. However, the interpreter's voice has not been studied from the point of view of vocal health, nor have studies been carried out to determine how the vocal training of this group should be approached in order to improve their voice proficiency. Interpreters, given the nature of their profession, have different vocal needs from other voice professionals, such as teachers and actors; for this reason, we believe that it is essential to provide specific vocal training for these professionals. With this in mind, this thesis, presented as a compendium of publications, takes a descriptive approach to the perceptions and beliefs of professional interpreters about their voice and carries out a case study to evaluate the incidence of various variables on vocal quality and prosody in simultaneous interpreting. Finally, taking into account the results of the case study, an ad hoc pedagogical proposal for voice education aimed at future interpreters is presented, which can be applied in the training offered in translation and interpreting bachelor's and master's degree courses, as well as in training courses for professional interpreters, with the aim of improving the quality and well-being of this group.
Scholarship: YES
Type of Scholarship: Ajut Joan Oró per a la contractació de personal investigador predoctoral en formació FI (2023)
Date of entrance: 03/10/2022
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies:
Pérez-Real, Ana Isabel. "Estado de la cuestión sobre la interrelación entre voz e interpretación en los estudios de interpretación de conferencias". XIIIè Simposi Internacional de Recerca Jove en Traducció, Interpretació, Estudis Interculturals i Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental. Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 30/06/2023.
Pérez-Real, Ana Isabel. "The Incidence of Problem Triggers on Voice Quality and Prosody in Simultaneous Interpreting". II Congreso Internacional sobre Traducción y Sostenibilidad Cultural: retos y nuevos escenarios. Universidad de Salamanca. 16-19/04/2024.
Pérez-Real, Ana Isabel. "Primeros resultados de un estudio de caso sobre el uso vocal del intérprete durante el proceso interpretativo". XI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI). Campus de Álava, Vitoria-Gasteiz. Universidad del País Vasco. Premio «Jentil» a la mejor comunicación novel. 29-31/05/2024.
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: La representación de las diversidades sexuales y de género en la enseñanza de la traducción: una propuesta didáctica.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Lupe Romero
Date of project acceptance: 2021/10/01
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Castellà
Abstract: Over the last two decades, several European, statal and regional laws and legislative strategies in Spain have promoted the inclusion of the gender perspective and queer realities in higher education. At the same time, there has been a global increase in research interest in studying the relationship between translation and dissident identities, fundamentally taking up the theoretical pillars of poststructuralism, feminist approaches and queer theories in translation studies. However, the state’s evaluation reports on the inclusion of the gender perspective in university teaching carried out by different institutions warn of a lack of mainstreaming of the gender and queer perspective in undergraduate curricula and in the university teaching field in general.
Thus, this research has been designed with the aim of establishing a bridge from which the research production on the translation of sexual and gender dissidence is transferred to the translation undergraduate curricula and hence transformed into knowledge for their students, more specifically in the linguistic combination EN>ES(ES). From this purpose, this research reviews the European, statal and regional legislative framework on gender and queer issues applicable to the autonomous communities in whose public universities the undergraduate’s degree in Translation and Interpreting is offered, in order to subsequently carry out a field study to describe the actual application of such regulations and to detect good practices in this regard. Likewise, a conceptual framework is proposed to bring together research of the representation of sexual and gender diversities in translation, from which the course design is carried out, in accordance with the mandates established for the incorporation of gender mainstreaming and queer issues in higher education, based on the competency-based training proposed in the Tuning Project. Furthermore, the proposed course design is framed within the ‘gender competence’, for which learning outcomes related to the translation of sexual and gender diversities are proposed.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/09/30
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: Castelló Marín, Ángel. Representations of sexual and gender diversity in Translation training. XIIth International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 1st July 2022.
PhD title: Arte religioso en China: producción y distribución contemporánea del arte chino cristiano en la China continental.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Amelia Sáiz López
Date of project acceptance: 25/04/2023
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The research project aims to examine the religious and artistic scene in post-Maoist China, following the political legislation and artistic trends of the most recent generations of Christian artists, in order to contextualize the production of contemporary Chinese Christian art, the motivations of the artists who have conceived it and the target audience. Incorporating cultural studies as a discipline and methodology, the research focuses on culture, artistic and religious cultural production, as the main object of study from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. It is an effort to understand the existence, production, projection, distribution and permanence of Chinese Christian art in the contemporary Chinese art scene, taking into account the social and political context in which it is conceived.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 03/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Papers at conferences:
PhD title: A Corpus-Based Study on Metaphors Interpreting in Chinese Government Press Conference from 2013-2022
PhD supervisor: Dra. Inna Kozlova Mikurova
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 17/04/2024
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: This research is motivated by the presently urgent need for cross-cultural understanding, especially between China and the world. In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted the brand-new diplomatic concept of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, which has had a relatively broad impact on the international community. As a crucial part of constructing the discourse on major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, political metaphors are frequently used on diplomatic occasions to express political positions and interpret sensitive international topics. So far, one of the embarrassing facts confronting the translation circle is that relatively little attention has been paid to the acceptability of political metaphors used by the Chinese government, and the foreign media often misunderstand the concept of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. In addition, compared with the long-standing traditional research on metaphor translation, metaphor interpreting research has not yet been scrutinized, especially for Chinese to English. Thus, this study intends to adopt a corpus-based approach and set up a Chines to English interpreting parallel corpus to explore conceptual metaphors interpreted in the Chinese Press Conference from 2013-2022 from a cognitive perspective, identifying different conceptual metaphors, translation strategies, and the connotation behind these metaphors. Firstly, The proposal intends to apply the Metaphor Identification Procedure(MIP) to identify the metaphors in the corpus and summarize the types of metaphors. Secondly, CorpusWordParser will be used to segment the Chinese and English sub-corpus, respectively, and manual checking will be carried out on the Tmxmall platform. Thirdly, for analysis, WordSmith will be adopted to develop a glossary for the discourse construction on major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Overall, the research will contribute to the discourse construction on major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, enabling Chinese political metaphors to be interpreted without ambiguity.
Scholarship: SI
Type of Scholarship: CSC
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
Anxian Hong, National Discourse Translation and Communication Seminar, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China, 05/12/2023; 05/13/2023
Anxian Hong, The Fifth Language and Culture Seminar, National University of Defense and Technology, Changsha, China, 12/09/2023; 12/09/2023
PhD title: Cognitive and professional aspects for the improvement of post-editing tasks
PhD supervisor: Dr. Maria Pilar Sánchez Gijón
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2018/11/21
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Despite the huge MT deployment that is taking place nowadays, that resulted in post-editing tasks becoming part of the translation workflow, translators still face many challenges when carrying this task out. These challenges go from the type of the work that they have to perform and how they do it to the fact that this work might not be paid accordingly to the effort. Given this context, this study aims to describe what translators do when they post-edit NMT segments in order to collect data to find whether translators take longer to post-edit some segments than others. If this phenomenon occurs, the collected data will allow us to detect behaviours and patrons that will determine how to achieve more productivity and offer translators better resources to work with, as well as to determine how to remunerate this activity correctly.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/11/21
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Aspectes professionals i laborals de la traducció i la interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: López-Pereira, Ariana. Traducción automática neuronal y traducción automática estadística: percepción y productividad. Tradumàtica: traducció i tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, [en línia], 2019, Núm. 17, p. 1-19.
Papers at conferences: López Pereira, Ariana. Determining translators’ perception, productivity and post-editing effort when using SMT and NMT systems. En Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT, Alicante. 28–30 de mayo de 2018.
PhD title: La traducción de la novela de autoría femenina hispánica al chino
PhD supervisor: Dra. Montserrat Bacardí i Tomàs
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: As a result of the diversification of collaborations between China and Spanish-speaking countries and the popularization of Spanish in Chinese educational centers, Hispanic literature is increasingly accessible to Chinese readers. Women writers are essential voices of all intellectuals. The general objective of this work is to study the Chinese translation of novels written by Hispanic female authors until the year 2020. Based on an inventory of all the translated works of Spanish and Latin American women writers, the project will conduct a descriptive study on the sociocultural factors that have influenced the translation, mainly from three perspectives: the original text, the Chinese translation, and its reception and influence in China. Thus, it will analyze the writers, their novels, the starting publishers, the translators, the Chinese publishers and the paratexts. Generally speaking, it is intended to present an overview of the translation of the Hispanic female narrative into Chinese.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Language Planning and Policy: A Comparative Study of Catalonia and Taiwan
PhD supervisor: Dr. Albert Branchadell Gallo
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Decisions concerning language policy and planning are made around the globe every day, both formally by governments and informally by scholars and community leaders. These decisions influence the right to use and maintain languages, affect the status of languages, and determine which languages are nurtured. Language policy and planing (LPP) decisions have a major impact on language vitality and, ultimately, on the rights of the individual.
This research focuses on LPP and social change in Catalonia and Taiwan as two cases and a comparative study. There are some aspects to the issue of languages existing in Catalonia and Taiwan. They can be described in ethnolinguistic and sociolinguistic, historical and statistical respects. They can be characterized in terms of their legal situation.
Many people compare Catalonia and Taiwan when they talk about nationalism. Both nations have struggled fighting for human and language rights. However, there is no further comparative study about other issues. In this research will talk more about the historical and sociolinguistic issues behind nationalism, focusing on Language policy and planning (LPP) and social change in Catalonia and Taiwan as two cases and a comparative study. My main objective will be to find out how language plans and policies effect Taiwan and Catalonia, why Catalan has achieved reversing language shift (RLS) and why Taiwan has ended up with languages in decline, and what are the concerns and dangers of bilingualism in Catalonia and in Taiwan’s Bilingual Nation plan.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Societat de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.):
Chao-Wen Wang, Language planning and policy: a comparative study of Catalonia and Taiwan, 12th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 1st of July of 2022.
PhD title: La traducción al chino en los museos españoles de bellas artes: análisis descriptivo y propositivo
PhD supervisor: Dr. Miquel Edo Julià; Dra. María Del Carmen Espín García.
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Museums, with educational, connection, collection and economic value, have become one of the hot spots in the tourism industry today. Especially under the influence and promotion of the epidemic, some Spanish museums have launched online virtual tour exhibition halls, which have attracted many Chinese tourists and made the Chinese translation particularly important. However, the Chinese translations provided in these museums are insufficient in quantity and there are also some quality issues. This paper, first, describes a descriptive map of the background studies according to different approaches and languages ¿¿to explore the importance and research situation of Spanish-Chinese museum translation studies. Secondly, a descriptive and comparative analysis of the texts translated into Chinese in some Spanish museums of fine arts is carried out to reflect on the linguistic and intercultural levels of the translations and their shortcomings. Finally, improvements of the analyzed translated texts are proposed to make contributions to the construction of translations of Spanish museums and bridge the gap between Chinese and Spanish culture.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/01/21
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos especialitzats
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: La traducción médica con perspectiva de género: una propuesta didáctica a partir de un corpus de artículos de investigación en cardiología
PhD supervisor: Dr. Lupe Romero
Date of project acceptance: 2022/10/03
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Además de ser una de las especialidades con mayor demanda en el mercado laboral, la traducción médica desempeña una función clave en la transmisión del conocimiento científico. En concreto, la traducción de artículos científicos contribuye a tal difusión de información, la cual tiene una repercusión muchas veces decisiva en cuestiones de salud. Cada vez más se ponen de manifiesto los sesgos de género que profesionales de la salud y personal investigador detectan en varias etapas de la producción científica, en las cuales se incluye la traducción de literatura científica. Es por esto que con este proyecto quiero elaborar una propuesta didáctica con vistas a la detección de dichos sesgos y al planteamiento de estrategias para traducir textos médicos con perspectiva de género. La propuesta didáctica se basará en un corpus de artículos científicos de cardiología, especialidad elegida por su elevada prevalencia en el mundo occidental a la vez que similar entre mujeres y hombres.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2022/10/03
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos especialitzats
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:
Canadell Giralt, Cristina (2023). «Traducción y redacción de textos biomédicos con enfoque de género: la importancia del contexto sociológico». Estudios lingüísticos en torno al papel de las mujeres traductoras en la historia, González Fernández, Adela, Juan Miguel González Jiménez y Sergio Rodríguez-Tapia (eds.). Granada: Comares, pp. 29-42.
Papers at conferences:
Canadell Giralt, Cristina. La perspectiva de género en la redacción y la traducción de textos médicos. I Congreso Internacional Mujeres traductoras: estudios traductológicos y lingüísticos, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, 4 y 5 de mayo de 2022.
Canadell Giralt, Cristina. El sesgo de género en medicina y sus implicaciones para la redacción y traducción de textos biomédicos. VIII Congreso Universitario Internacional Investigación y Género 2022, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 23 y 24 de junio de 2022.
Canadell Giralt, Cristina. La perspectiva de género en la traducción de textos médicos EN > ES. XII Simposi Internacional de Recerca Jove en Traducció, Interpretació, Estudis Interculturals i Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 1 de julio de 2022.
Canadell Giralt, Cristina. El androcentrismo en medicina. Implicaciones para la traducción científico-técnica. XIV Simposi Internacional de Recerca Jove en Traducció, Interpretació, Estudis Interculturals i Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 5 de julio de 2024.
PhD title: Los problemas de adaptación de los estudiantes y sus soluciones en el proceso de la enseñanza universitaria y apoyo socio-psicológico en Rusia y España
PhD supervisor: Dr. Inna Kozlova
Joint supervision:
Date of project acceptance: 2019/04/29
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish and Russian
Abstract: In the context of the increasing standards and the quality of education, the environment of student mobility and the changing university requirements, it is necessary to study the adaptation process and highlight the problems experienced by students. In most universities, there is a problem of measuring the levels of adaptation of students to the conditions of education quickly and reliably. We must take into account all types of adaptation process (physiological, socio-psychological, socio-cultural, linguistic and academic). All types of adaptation impact academic success, and its importance is even greater in the case of foreign students. The main objective of this research is to diagnose and compare the problems of adaptation to an international and multicultural environment of the students in the universities in Russia and Spain. The participants of the research are the undergraduate and master students in Russia and Spain from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), Kazan National Research Technological University (Russia), Federal University of Kazan (Russia). Adaptation is a complex phenomenon, and the problems of adaptation must be studied comprehensively from different angles with different indicators for the socio-psychological adaptation, the acceptance of the values of cultures and countries, the subjective assessment of academic performance, etc. The expected result of our work is the development of a universal diagnostic system for the process of adaptation on an international scale.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/10/30
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Akhmetzyanova N. & Nugmanova D. (2014). Inconsistency of workshops effect on socio-psychological adaptation criteria. European Social Science Journal, 2 (41), Vol. 1, P.107-112.
Akhmetzyanova N. & Nugmanova D. (2015). Influence of Trainings on the Indicators of Sociopsychological Adaptation Asian Social Science; Vol. 10, No. 21; 2014 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025, p.250 - 255.
Nugmanova D. (2015). Activation of Personal and Subjective Self-Regulation Resources in the Context of Social-Psychological Training. Review of European Studies, Vol. 7, No. 5, 2015; Special Issue
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: PhD provisional title: Live Subtitling and Respeaking in the Turkish Context
PhD supervisor: Dr. Pilar Orero. Tutor: Estella Oncins Noguer.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2020/02/12
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Turkey is a relative newcomer in the media accessibility circuit. But, both legally –in terms of legislation supporting accessibility- and in terms of raising awareness among media providers and end-users, the strides achieved in the last few years are commendable.
Media accessibility is currently a reality with the enactment of the Directive by the media regulator RTÜK in October of 2019. Furthermore, practice is growing as the number of SDH, audiodescription and sign language interpreted programs on national channels increase monthly. On the one hand, these developments bring on legitimate concerns about quality and the need for advanced research.
Research about possible live subtitling scenarios need to be approached from several perspectives. Turkey must learn from the experiences of others and research is necessary to develop “a country specific” road map. Thirdly, as the development of speech recognition programs in Turkish continues, training in respeaking is essential to meet the need once the infrastructure is sufficient.
Turkish researchers are trying to gain insight into the above mentioned perspectives and to develop a road map for the initiation of live subtitling through respeaking. The main focus of this initial research will be to study the respeaker profile and skills set of the respeaker; and subsequently to develop a training program for the Turkish setting to ensure media accessibility to live broadcasts. This research will be the first since live subtitling is not yet performed on Turkish media platforms; infrastructure such as speech recognition (SR) programs that are capable of supporting live subtitling in Turkish are not yet fully developed; and research into media accessibility studies in Turkey is still not as widespread as is with some European counterparts.
Specific aims of the research are: 1) to identify the recruitment profile of candidate respeakers for the sample group study, 2) to identify the requisite skills set of the respeaker in line with the realities of Turkey and the Turkish language and 3) to draft a training program on respeaking in line with the realities of Turkey and the Turkish language.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2019/10/11
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Learning Russian Impersonal Sentences: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom
PhD supervisor: Dr. Inna Kozlova Mikurova
Joint supervision: Prof. Eva Hirzinger Unterrainer (Universität Innsbruck - Austria)
Date of project acceptance: 20/03/2022
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Russian is a richly inflectional language with a complex morphosyntactic system. A notable feature of Russian syntax is the extensive use of impersonal sentences, prevalent in both everyday conversation and literature among native (L1) and secondlanguage (L2) speakers. Various types of Russian impersonal sentences have been extensively studied by scholars. My focus is on impersonal structures within the "category of state," which are used to discuss health, express emotions, and describe psychological or physical conditions. In contrast, Romance languages like Italian and Spanish employ and perceive impersonal sentences differently, which may hinder the acquisition of these structures in Russian. My research aims to explore the impact of computer-mediated collaborative writing (CMCW) on learning Russian impersonal sentences. Specifically, I used focused tasks such as the dictogloss to examine how learners reproduce, produce, and utilize these structures. The study is quasi-experimental, employing a pre-test/post-test design with an intervention centered on CMCW targeting impersonal structures. Participants were B1-level learners of Russian from two Italian and one Spanish university. They were divided into two groups: a control group (working individually) andan experimental group (working in pairs). Data analysis will incorporate both qualitative and quantitative measures.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2021
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:
Erasmus+ stay - Universität Innsbruck (Austria) 26/01/2023-21/06/2023 I implemented the research questions, design, and methodology. I prepared the instruments for the pilot study and conducted the pilot study online with 6 students from Verona University (Italy).
CETRA Doctoral Summer School in Translation Studies, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (Belgium); 16/08/2010–27/08/2010; I was supervised by experts in Translation Studies, and I was able to finalise the structure of the first doctoral thesis on Russian translation and epos. Centre for Anthropology and Folklore, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow; 11/03/2009–01/05/2010; I conducted research on my first PhD project on Russian translation and epos. School of Slavonic & East European Studies, University College London (UCL), London; 22/09/2008–17/02/2009; I conducted research on translation studies and Russian folk epics for my first PhD project.
1. Moroni, E., Litvin, E.A. (2015) Fil'my uzhasov, moda i turisty: mechanizmy vidoizmeneniia traditsionnykh kalendarnykh prazdnikov, [Horror films, trends and tourists: modification mechanisms in traditional calendar holidays] in Arkhipova, A.S., Nikolaev, D.S., Rychkova, N.N. (eds.) Fol’kloristika i kul’turnaia antropologiia segodnia II. Sbornik tezisov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoi konferentsii molodykch uchenykh, Moscow: RGGU, pp. 29-32. ISBN 978-5-7281-1696-7.
2. Moroni, E. (2012) The representation of orality in the translation of Russian epics, in Fischer, B. and Nisbeth Jensen, M. (eds.) Translation and the reconfiguration of power relations. Revisiting role and context of translation and interpreting, Graz: LIT Verlag, pp. 145-165. ISBN 978-3-643-90283-2.
3. Moroni, E., Petrov, N.V. (2012) Mezhdu semantikoi i stilistikoi: granitsy fol'klornoi stereotipii v perevodakh russkogo eposa na ital’yanskii yazyk [Between semantics and stylistics: borders of folkloric stereotypes in the Italian translations of Russian folk epics], in Arutjunova, N.D. (ed.) Logicheskii analiz iazyka. Perevod khudozhestvennych tekstov v raznye epokhi, Moscow: Indrik, pp. 194-204. ISBN 978-3-643-90283-2.
4. Moroni, E. (2011) Sootnoshenie yazykovykh kartin mira kak problema perevoda fol’klornogo teksta (perevod russkikh bylin na ital’yanskii yazyk), [Interrelation of linguistic worldviews as a problem for translating folkloristic texts (with examples from the Italian translations of Russian folk epics)], Zhivaia Starina, 4 (72), Moscow, pp. 20-24. ISSN 0204-3432.
5. Saronne, E.T., Moroni, E. 2010. L'epos dei mercanti. Byline russe del ciclo di Novgorod [The merchants’ epics. Russian byliny of the Novgorod cycle], Roma: Carocci. ISBN 978-88-430-5495-4.
6. Moroni, E. 2010. Between orality and literacy: parallelism and repetition in Russian folk epics and their challenge to translation, in Hareide, L. and Bugge, E. (eds.) Seven Mountains, Seven Voices: Bergen Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 1, Bergen: The University of Bergen, pp. 1-28. ISBN 978-82-998587-0-0
7. Moroni, E. 2010. La traduzione dell’epos orale russo in italiano come transfer culturale [The translation of Russian oral epics into Italian as cultural transfer], in Subotits, L. and Zhivantsevits-Sekerush, I. (eds.) Fifth international interdisciplinary Symposium ‘The Encounter of Cultures’, Novy Sad, 1/12/2009, Book of Proceedings, vol. 2, Novy Sad, pp. 863-870. ISBN 978-86-6065-043-8.
Papers at conferences:
Elisa Moroni. Exploring Collaborative Writing Dynamics in Constructing Russian Impersonal Sentences: A Pilot Study. 15. Nachwuchstagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft fu¿r Sprachendidaktik, University of Vienna, 05/04/2024–06/04/2024.
Elisa Moroni. Learning Russian impersonal sentences: Computer-mediated collaborative writing in the Foreign Language Classroom. 14. Nachwuchstagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft fu¿r Sprachendidaktik, University of Klagenfurt, 05/05/2023–06/05/2023.
Elisa Moroni. Learning Russian Impersonal Sentences: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in the Foreign Classroom. University of Malta, 03/07/2023–07/07/2023. Elisa Moroni. Aprendre frases impersonals en rus: escriptura col·laborativa mediada per ordinador a l'aula de llengües estrangeres. XIIIè Simposi Internacional de Recerca Jove en Traducció, Interpretació, Estudis Interculturals i Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental. FTI, UAB, 30/06/2023.
Elisa Moroni. Learning Russian Impersonal Sentences: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in the Foreign Classroom. EUROCALL MALL Sig Webinar, 28/04/2023.
Elisa Moroni. Learning Russian Impersonal Sentences: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom. 14th ÖGSD conference for early career researchers in Klagenfurt, Austria, ÖGSD, 5th May-06th May 2023
Elisa Moroni. Learning Russian Impersonal Sentences: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom. 13th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies, and East Asian Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 30th June 2023
Elisa Moroni. Learning Russian Impersonal Sentences: Computer-Mediated Collaborative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom. International Doctoral School Conference, University of Malta, 3th-7th July 2023
IGRS Postgraduate Translations Conference, University of London, Londra - Paper “Ideology in the Translation of Russian Folk Epics” (2012)
“Graduate Conference: New Research in Translation and Interpreting Studies” at the Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain - Paper “Performance in translations of Russian epics” (2011)
International Conference “Intratextual Voices in Translation: Concepts, Discourses and Practices/La Traduction des voix intra-textuelles: concepts, discours et pratiques” at the Maison Suger, Paris - Paper “Collective and individual voices in the Italian translations of Russian oral epics” (2011)
Conference "Translation of Related and Unrelated Languages in Different Ages" at the Department of Linguistics at the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow - Paper “Mezhdu semantikoi i stilistikoi: granitsy fol’klornoi stereotipii v perevodakh russkogo eposa na ital’ianskii iazyk” [Between semantics and stylistics: at the border between folklore stereotypical phrases in the Italian translations of Russian epos] (2010)
"Interrelation of Linguistic Worldviews as a Problem for Translating Folkloristic Texts” at the Faculty of Philology, University of Saint Petersburg - Paper “Problema perevoda russkikh bylin na ital’ianskii iazyk” [The problem of translation of Russian byliny into Italian] (2010)
"Second Russian Folklorists' Conference" at the State Centre for Russian Folklore, Moscow - Paper “Sootnoshenie iazykovykh kartin mira kak problema perevoda fol’klornogo teksta (perevod russkikh bylin na ital’ianskikh iazyk” [The interrelation between pictures of the world as a translation problem of folkloric texts (Italian translation of Russian byliny] (2010)
"Fifth International Interdisciplinary Symposium, the Encounter of Cultures" at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia - Paper “The Translation of Russian Oral Epics into Italian as Cultural Transfer” (2009)
"Third Scandinavian PhD Conference in Linguistics and Philology" at the University of Bergen, Norway - Paper “Between Orality and Literacy: Parallelism and Repetition in Russian Folk Epics and their Challenge to Translation” (2009)
PhD title: Análisis descriptivo-analítico de las estrategias, los problemas y los errores en el aprendizaje de la interpretación consecutiva entre chino y español
PhD supervisor: Dra. Patricia Rodríguez Inés; Dra. Marta Arumí Ribas.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/02/10
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: In this work, we propose to study three important notions in the didactics and learning of consecutive Chinese-Spanish and Spanish-Chinese interpreting (DoI in abbreviation): strategies, problems and errors. In addition, we intend to analyze the performance of the students in this area in order to analyze the evolution of their pertinent performance after including the notions in the didactics and make suggestions to improve the learning and teaching of strategies, problems and errors.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/11/13
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: Institute of Foreign Studies, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou; 2019.8-now; teacher
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Translating the Catalan Landscape: an exploration of translation of geographical features in Catalan literature into English
PhD supervisor: Dra. Laura Santamaria Guinot
Date of project acceptance: 2017/09/12
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: My thesis is concerned with the subject of landscape in a broad sense as a cultural reference in works of Catalan literature and their translation into English. I will carry our preliminary research on the question of landscape as a concept, how it can be defined and the elements which inform its description in Catalan literature.
Working with 4 works in Catalan – 3 books and a trilogy – and the translations of the 3 book and the first part of the trilogy, I will look at the strategies and results of the translations in terms of foreignization and domestication (Venuti, 1995) and in relation to the concept of the Third Space attributed to Homi K. Bhabha and the concept of the Translator’s Agency.
I see this thesis as a continuation and extension of the work I carried out for my Master’s degree at this university which centred on a translation-based analysis of the cultural references in the work by Maria Barbal, Pedra de Tartera (1985).
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2017/09/17
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Posedición y traducción jurídica: un estudio empírico en el ámbito profesional
PhD supervisor: Dra. Carmen Bestué Salinas (UAB)
Joint supervision: Dr. Gianluca Pontrandolfo (UNIUD-UNITS)
Universitat: Universidad de Udine-Trieste (Italia)
Date of project acceptance: 16/10/2023
International PhD: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish. Introduction and conclusion in Italian and English.
Abstract: Esta tesis doctoral contribuye a la investigación sobre el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la traducción jurídica, tomando el contexto profesional español e italiano como estudios de caso. La investigación pretende arrojar luz sobre el estado actual de la traducción automática, la práctica de la posedición y la inteligencia artificial generativa en el ámbito jurídico, teniendo en cuenta los aspectos éticos y los riesgos asociados. En cuanto a la metodología, en primer lugar, se lleva a cabo un análisis del mercado mediante una encuesta a traductores jurídicos y empresas de traducción jurídica en ambos países, con el objetivo de investigar cómo se aplican las nuevas tecnologías en la traducción jurídica y qué impacto tienen en la productividad, la rentabilidad económica y la percepción de los distintos actores del mercado, así como en la calidad final de las traducciones. A partir de los resultados de la encuesta, se realiza un estudio empírico en colaboración con profesionales de la traducción jurídica, con el fin de investigar cómo la integración de la TA influye en el proceso de traducción. El desafío central de esta investigación doctoral radica en identificar implicaciones significativas tanto para el ámbito profesional, proporcionando información relevante sobre las prácticas actuales del mercado y permitiendo a los profesionales tomar decisiones informadas sobre la adopción de nuevas tecnologías, como a nivel formativo, brindando a los estudiantes los conocimientos necesarios para manejar de forma crítica y eficaz las herramientas tecnológicas y las prácticas disponibles en su futura carrera profesional.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 16/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Línia prioritària de recerca de l'Àrea dels Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental:
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Accogli, F. (próxima publicación). “La posedición en el aula de traducción jurídica: un estudio exploratorio”. Hermès.
Accogli, F. (2023). “Explorando desafíos y percepciones en la posedición de textos médicos”. Trans-kom 16(2), 367-394.
Accogli, F. (2022). “L'uso di risorse durante una prova di traduzione giuridica: uno studio empirico”. MediAzioni 33(1), A36-A59.
Papers at conferences:
Accogli, F. (2024). “La traducción aumentada en el ámbito jurídico: un estudio empírico”. 2º Encuentro del joven hispanismo e hispanoamericanismo italiano, Instituto Cervantes Palermo. 10/02/2024.
Accogli, F. (2023). “Poseditar textos médicos en el aula de traducción especializada: un estudio exploratorio”. XXXVII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 6-8/11/2023.
Accogli, F. (2023). “Post-editing and legal translation: an empirical study in the professional field”. Student Conference of the Doctoral and Teacher-Training Translation Studies Summer School (DOTTSS), University of Tampere. 12-22/06/2023.
Accogli, F. (2022). “Proceso de traducción y herramientas 2.0: un estudio empírico en el ámbito jurídico”. XII Simposio Internacional de Investigación Joven en Traducción, Interpretación, Estudios Interculturales y Estudios de Asia Oriental, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 01/07/2022.
PhD title: On the effect of human produced corpora in neural machine translation (NMT)
PhD supervisor: Dr. Pilar Sánchez Gijón (UAB), Dr. Antoni Oliver Gonzalez (UOC).
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2021-02-19
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: This PhD aims to evaluate whether the origin of the corpora used to train a neural machine translation (NMT) model would affect the outcome. Specifically, if the training with human produced corpora, as opposed to those that come from machine translation and post-editing, would result in a translation that is closer to the expected result and adequate both to the target language and the text domain.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/10/15
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos especialitzats
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Sole-Mauri, F., Sánchez-Gijon, P., & Oliver, A. (2021). Cadlaws: An English-French parallel corpus of legally equivalent documents. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Lati¬noamericana de Traducción, 14(2), 494-508.
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): Sole-Mauri, F. A new English-French legal parallel corpus. 10th International Symposium for Young Researchers. Bellaterra (Barcelona), 21/06/2019
Sole-Mauri, F., Sánchez-Gijon, P., & Oliver, A. (2021). Hyperparameter setting effect on NMT trained with corpora characterized by different sentence length. 7th IATIS CONFERENCE. The cultural Ecology of Translation. Barcelona, 14-17 September 2021
Sole-Mauri, F., Sánchez-Gijon, P., & Oliver, A. (2021). Effect of NMT training corpus origin on sentence length and type/token ratio. 7th IATIS CONFERENCE. The cultural Ecology of Translation. Barcelona, 14-17 September 2021
PhD title: Lenguaje Fácil de Comprender (LFC): una modalidad eficaz para la mejora del acceso a la información y la comunicación de las personas con discapacidades sensoriales y cognitivas en el contexto museístico del Perú
PhD supervisor: Dr. Estel·la Oncins Noguer; Dr. Sarah Anne McDonagh
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 15/10/2023
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies:
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Autores: Garcia Masson, Grecia, Espinoza Alarcón, Francisco, Villanueva Jordán, Iván. Año: 2022 Título: Polyphonic workflows: The emerging dubbing market in Peru Revista: Babel Páginas: 24
Papers at conferences:
Orador: Francisco Espinoza Alarcón. Título: Accesibilidad: una nueva perspectiva. Estudio piloto sobre el subtitulado y el Lenguaje Fácil de Comprender en el contexto museístico del Perú. Nombre del congreso: III Congreso Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación CITEI 2024. Entidad organizadora: Colegio de Traductores del Perú. Ciudad: Lima Fecha de inicio: 24 de mayo de 2024. Fecha de culminación: 25 de mayo de 2024.
PhD title: Citizen Translation in the Arab world: how citizens’ needs are met through non-professional translation
PhD supervisor: Dr. Anna Gil-Bardají; Dr. Marta Arumi Riba.
Date of project acceptance: 07/01/2024
International PhD: SI
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: The emergence of Web 2.0 has led to a virtual information boom. This boom has significantly impacted the translation industry, leading to the rise of Citizen Translation (CT) as a form of user-generated volunteer translation in the Arab world. This study addresses the limited literature on user-generated translation, particularly within the Arab context. The research aims to generate a preliminary explanatory theory by answering the following research question: How does the recent Citizen Translation phenomenon contribute to Arab content on the internet? Adopting a Constructive Grounded Theory (CGT) approach, in-depth open-ended interviews will be conducted using Microsoft Teams with relevant actors involved in this phenomenon. The data will be analyzed using grounded theory methods, including coding, memoing, and constant comparison.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 30/10/2019
Areas of research
Línia prioritària de recerca de l'Àrea de Traducció i Interpretació: Aspectes professionals i laborals de la traducció i la interpretació
Línia secundària de recerca de l'Àrea de Traducció i Interpretació: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Línia prioritària de recerca de l'Àrea dels Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Línia secundària de recerca: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad:
Papers at conferences:
PhD title: Traducció automàtica per a la llengua sarda: estudi d'implementació de recursos i línies guia d'estil, localització i postedició.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Adrià Martín Mor
Date of project acceptance: 04/04/2020
European PhD thesis:
Language of PhD: Sardinian
Abstract: The study focuses on the improvement and creation of digital resources for the Sardinian language and is developed in three different lines of research: the first consists in the collection of digital linguistic resources in the Sardinian language; the second in the study and implementation of the same with the creation of style guides, localization, post-editing and in the improvement of the Italian-Sardinian automatic translator of the Apertium platform; the third in the creation of a new support for statistical machine translation (SMT) for the Sardinian language, which, compared to the existing Apertium translator, demonstrates how a statistical translator specialized in specific fields guarantees a higher quality in translation compared to a rule-based generic machine translator.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 19/11/2019
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: Tradumàtica Research Group; Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona; fecha inicio: 01/03/2016; fecha fin: 31/07/2016: periódo de prácticas financiado por el programa Erasmus+ Traineeship en convención con la Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Participación en el proyecto Google Summer of Code 2016 con la organización Apertium para la creación del traductor automático "Apertium italiano-sardo".
Facultad de Letras; Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Universitatea; fecha inicio: 28/12/2012; fecha fin: 15/07/2012: estancia de intercambio financiada por el programa LP Erasmus. Participación a un proyecto de traducción audiovisual italiano-español de la película "Passione" de John Tuturro (2010)
Publications: Fronteddu, G., Alòs i Font, H. and Tyers, F. M. (2017) ‘Una eina per a una llengua en procés d’estandardització: el traductor automàtic català-sard’, Linguamática, 9(2), pp. 3–20.
Tyers F., Alòs i Font H., Fronteddu G., Martín-Mor A., “Rule-Based Machine Translation for the Italian-Sardinian Language Pair”, The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, Number 108, Giugno 2017, pp 221-232.
Papers at conferences:
Fronteddu G.: “Traducción automática para lenguas pobres de recursos: El caso del sardo”. XIV Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus de la Asociación Española de Lingüística de Corpus (AELINCO), organizado por el Departamento de Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana de la Universidad de Oviedo y celebrado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Oviedo, España, 10-12/05/2023.
Martín Mor A., Floris F., Fronteddu G.: “Institutional translation and Sardinian language: Towards a multilingual model for the municipality of Bauladu”. Minority Languages in the City organizado por Mercator European Research Centre on Multilingualism and Language Learning (Fryske Akademy, Leeuwarden, NL), Endangered Languages Archive (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, DE), Interdisciplinary Centre for Social and Language Documentation (Minde, PT). Fryslân, Países Bajos, 17-18/03/2023.
Fronteddu G. “Recursos digitales y Traducción Automática estadística para la lengua sarda”. XI Simposio Internacional de Investigación Joven en Traducción, Interpretación, Estudios Interculturales y Estudios de Asia Oriental. Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès), 2 de julio del 2021.
Escuela de Verano de Doctorado, Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 28/06/2021 – 01/07/2021.
Seminario Permanente de Investigación y Doctorado - Programa de Doctorado en Traducción y Estudios Interculturales y celebrado en la UAB el 3 de mayo de 2021. Título de la ponencia: “Traducción Automática para la lengua sarda: estudio de implementación de recursos y líneas guía de estilo, localización y posedición” 2nd International T3L Conference: Tradumatics, Translation Technologies & Localisation “Translators and machine translation” 9th International Conference on Translation, Department of Translation, Interpreting and East Asian Studies, Barcelona 10-11 Octubre 2016
Ruled-Based Machine Translation summer school, Universitat de Alacant, Alicante (11-22/07/2016)
Tradumatica Summer School, UAB, Barcelona (4/07/2016 – 15/07/2016)
UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO, “Subtitular la Passione napolitana (John Turturro). Entre Cine y traducción”, Vitoria Gasteiz, España, 23-26/04/2012
UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO, “ TRADUCCIÓN E INTERPRETACIÓN en la novela, el teatro y el cine”, Vitoria Gasteiz, España, 3 4.05.2012
PhD title: New Data-centric Approaches to Improve the Translation Quality of Neural Machine Translation’s Output
PhD supervisor: Dra. Pilar Sánchez-Gijón
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Neural machine translation (NMT) has been prevailing since 2016 and 2017 with notable improvement in the outputs’ fluency (Koehn, 2017, p. 6), especially with Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017). It has been the architecture behind DeepL and Google Translate, two of the most popular public machine translation service providers. Many translation companies also adopted transformer based NMT for their in-house engines.
Even though there are acclaims that NMT has achieved human parity (Bisazza et al., 2021; Hassan et al., 2018) and even better (Popel, 2018), these results came from rare cases as pointed out by J. Zhang and Zong (2020). In general, NMT still holds various inherent translational defects, for example, inadequacy (omission, addition, and mistranslation) (Castilho et al., 2017), inferior robustness (H. Wang et al., 2021), lack of discourse properties (X. Zhang, 2021), etc. In summary, NMT is still far from generating satisfactory translation results in many cases.
Under such context, this research’s objective is to improve NMT’s translation quality. More specifically, this research intends to treat this matter from a data-centric perspective from which we formulate research questions, design experiment, and testify data methods on the training datasets. The research will focus on the transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) applied to neural networks. Also, we divide data-centric approaches into several categories such as data filtering, data augmentation, data representation. We will propose new approaches within these classifications for our research.
Scholarship: YES
Type of Scholarship: Doctorats Industrials
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció.
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: La traducción de la LIJ castellana en China (1919-1976)
PhD supervisor: Dra. Montserrat Bacardí
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 18/05/2024
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: -
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.):
PhD title: Traducción, tecnología y literacidad: competencias digitales y comunicación multilingüe
PhD supervisor: Dr. Pilar Sánchez-Gijón; Dr. Sara Rovira-Esteva
Date of project acceptance: 20/02/2024
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Para adaptarse a los cambios sin precedentes en el campo de la traducción impulsados por el desarrollo de la tecnología de inteligencia artificial (IA), la comunidad académica ha propuesto el concepto de "literacidad digital" para describir de manera integral el conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y perspectivas críticas éticas que los traductores necesitan poseer en la era de la IA. A pesar de que la Comisión Europea presentó el Marco de Competencias Digitales para los Ciudadanos (DigComp) ya en 2013, la investigación sobre la literacidad digital en el campo de los estudios de traducción aún se encuentra en una etapa inicial. Este estudio define este concepto como "literacidad digital traductora", para el cual actualmente no existe un modelo sistemático de comprensión, un marco de referencia o métodos de evaluación. En vista de esto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo construir un marco de referencia para comprender la literacidad digital traductora en la era de la IA. Esto se logrará mediante la elaboración de un mapa de conocimientos teóricos de las últimas tecnologías digitales, y el empleo de métodos de análisis cualitativo, incluyendo entrevistas y encuestas. El estudio se basará en el marco DigComp e integrará los modelos existentes de competencia traductora. Además, esta investigación se propone desarrollar un método de autoevaluación de la literacidad digital con valor orientativo.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Lai, Haohong. (2024). Análisis de las características de los errores de traducción automática neuronal y su posedición : un estudio de las traducciones (del español al chino) de un artículo periodístico. Depòsit digital de documents de la UAB. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2023. 98 pag.
Papers at conferences:
Lai Haohong. Una propuesta para la clasificación de herramientas de traducción de IA Generativa basada en la puntuación de interactividad. Simposi Internacional de Joves Investigadors, Facultat de Traducció i d'Interpretació, Barcelona, 05/07/2024.
PhD title: Los complementos direccionales, potenciales y resultativos desde la lingüística cognitiva: una propuesta didáctica basada en el microaprendizaje.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Sara Rovira Esteva; Dr. Mireia Vargas Urpí
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 07/05/2024
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The conceptualization of spatiality and movement can vary or find many points in common with other languages due to various factors. The resultative, directional and potential complements of Chinese are grammatical structures that contain a high degree of metaphoricity that allows us to delve into the conceptualization of said elements in the Sinophone mind. Thanks to the contributions of Cognitive Linguistics, we aim to analyze these conceptualizations with the aim of facilitating the teaching of complements to students of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) to Spanish speakers. The teaching proposal that this thesis aims to carry out is framed within the trend of microlearning, a didactic trend that has been developing in the last two decades, in a context of boom in the use of new technologies, with new needs and learning styles that this entails.
Scholarship: Yes
Type of Scholarship: FI SDUR
Date of entrance: 01/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
Gonzalez Torrents, Isabel. ¿Cómo traducir los complementos resultativos direccionales del chino mandarín al español? Una perspectiva cognitiva. I Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Traducción. Universidad de Valladolid. Online. 28 de mayo de 2021.
González Torrents, Isabel. El concepto de espacialidad en los complementos resultativos del chino mandarín: ¿cuáles son sus equivalentes en español? XI Simposio de la Asociación Argentina de Lingüística Cognitiva "Aportes de la Lingüística Cognitiva al estudio y la enseñanza de la lengua y la literatura". Instituto de Lingüística de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Online. 9 y 10 de septiembre de 2021.
González Torrents, Isabel. El movimiento en los complementos potenciales del chino: una comparación entre sistemas cognitivos. IX Jornadas de Iniciación a la Investigación Lingüística. Universidad de Extremadura. Online. 6 y 7 de octubre de 2022.
González Torrents, Isabel. La espacialidad y el movimiento en los complementos potenciales del chino estándar: comparando sistemas cognitivos. XXXVII Congreso Internacional Asociación de Jóvenes Lingüistas. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 6 al 8 de noviembre de 2023.
PhD title: Accessibility in PlayStation 5, PC, and Virtual Reality Action RPG, Sports/Racing, First-Person Shooter, Point and Click, Turn-Based Combat/Tactics, and Strategy Games
PhD supervisor: Dr. Carme Mangiron Hevia
Date of project acceptance: -
European PhD thesis: NO
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: -
Scholarship: SI
Type of Scholarship: Saudi Ministry of Education
Date of entrance: 2022/09/29
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation:Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Belleza del lenguaje en cuatro caracteres: Estudio del chengyu en traducciones literarias al español
PhD supervisor: Dr. Simona Škrabec
Date of project acceptance: 20/02/2024
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Castellà
Abstract: This thesis will be the result of a study on the translation techniques of Chengyu from Chinese to Spanish in the literary context. The thesis will consist of two parts: a linguistic and cultural study of Chengyu and a case study of its translation. In the part of linguistic study of chengyu, the following aspects will be discussed: its origin in ancient Chinese literature, typology of its structure, its cultural connotation and its rhetorical effect in the literary context, which can cover aspects such as metrics and the semantics. In the case analysis part, some modern Chinese literary works that were translated and introduced to Spain will be chosen, among which The Besieged Fortress of Qian Zhongshu (translated by Taciana Fisac) will stand out, due to the abundant use of chengyu that brings wealth to the narration. Furthermore, a corpus will be formed and a quantitative analysis will be used. In this study, I’m looking forward to summarizing the most used translation techniques from Chengyu to Spanish and their justification according to their characteristics.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Estudio de la traducción de documentos gubernamentales de China y España desde una perspectiva Intercultural
PhD supervisor: Dr. María del Carmen Espín García
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Effective translation of governmental documents helps to enhance mutual understanding and international cooperation. In recent years, with the continuous development of official interactivities between China and Spain, the study of translation of governmental documents has become an emerging trend of academic interest. However, there are not so many systematic researches in both Spanish and Chinese languages concerning translation of these documents from an intercultural perspective.
This thesis aims to identify the characteristics and differences of the governmental documents between China and Spain, and systematically analyze the Sino-Spanish translations of said documents by applying translation theories. Based on the analysis of the strategies of translators, the paper attempts to find key points and useful translation skills which would help transfer cultural elements in governmental documents and overcome the difficulties in interpreting the content of the documents, in order to achieve the purpose of the translation commission.
Specifically, through bibliographic review, as well as consultation of documents and publications, governmental documents will be compiled related to political, diplomatic and educational affairs after the year 1973 when China and Spain established diplomatic relations. Then, data will be collected by making questionnaires, conducting interviews and using various theories of translation such as functionalism. After creating the corpus, the intercultural elements will be classified into visible and invisible cultural factor categories, and then, with qualitative and quantitative methods, the data will be analyzed so as to better understand the difficulties in translating these documents. In the end, the paper puts forward some preliminary solutions and suggestions for better translation of government documents.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/11/15
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos especialitzats
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Wei Jing. (2023). On the Cultivation of Interdisciplinary Talents for the Translation of Political Documents. In: Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, 5, 101-109.
Papers at conferences: Jing Wei. Study of translation of governmental documents between China and Spain. 11th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies, Department of Translation, Interpreting and East Asian Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, July 02, 2021.
Jing Wei. Studies on translation of political documents: cultivation of inter-disciplinary talents in translation and communication. VI Forum on Translation and Research of CPC Documents of China, Central Compilation & Translation Bureau, Tianjin Foreign Studies University & Xi'an International Studies University, Xi’an, December 18, 2021.
PhD title: Estudio contrastivo del disfemismo, el eufemismo y el ortofemismo sobre el léxico sexual a partir de Jin Ping Mei y sus dos traducciones al castellano
PhD supervisor: Dr. Lucía Molina Martínez
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Esta investigación consiste en un estudio contrastivo y descriptivo de los disfemismos, los eufemismos y los ortofemismos sobre el léxico sexual de las dos traducciones al español de la novela china ¿¿¿ (J¿n Píng Méi).La primera fase consiste en la confección del marco conceptual y metodológico. En esta fase, buscamos el marco teórico, delimitamos el objeto de estudio y elegimos los instrumentos apropiados para analizar el corpus. Presentamos, en primer lugar, las propuestas de los enfoques feministas en traducción, sobre todo, el feminismo transnacional de María Laura Spoturno y el feminismo chino. A continuación, revisamos las teorías feministas de la traducción de Von Flotow, Lotbienière-Harwood, Simon y Olga Castro. Asimismo, repasamos la concepción de la feminidad y la representación del cuerpo de la mujer y del hombre en la cultura origen: en China. Asimismo, revisamos las nociones, las funciones y los ámbitos del disfemismo, el eufemismo y el ortofemismo. Por último, repasamos los factores y las variables que condicionan la calificación de disfemismo, eufemismo y ortofemismo. La siguiente fase consiste en el análisis del corpus. En primer lugar, buscamos y clasificamos los disfemismos, eufemismos y ortofemismos sobre el léxico sexual en el TO y los TMs. Luego, utilizamos los datos que arroje el análisis del corpus para analizar en detalle los casos concretos. Utilizamos las técnicas de traducción y las estrategias feminista de traducción para clasificar y comparar las situaciones de los eufemismos, los disfemismos y los ortofemismos entre los textos meta. En la tercera y la última fase, analizamos los resultados obtenidos. Investigamos la calificación de los eufemismos, los disfemismos y los ortofemismos. Incidimos en el uso de las técnicas de traducción y las estrategias de traducción empleadas por los dos traductores, teniendo en cuenta la variable de género. Asimismo, triangulamos los datos obtenidos en los análisis anteriores para dilucidar si el género influye en la traducción de los tres recursos lingüísticos eufemismo, disfemismo y ortofemismo.
Scholarship: YES
Type of Scholarship: csc (China Scholarship Council)
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Modelo de Competencia Interpretativa para Intérpretes de Lenguas de Signos en el Contexto de Conferencias
PhD supervisor: Dr. Anabel Galán-Mañas
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Portuguese
Abstract: The interpretation has long been a subarea of ¿¿translation studies, as can be seen in the mapping by Williams & Chesterman (2002, p. 21) or in the compendia by Baker and Saldanha (2009), Munday (2009) and Gambier and Van Doorslaer (2010-2013). However, in 1992 at the Congress of Translation Studies at the University of Vienna, Daniel Gile calls for a process of founding a new field which he called "interpretation studies" (Pöchhacker, 2016 p. 41). Since then, interpreting studies have been consolidated with the publication of research focused on topics such as language and memory, cognitive processes, the relationship between product and effect, discourse and interaction, history of interpreting, technology, aspects of the profession and training of interpreters. interpreters. One of the topics that converge professional aspects and the training of interpreters is the competence in interpretation - theme of this research project that will delimit its focus on conference interpreting carried out by Sign Language interpreters. My main goal is to analyze the models of interpreting competence found in the specialized literature and to propose a new model aimed at training Sign Language interpreters in the conference settings. This research project is based on a mixed approach and is classified as an exploratory study that will use bibliographic, survey and documentary research procedures (GIL, 2008: 50; 2005: 59; SAMPIERI et al, 2013: 100). Based on the empirical data obtained and analyzed, we will present a new model of competence in interlinguistic and intermodal interpreting.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2022/02/14
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: New Approaches to Improve the Quality of Live Subtitling on TV
PhD supervisor: Dr. Andrew T. Duchowski. Co-supervisor: Dr. Agnieszka Szarkowska. Tutor: Dr. Pilar Orero.
Date of project acceptance: 2015/04/15
European PhD thesis: No
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: The aim of this research is twofold. First, to define certain quality-related aspects of live subtitling on TV and how to benchmark them, and second to describe the NERstar Editor. Regarding the first point, two questions arise: what is meant by 'quality-related aspects of live subtitling on TV' and how to define quality benchmarking. Attention should also be paid to the different preferences and expectations of the countries with respect to quality-related criteria in live subtitling on TV, and the many differences in legislation, funding and production models. Language always works within a culture, hence distinct cultural background will also have an impact in quality benchmarking. In other words: quality is a highly complex interplay of very contrasting ideas and often controversial issues. As to the second point, the aim is to present NERstar Editor, a software solution that has specifically been developed for assessing and improving the quality in live subtitling on TV linked to accuracy, delay, speed and display issues.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2015/03/02
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): 5th International Symposium Respeaking, Live Subtitling and Accessibility, 12 June 2015, Rome (paper)
International Conference on Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video (ACM TVX2015), 3-5 June 2015, Brussels (paper)
HBB4ALL Workshop: Smart Accessibility on Connected TV, 17-18 March 2015, Barcelona (demo and showcase)
EUROVISION Access Services Experts' Meeting, 17 September 2014, Berlin (speech)
ITU Workshop on Making Media Accessible to All: the options and the economics, 24-25 October 2013, Geneva (demo and showcase)
V International Media for All Conference, 25-27 September 2013, Dubrovnik (paper)
XVII European Conference on Eye Movements ECEM, 11-16 August, 2013 (paper), Lund
III International Symposium on Live Subtitling with Speech Recognition, 21 October 2011, Antwerpen (paper)
IV International Media for All Conference, 28 June-1 July, London (paper)
VIII International Languages and The Media Conference, 6-8 October 2010, Berlin (paper)
PhD title: Migration, identity, and conflicts in the Hong Kong SAR labour market, 1997-2023.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Joaquín Beltrán Antolín; Dr. Dídac Cubeiro Rodríguez.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 20/02/2024
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: This thesis aims to shed light on the dynamics of interaction between local and migrant Chinese workers. It explores the causes and effects of workplace conflicts in Hong Kong SAR’s labour market since the 1997 handover. Prior scholarship on this topic is both limited and fragmented; therefore, this study will contribute to a more comprehensive insight from socio-economic, political, and cultural perspectives. The main objective is to analyse interpersonal conflicts that confront local and migrant workers against each other, as well as intergroup disputes between employees and employers. To address this research topic, three main factors will be studied: Firstly, inbound migration flows from the mainland. Secondly, the evolution of labour and immigration legislation regarding the incorporation of Chinese workers in the local work landscape. And thirdly, the evolution and reconstruction of local identity along with its profound impacts on the integration of mainland migrants. Through a thorough review of the literature, this thesis reveals that discrimination, bullying, and sexual harassment emerge as the most prevalent types of conflict. Drawing upon intersectionality theory, the study posits that a combination of multiple factors contributes to the formation of demographic profiles and identities, thereby creating hierarchies that perpetuate marginalisation. Within the framework of this research, workplace conflicts are conceptualised as a cumulative and interrelated process. These disputes do not solely stem from labour relations, but are also influenced by broader societal, political, and cultural levels that shape individuals’ attitudes towards mistreatment or disrespectful communication with others. Consequently, this thesis not only seeks to understand labor dynamics but also to examine how these conflicts reflect and affect the social and cultural fabric of Hong Kong as a whole.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: -
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Economia de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Fernandez, J. (2024). Working Conditions in China and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Asiademica Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 19(1), pp. 242-257.
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: La sinidad en la literatura española del siglo XXI
PhD supervisor: Dr. Amelia Sáiz López
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2020/02/24
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: La finalidad que orienta el Proyecto “Novelas españolas sobre China del siglo XXI” queda definida en investigar las escrituras españolas con protagonista chino o que describe una experiencia en China, no sólo en su sentido literal, sino también cultural. El proyecto no contempla dichas novelas sólo como un almacén de manifestaciones letradas, sino también un retroproyector de la representación de dos culturas muy distintas mezclando o fusionando, mientras también observa la mirada cultural al ente chino con la perspectiva española.
El corpus propuesto en su mayoría consiste en novelas escritas por los españoles tratando de narrar historias, problema de la identidad de los chinos, mientras intentando retratar la trayectoria de unos cambios psicológicos en su caso.
El corpus contiene Dos Huérfanos en China de Héctor Sánchez Minguillan, El país del medio de Joan Tello, Los mares de Wang de Gabi Martinez, LLuny de Pequín de Andrea Rodés, El Cielo de Pekin de Miguel Espigado y Lolota vuelve a China de Ángel Fernández Fermoselle, El alfabeto de los pájaros de Nuria Barrios.
El proyecto se basa en las teorías de estudios culturales y de la identidad cultural, acompañadas por las de imagen pública. Más concretamente, pone énfasis en las preguntas: ¿Cómo los españoles piensan sobre los chinos? El proyecto trata de contemplar las diferencias presentadas no solo entre diferentes españoles, sino también entre españoles y chinos. También hace hincapié en la representación china en España, los posibles estereotipos sobre esta comunidad, y el dialogo entre dos diferentes culturas.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2015/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: Representations of Chinese adoption in 21st century Spanish fictions
PhD title: La interpretación en los procedimientos de asilo. Estudio comparativo de las ciudades Barcelona y Berlín.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Mariana Orozco Jutorán
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2020/02/12
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Este trabajo se centra en la interpretación en los procedimientos de asilo (IPA). Se basa en la hipótesis de que en este ámbito existe una falta de profesionalidad y calidad lo cual supone una vulneración de las garantías procedimentales e impide el acceso al derecho de asilo en igualdad de condiciones para los solicitantes de asilo.
El objetivo general del estudio es analizar la situación actual de la IPA en el contexto europeo, concretamente en España (Barcelona) y Alemania (Berlín). La investigación sobre la IPA en estos países aún no es muy amplia, por lo que, en primer lugar, se plantea una pregunta teórica para dirimir, dadas las implicaciones jurídicas, si la IPA pertenece al ámbito de la interpretación en los servicios públicos o la interpretación judicial y policial.
Los procedimientos de asilo son el producto de una complicada interacción entre diferentes regulaciones e instituciones a nivel internacional, europeo, nacional y local. Además, el contexto en el que sucede la IPA está condicionado por una gran variedad de factores sociales, políticos, psicológicos y lingüísticos. Por tanto, para validar la hipótesis inicial, se prevé realizar un análisis completo que englobe, entre otros, los siguientes aspectos: la legislación relevante, las diferentes etapas del procedimiento de asilo en las que intervienen intérpretes, las personas destinatarias, las instituciones involucradas, la organización de la prestación de los servicios de interpretación en cada paso, el setting y las técnicas de la interpretación, los controles de calidad pertinentes, etc.
Finalmente, este proyecto tiene como objetivo elaborar recomendaciones para mejorar la IPA en función de lo observado en el estudio comparativo y concienciar sobre la importancia de una interpretación adecuada. Se pretende presentar un trabajo con relevancia práctica que pueda ayudar en la argumentación y la defensa de los derechos procedimentales de solicitantes de protección internacional.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2015/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Enhancing Social Integration of Iranian Immigrants in Catalonia: The Role of Language and (Mediated) Communication in Accessing Public Services
PhD supervisor: Dr. Gema Rubio Carbonero
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 30/10/2024
European PhD thesis: yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: The research aims to examine the communicative support provided to Iranian immigrants during their initial settlement in Catalonia. It focuses on addressing communication barriers faced by Iranian immigrants in accessing public services and explores initiatives promoting language acquisition in the host society. The investigation examines key areas such as the significance of language and communication skills in social integration, the role of mediating services in overcoming language barriers while using the public services, and the support and facilities received by immigrants in Catalonia. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research combines qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. Questionnaires and in-depth interviews will gather data from Iranian immigrants in Barcelona, utilizing snowball sampling to reach approximately 100 participants. Qualitative data will be analyzed through thematic and discourse analysis, while quantitative data will undergo statistical analysis. The research objectives include evaluating the availability and accessibility of mediating and interpreting services for Iranian immigrants, and assessing the effectiveness of these services in communication with social, healthcare, and educational services. It will also examine initiatives by the host society to help Iranian immigrants learn Catalan and Spanish. The study also aims to propose recommendations and strategies to enhance social integration through improved communicative support and language learning initiatives. By providing insights into improving the social integration and well-being of Iranian immigrants, this research aims to contribute valuable information that could inform policies and practices, thereby facilitating smoother transitions for immigrants in Catalonia.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2024
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Tajzadeh Namin, A.A., Mohebbi, L. (2021). Push and Pull Motivations Affecting Decision Making in Adventure Tourism: A Case Study of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. [Master's thesis, Allameh Tabataba'i University].
Fazilatfar, A.M., Mohebbi, L., Modrek, M. (2016). The Effect of Video Materials on EFL learners’ Oral Production: A Task-based Approach. International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology 5(2) DOI:10.5861/ijrset.2016.1443.
Mohebbi, L. (2013). The Effect of Online vs. Pre-Service CALL Education on EFL Teachers Attitude [Paper presentation]. 11th International TELLSI Conference at Tabaran Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran.
Mohebbi, L. (2012). Subtitled Task Videos and Their Effects on EFL Language Production [Poster presentation]. 10th International TELLSI Conference at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Mohebbi, L. (2012). The Effect of Video Materials on EFL learners’ Oral Production: A Task-based Approach [Paper presentation]. 1st Conference on English Language Studies at Shahid Madani University, Azarbayjan, Iran.
Fazilatfar, A.M., Mohebbi, L. (2011). The Effect of Video Materials on EFL learners’ Oral Production: A Task-based Approach. [Master's thesis, Yazd University].
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Análisis sobre las figuras femeninas en Extraños cuentos del estudio Liaozhai y sus traducciones en español
PhD supervisor: Dr. Jordi Más López
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/02/16
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Mientras la globalización económica continúa desarrollándose en profundidad, los intercambios educativos entre países y zonas también se han vuelto más frecuentes, la globalización de la educación ya se ha convertido en una nueva tendencia popular. Esto también ha influido mucho a China como el mundo, con el desarrollo económico, cada vez más estudiantes tienen las condiciones para ir al extranjero a seguir sus estudios. Debido a las distintas culturales y los hábitos de aprendizaje, el diseño de la clase y el proceso de la evaluación debe ser diferentes en varias situaciones. En el momento de elegir el destino, América Norte, Europa y Australia son las regiones favoritas tanto de los estudiantes chinos como de sus familiares. La educación superior en Europa tiene fama mundial y está a la vanguardia del mundo, cada año una gran cantidad de estudiantes chinos vienen a Europa para estudiar e investigar. En el caso de España, en 2007, se firmó el Acuerdo en Materia de Reconocimiento de Títulos y Diplomas entre el Gobierno del Reino de España y el Gobierno de la República Popular de China, y desde entonces, cada vez más estudiantes chinos han venido a España para continuar sus estudios, se distribuyen principalmente en las etapas de Grado, Postgrado y doctorado. Después de aprender el idioma, estudiantes de distintos países existe las diversidades de formas de estudio, a menudo los estudiantes se encuentran diversos problemas provocados por las diferencias culturales. Considerando estos factores, analizar los problemas de adquisición de lengua extranjera de los estudiantes extranjeros es muy necesario, también investigar el diseño de la clase español como lengua extranjera y mejorar el proceso de evaluación son indispensable para que los estudiantes extranjeros aprendan el idioma con facilidad.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Estudio descriptivo de la traducción e interpretación jurídica del chino en Cataluña
PhD supervisor: Dr. Carmen Bestue, Dr. Sara Rovira
Date of project acceptance: 2014/01/14
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The principle objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of the legal Chinese translation and interpretation in Catalonia. Due to the shortage of the previous job in the legal field with the language combination of Chinese-Spanish/ Catalan, the proposal of this thesis is to describe the current situation. The method of the data collection is mainly based on the PhD contract with persons in various areas, such as consulates, courts, chambers of commerce, translation firms, notaries, law firms and translators and interpreters in the legal fields.
This thesis is adapted to provide the foundational knowledge on that in the future, there will be more detailed aspects of legal translation and interpretation developed in this language combination that enable to approach the scientific maturity which can be generalised in other language combinations.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2013/10/15
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos especialitzats
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: La competencia cultural en la formación en traducción chino-español
PhD supervisor: Dr. Amparo Hurtado Albir; Dr. Sara Rovira Esteva.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The emphasis and attention placed on translators' ability to work across cultures stands out throughout the history of translation and Translation Studies. In the past few decades, the multiple models of translator competence integrate this competence related to cultural mediation under different names and conceptualizations. On the other hand, cross-cultural communication also enjoys a long tradition of research and application in the fields of didactics and foreign language acquisition.
Yet, there is a gap in the research and design of didactic proposals oriented towards the training of translation professionals in the Chinese-Spanish language combination. We identify a lack of proposals specifically aimed at promoting the development of cultural competence at university level.
Consequently, the main objective of this PhD thesis is to design a syllabus suited to the current curricular context and to the needs of students in terms of their professional development. To this end, a series of quasi-experimental studies will be carried out with the collaboration of lecturers, Chinese-Spanish translation professionals and current students and alumni, and the findings will be used as the basis for the design of the syllabus. Finally, it will be implemented and assessed for its adequacy.
Scholarship: YES
Type of Scholarship: FI SDUR
Date of entrance: 2020/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: La aceptabilidad de las traducciones y la adquisición de la competencia traductora
PhD supervisor: Dr. Amparo Hurtado Albir; Dr. Wilhelm Neunzig (Codirector)
Date of project acceptance: 2011/01/19
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The main objective of this research is to study the acceptability (translation quality) of translations (translation quality) and its relationship with the process of translation competence acquisition (TCA). As part of the second phase of PACTE’s research project, consisting of a longitudinal study of the acquisition of translation competence in trainee translators. This research on acceptability will focus on the evolution of the quality of the translations of the subjects. Furthermore this study will attempt to describe the processes of interiorization of the acceptability criteria by those
Keywords: acceptability, translation competence acquisition, interiorization, trainee translators, longitudinal study
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2010/10/20
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Aplicació de la metodologia empírica en la recerca sobre traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: July-September 2012 ZHAW- Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Departement Angewandte Linguistik (Wintenthur, Suïssa). Movilidad de estudiantes en programas de doctorado con Mención hacia la Excelencia. Ministerio de Educación
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): Seminary: “I Seminari de especialització en didàctica de la traducció”
Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012)
Organizer: Grup de Recerca PACTE
Participation: Organizer, attendee
Symposium: “III Simposi Internacional de Joves Investigadors en Traducció, Interpretació, Estudis Interculturals i Estudis d'Àsia Oriental”. Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012)
Organizer: Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació
Participation: Organizer
Conference: “I Congrés internacional sobre investigació en Didàctica de la traducció/ VIII Congrés internacional de Traducció del Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació. Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012)
Organizer Grup de Recerca PACTE
Participation: Organizer
Conference: “4th Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies”. Queen's University Belfast (2012)
Organizer: IATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies) Participation: Presentation: “An exploratory study to validate the reliability of ‘Rich Points’ as a translation quality assessment procedure”
“La evaluación de la aceptabilidad de las traducciones: un estudio exploratorio sobre la idoneidad de los puntos ricos para evaluar traducciones”
Castillo, Luis Miguel (2010). Published in: Dipòsit de Recerca de Catalunya – RECERCAT– (
PhD title: Influencia de la cultura nacional en la cultura organizacional y la globalización en Corea del Sur
PhD supervisor: Dr. Ester Torres Simon
Date of project acceptance: 20/02/2020
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: This thesis investigates the evolution of corporate culture in South Korea’s large, diversified conglomerates—the chaebol—under the influence of globalization. The focus on chaebol stems from their crucial role in the country’s economic development, their substantial influence, and the strength of their corporate cultures. Korea’s rapid economic growth has historically been driven by a unique corporate culture shaped by Confucian values and military-style discipline, contributing to the nation's global leadership in industries such as mobile devices, semiconductors, automobiles, and shipbuilding. However, since the 1997 financial crisis, the South Korean management model has come under increasing scrutiny. In response to rising global competition and external pressures, many Korean companies have adopted "global standards" influenced by Western, particularly U.S., management practices. Additionally, global economic shifts over the past decade, along with internal challenges such as demographic changes and a generational shift in values, have pushed Korean companies to reconsider their organizational culture. While reports of drastic reforms within large corporations have surfaced, it remains unclear whether these changes mark a significant departure from traditional Korean corporate values or if these values still underpin modern management practices. This thesis employs a hybrid methodology, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative aspect includes surveys and statistical analysis to measure and identify patterns of change in cultural values related to work, while the qualitative aspect incorporates in-depth interviews and observations to provide deeper insights into how traditional cultural values influence organizational behavior within chaebol
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2019
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Economia de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
Margarita Postrelova. "Canvis en la cultura corporativa sud-coreana sota les noves condicions socioeconòmiques." Simposi de Joves Investigadors. UAB, Barcelona, 2 de juliol de 2021.
Margarita Postrelova. "Jerarquia en la vida corporativa de Corea del Sud: Canvis i persistència dels valors culturals." 31a Conferència de l'AKSE (Associació d'Estudis Coreans a Europa), a Copenhaguen, Dinamarca, del 22 al 25 de juny de 2023. El text complet de la presentació està publicat a la pàgina web oficial de l'AKSE.
PhD title: Descripción del Post-Editese en traducción automática
PhD supervisor: Dr. Olga Torres Hostench
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2021/11/01
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The use of machine translation (MT) and, more specifically, post-editing (PE) in the translation industry is becoming more and more common due to the increase in productivity when implemented in the workflow. Besides, some studies have shown that MT generates texts of equal or even higher quality than human translation (HT) (Toral, 2019).
Considering the popularization of MT, this thesis aims to be focused on determining the existence of translationese in PE, known as post-editese. That would be to find characteristics in post-edited texts that make them different from human translated and original texts.
Given the different scenarios in which tests can be developed, one of the objectives pursued by the project would focus on the analysis of the extent of the impact of MT in the target language, which in this case would be Spanish. This would be studied by means of a corpus composed by the compilation of press articles from different genres, originally written in Spanish, comparing them with others that have been post-edited in this same language, as well as the analysis of the subtitles of series that have also been post-edited.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/11/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Oral Easy Language in Audiovisual contents: speech speed and pauses
PhD supervisor: Dr. Anna Matamala Ripoll
Date of project acceptance: 09/06/2022
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Easy to understand (E2U) is a general term that includes Plain Language and Easy Language. Plain language is aimed primarily at the general public without expert knowledge of the subject. Easy language, on the other hand, has strict rules that limit grammatical structures and lexicon that can be used to ensure the highest possible level of comprehension by the user. To date, research on easy-to-understand language has focused almost exclusively on the written form, and it is from this research gap that this thesis emerges. This doctoral thesis will focus on Easy Language in accessible audiovisual content. More specifically, it will focus on speech speed and pause length and position in easy oral language in Catalan in order to investigate what are the optimal conditions for users with intellectual disabilities.
Scholarship: Yes
Type of Scholarship: Ajuts Joan Oró per a la contractació de personal investigador predoctoral en formació (FI-2022)
Date of entrance: 2022/03/15
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Pujadas-Farreras, M., McDonagh, S. (2024) A study of easy-to-read adaptations in climate communication: a corpus analysis. Universal Access in the Information Society.
Papers at conferences:
Pujadas-Farreras, M. (2024) “Easy audios for better comprehension: Speech rate and pause duration” a OPEN Research Network Seminar, 17 juny 2024.
Pujadas-Farreras, M. (2024). “El lenguaje fácil oral: ¿cuándo es ‘más lento’, demasiado lento?” a XI Congreso de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación, 29-31 maig 2024.
Pujadas-Farreras, M. (2023). “Oral Easy-to-Understand language and audiovisual content: how do they mix?” in Media 4 All 10, 5-7 July 2023.
Pujadas-Farreras, M. (2023). “La complexitat lingüística als museus: estudi de cas del MUME” in 13th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies, 30 June 2023.
Pujadas-Farreras, M. (2023). “Oral Easy Language in AVT content” in Permanent Research Seminar on Accessibility, 25 May 2023.
McDonagh, S., Pujadas-Farreras, M., Barroso Ordóñez, M. (2023). “Communicating the environmental crisis to non-specialist audiences: A quality assessment of machine translated subtitles into three different languages” in Third Wroc¿aw Terminological Meeting TERMOS, 11-13 May, 2023.
Pujadas-Farreras, M. y McDonagh, S. (2022). “Assessing the accessibility of information about the climate crisis: A comparative analysis” in Green Digital Accessibility, 2 December 2022.
PhD title: Empirical evaluations of Easy Language guidelines
PhD supervisor: Dr. Anna Matamala; Dr. Olga Soler Vilageliu.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Easy Language is a simplified linguistic variety that seeks to improve the access to information for heterogeneous groups who, for different reasons, have reading difficulties. According to the Easy Plain Accessible platform, close to 13 million people in Spain would be possible beneficiaries of Easy Language.
Guidelines for writing in this variety have been published for different langauges in recent years. In Spain, we have the UNE 153101 EX standard from 2018, which addresses the creation and adaptation of content in Easy Language in Spanish.
However, the content in Easy Language guidelines and standards is rarely based on scientific results, and is usually the result of practice. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the guidelines based on empirical data and reception studies’ results in order to guarantee the maximum quality and effectiveness of these texts. Thus defends Maaß (2020: 82): “[…] a scientific approach to Easy Language is needed: Easy Language and also the other comprehensibility enhanced varieties have to be remodelled and evaluated by empirically testing the properties of Easy Language texts as well as their reception by the different primary and secondary target groups.”
The goal of my research is to empirically evaluate the effects of some of the recommendations in Easy Language guidelines. To evaluate the reception of these texts, I will perform experiments on users with intellectual disabilities using Eye-tracking technology, and measure the effects on reading of some linguistic and format adaptations present in Easy Language.
This thesis is integrated in the European project MediaVerse: A universe of media assets at your fingertips, H2020-EU.2.1.1. programme.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2022/04/25
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Aplicació de la metodologia empírica en la recerca sobre traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
González-Sordé. Matamala (2023). Empirical evaluation of Easy Language recommendations: a systematic literature review from journal research in Catalan, English, and Spanish. Universal Access in the Information Society.
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.):
González-Sordé, M. Empirical evaluation of Easy Language recommendations: a systematic literature review. T&R 7: Simple, University of Udine, Udine, 24 Nov 2022, 25 Nov 2022.
González-Sordé, M. Empirical evaluation of visual support in Easy Language texts: a study on comprehension and reading behaviour using eye-tracking. Klaara conference, University of Leiria, Leiria, 4 July 2023, 7 July 2023.
PhD title: La comunicación kawaii: lenguaje, estética y emancipación en la negociación del género entre jóvenes.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Blai Guarné
Date of project acceptance: 09/06/2024
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: L'estètica kawaii, caracteritzada principalment per trets de tendresa i adorabilitat, ha permeat des de finals del segle XX en diversos aspectes de la cultura contemporània japonesa, influint especialment en la construcció de la feminitat. En aquest sentit, ha estat adoptada com una forma de resistència i autodefinició, especialment entre els joves, permetent-los expressar-se més enllà dels rols de gènere convencionals. La comunicació kawaii, que es manifesta a través d'un llenguatge suau, gestos adorables i expressions tendres, es presenta com una estratègia per mitigar tensions socials i promoure una alternativa als patrons lingüístics i culturals tradicionals. L'estudi proposat es centra en comprendre l'impacte de la cultura i la comunicació kawaii en la formació d'identitats de gènere entre joves. Es busca examinar com aquesta estètica, que inicialment pot percebre's com a superficial, desencadena processos significatius d'autodefinició i emancipació. La investigació adopta un enfocament multidisciplinari que integra estudis de cultura pop japonesa, gènere i lingüística contrastiva. En última instància, el projecte examina com la cultura kawaii serveix com un vehicle significatiu per a l'expressió i redefinició d'identitats de gènere entre els joves, tant al Japó com en contextos culturals influenciats per la cultura visual japonesa.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation:
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
Cardona García, Marta. Sh¿jo horror in Japanese cinema: exploring kawaii and body horror towards the construction of the female teenage identity. De-Westernizing Horror Cinema. King's College London. 31 de octubre y 1 de noviembre de 2022.
Cardona García, Marta. La vía de los kami o un descenso a los infiernos: El sintoísmo en el J-Horror a través de las películas Noroi y Shikoku. II Congreso Internacional Complutense de Asia Oriental. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Del 28 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2022.
Cardona García, Marta. Combatir lo maligno: empoderamiento adolescente a través de las heroínas sh¿jo. Congreso Internacional "Mujer y poder en contextos hostiles". Universidad de Salamanca. Del 23 al 25 de febrero de 2023.
Cardona García, Marta. Aún necesitamos a Nana: la primera persona en la obra de Ai Yazawa y la búsqueda de la identidad adolescente. III Congreso Internacional de la AEEAO. Universidad de Salamanca. Del 7 al 9 de junio de 2023.
Cardona García, Marta. Invasión kawaii: la cultura de lo adorable como estética y lenguaje de nuestros tiempos. III Congreso Internacional Complutense de Asia Oriental. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Del 16 al 20 de octubre de 2023.
Cardona García, Marta. Cultura kawaii: contradicciones de un ideal femenino. I Jornadas Internacionales de Estudios sobre Cultura Pop de Asia Oriental. Universidad de Salamanca. 18 y 19 de abril de 2024.
PhD title: La posición de la literatura traducida en un sistema literario minorizado: el caso sardo
PhD supervisor: Dr. Montserrat Bacardí i Tomás
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2019/01/22
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Literary translation as a semiotic phenomenon arises under sociological and cultural conditions linked to the target system. These conditions constitute the canonic background which influences the selection and reception procedures of translated works, carried out by a set of interlinked agents: institutions, publishers, translators, audience. At the same time, translated literature plays some roles that determine its central or peripheral position in the target polysystem, to use Itamar Even-Zohar’s terminology. Due to Polysystem’s integration the literary translated is relevant also in linguistic system’s issues. In this regard, it seem to be interesting to carry out studies about minorized linguistic and literary systems laying in a diglossia situation in their struggle of consolidation. This study aims to determine the position of the translated literary in the specific case of the literary system in the linguistic context of Sardinia, whose long-standing diglossia with Italian language has been affecting Sardinian language’s consolidation. Through a descriptive analysis of the Sardinian literary system, included in a interdisciplinary theoric framework which includes the Polysystem Theory (Even-Zohar), the theories about literary reception (Hans Robert Jauss) and the literary field (Pierre Bourdieu), the study will approach a corpus of literary works translated into Sardinian in the decade 2010-2019 and then describe their position compared to the canon and the set of relation and agents. The hypothesis to be verified by this study will suggest the primary position of the translated literature in the Sardinian literary system, as it would produce benefits, broadening the language possibilities and giving it prestige, and hence promoting the strengthening of the linguistic system.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/10/05
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Mandis, Matteo, La revisione di traduzioni letterarie: un contrappeso necessario, en Miscelánea. Studi traduttologici, linguistici e letterari su America Latina e Caraibi, a cura di Maria Cristina Secci, Tertulias, UNICAPress, Cagliari, 2018.
Papers at conferences: “¿A qué viene la traducción? Prioridades y aportes en un sistema literario minorizado: el caso sardo” , en Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature, Universidad de Córdoba, 10-11 de julio 2021
PhD title: Estudio sobre las maneras de evitar la repetición de palabras en español desde la perspectiva de la Teoría de la Relevancia
PhD supervisor: Dr. María del Carmen Espín García; Dr. Patricia Rodríguez Inés.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 18/02/2021
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The thesis research will focus on the study of Relevance Theory and its application in the translation of the work and the translation process, as well as how to find ways to avoid repetitions. After having compared the Chinese and Spanish versions of Red Sorghum¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, the most repeated examples will be selected, a classification of the strategies to avoid repetition will be made and then a comparative analysis will make us know if the translation is adequate or not. The main objective of this thesis will be to deepen the application of the Relevance Theory in the translation from Chinese to Spanish by comparing the Chinese and Spanish versions of the work mentioned above. The secondary objectives will be to find out the relationship between Translation theory and Relevance theory; compare and analyze the strategies that have been applied to avoid repetitions; check the interpretability of Relevance theory for Chinese-Spanish translation since Chinese and Spanish belong to different linguistic systems, and consider what advantages and disadvantages the application of Relevance theory has in translation from Chinese to Spanish compared to other pragmatic theories. To carry out this thesis, the following steps will be followed. First, A bibliographic review will be made of the previous studies, especially of the Pragmatic theories and the Relevance theory. Second, a comparison will be made on the application of these theories in translation, and finally a comparative analysis will be made on ways to avoid the repetition of words in the text translated from Chinese into Spanish. The thesis will be divided into three main parts: the theoretical framework, a description of the strategies to avoid repetitions and the comparative analysis of the examples, as well as the bibliography and annexes.¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2020
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: La traducción de textos políticos desde la perspectiva de la eco-traductología
PhD supervisor: Dr. Francesc Galera Porta
Date of project acceptance: 2022/06/09
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The present work investigates the translation of political texts between Chinese and Spanish with the eco-traductology theory and the corpus of the second volume of the book Xi Jinping: The Governance and Administration of China. Through a descriptive analysis of the Spanish translation of Chinese political texts from the perspective of eco-translatology of Xi Jinping's two volumes: The Governance and Administration of China and to demonstrate that eco-translatology can be applied to the translation of political texts, we explore the translator eco-environment of the original and the translated text, we establish the linguistic corpus to analyze the characteristics of the Spanish translation of political texts, we compare the translation in the two volumes in Spanish and investigate the changes and design a questionnaire in order to find out the reaction of Spanish readers to the translated text and justify its degree of adequacy, especially in the adaptive transformation in the linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions.
Eco-translatology was proposed by Professor Hu Gengshen of Tsinghua University in 2001, and is an interdisciplinary research paradigm that explores the relationship between translation and ecology. This theory builds on the similarities in many respects between translation and ecology and discusses how to translate from the perspective of ecology. It is emphasized that the adaptation and selection of the translator in the translation process is a task that exists at all times and is also a standard for evaluating the translation.
We have concluded that the eco-translation theory can be applied in the analysis of political texts. The translators of the chosen book manage to maintain the ecological balance between the original and the target language, adopting the two tendencies according to the specific environment.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2022/01/07
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Language and Perception: Verbalisation of the Target Language’s Associated Modes of Thinking in Audiovisual Translation
PhD supervisor: Dr. Makiko Fukuda
Date of project acceptance: 05/07/2023
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: High-context and low-context communication styles represent two extremes of the communication spectrum. The communication style is determined by the extent to which emphasis is placed on the context surrounding the communicated message. That is, a high-context communication style is indirect and implicit on the ground that most of information is internalised within the interlocutors and in the context. On the other hand, a low-context style is deemed more direct since a great deal of background information is explicitly conveyed using actual words. Ultimately, communication styles across cultures span a continuum of high-context to low-context dependence. Such a difference in styles weighs heavily on meaning encoding and decoding, presenting challenges to communicators and translators. The foremost effect is revealed when speech participants from, more specifically, low-context cultures find it difficult to accurately comprehend such a context-laden text. A subsequent challenge rises to surface when it comes to translation endeavours. In essence, comprehension difficulties due to lack of contextual knowledge of the high-context texts’ specificities bring about evident obstacles for translators. The rationale for this study is that the all-integrated whole of verbal, non-verbal and contextual elements of communication make context-dependent messages difficult to translate into a different culture. Amidst these challenges, an audio-visual text differs from other modalities in its faculty to mark those elements that surround verbal text. Hence, the central focus of this research is to investigate the treatment of context-dependent texts. With this in mind, it aims to account for the challenges of translating high-context messages to target audience from low-context cultures, specifically from Arabic into English. It focuses, meanwhile, on exploring the translation strategies employed in producing subtitles for such texts. In so doing, the study finally endeavours to assess the quality of audio-visual subtitle translations in terms of legibility, functional equivalence, adaptability to the target culture.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 05/07/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation:Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Retention of Interpreting Students through Undergraduate Action Research, Mentorship, Curriculum Design and Assessment: A Case Study of the Community Interpreter Program at Viterbo University
PhD supervisor: Dr. Carmen Bestué, Dr. Marta Arumí
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2019/01/21
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: This thesis explores and assesses the effects of implementing high-impact curriculum components into the Community Interpreting Certificate at Viterbo University to determine the influences such methodologies have on students of interpreting studies.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/10/15
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: Pinzl, Michelle. Retaining Latinx Students through Undergraduate Action Research. Equity in the Classroom Conference. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI. December 6, 2019
Pinzl, Michelle. Crossing the Border: Toward Cultural Humility and Mutual Understanding between Providers and LEP Latinx Patients. Texas Association of Healthcare Interpreters and Translators, Houston, TX. September 14, 2019
Pinzl, Michelle. 2nd Phase Research: Improving Connectivity Between Language Access, Interpreters, and Community Agents. 6th Annual Ramp Up¿ the Conversation Interpreter and ISP Conference. Bilingual Training Consultants, LLC., April 27,2019
Pinzl, Michelle. Language Access: What do Employers, Community Members and Service Providers Need to Know?. Annual Ethics Conference. DB Reinhard Institute for Ethics in Leadership, April 6, 2019
PhD title: Accessibility to video games for people with cognitive disabilities
PhD supervisor: Dra. Carme Mangiron Hevia
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/04/28
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Video game development has become one of the most important industries in the entertainment sector, but accessibility in this type of audiovisual product continues to pose many challenges. Among the types of barriers faced by people with disabilities, cognitive is the one that has received the least attention from professionals and academics. In this thesis I intend to use easy-to-understand language to improve the experience of players with dyslexia. An initial round of interviews will be carried out to verify the needs of the end users. Subsequently, a video game will be chosen and easy-to-understand language guidelines will be implemented to perform a reception study with which to evaluate its effects. Easy-to-understand language is expected to facilitate access to video games for people with cognitive disabilities and, specifically, for people with dyslexia.
Scholarship: YES
Type of Scholarship: Ajuts per a la contractació de personal investigador novell (FI-2022)
Date of entrance: 2022/05/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: En el principio era el ¿: tres siglos de traducciones católicas del Evangelio de Juan al chino
PhD supervisor: Dr. Zhou Minkang
Date of project acceptance: 14/02/2023
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
El propósito del presente estudio es el de llevar a cabo un análisis de la actividad de traducción católica en China a lo largo de los últimos tres siglos a través de dieciséis traducciones del evangelio de Juan al chino clásico y vernáculo, que representan la cuasi totalidad de las que ha realizado la Iglesia católica en dicho periodo: se trata de las de Jean Basset (c. 1700), Louis de Poirot (c. 1800), Wang Duomo (1875), Li Wenyu (1897), Xu Bin (1899), Xiao Jingshan (1922), Ma Xiangbo (completada en 1937 y publicada en 1949), Xiao Shunhua (1939), Wu Jingxiong (1949), Li Shanfu et al. (1949), el seminario Xuhui (1953), el Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (1968), el seminario Sheshan (1994) y los claretianos (1999 y 2012), algunas de las cuales llegaron a ser publicadas, y otras quedaron relegadas al estado de manuscrito. Estas nos servirán de hilo conductor para estructurar una reflexión en torno a la actividad de traducción de las Escrituras que irá más allá de las dificultades inherentes a la traducción de estos textos para poner dicho proceso en relación con la actividad de traducción católica a nivel histórico y global: ¿cuál es y ha sido la doctrina de la Iglesia católica sobre las traducciones de la Biblia? ¿En qué sentido podemos afirmar que una traducción es católica? y ¿qué reflexiones nos aportan los traductores chinos y extranjeros y sus obras sobre estos aspectos?
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 10/03/2022
Areas of research
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research Area Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research Area of East Asian Studies:-
Predoctoral stays abroad:
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
Miguel Moss Ferrer. “Τ¿ ¿μο¿ κα¿ σο¿, γ¿ναι (Jn 2,4): el tratamiento de María en el Evangelio de Juan en las traducciones de la Biblia al chino (ss. XVIII-XX)”. Congreso mariológico internacional “Caritatis momentum”, Universidad Católica de Valencia, Valencia, 26 de abril de 2023 - 28 de abril de 2023.
PhD title: Romance in Japanese TV Dramas. Affect, Gender and Topos in TV Getsuku Dramas of the 1990s.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Artur Lozano Méndez
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2017/10/02
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: Television broadcasting in Japan started in the 1950s, only several years after World War II, with the launch of NHK General TV, in February 1953, and Nippon Television, in August 1953. Television sets spread rapidly, reaching almost a 100% of diffusion rate in the 1980s, and television programming became one of the main staples of Japanese popular culture. Since the very beginnings television dramas were aired at strategic time slots to attract a mainly female audience and their popularity reached its peak in the 1990s, with the so-called trendy dramas, popular dramas that were characterised by hiring popular actors and actresses of the time and by narrating shallow stories that displayed charming and consumerist-oriented lifestyles.
In this context, the aim of this thesis is to analyse how romance has been depicted and constructed in the most popular trendy dramas of the 1990s both from a sociological and anthropologial perspectives. The object of research is a selection of 14 dramas aired on Fuji TV, Mondays 9pm (getsuku time slot), when the most popular dramas of all times were broadcasted. The 14 dramas cover the period that began with the implosion of the bubble economy in 1989 until the end of the trendy drama boom, in 2004.
Romance in dramas will be analysed using a toolkit of critical theory schools, focusing on the intertwinings of power, discourse, affect and gender. This thesis will make use of ethnographic methods of observation, interpreting, content analysis and critical discourse analysis from the standpoint of cultural studies in order to provide a detailed examination of the characters’ representation, language and acting in the occurrence of romantic interactions. All the findings will be recorded in a field diary.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2017/10/02
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensamiento e interculturalidad de Asia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Sociedad, política y relaciones internacionales de Asia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Camps, S; Ninova, M; Noé, S; Terrades, M. (2005). La comunidad en transformación. Análisis del cambio en la comunidad del “Doctorado de Psicología Social Crítica” producido por las TIC’s. Athenea digital: 2005. ISSN: 1578-8946.
Terrades, M. (2006) Nuevos retos de la mujer japonesa. El caso de las parasite singles. Actas del VIII Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios Japoneses en España. "La mujer japonesa: realidad y mito".
Hernández, V.; Araiza, A.; Moska, S.; Bona, Y.; Terrades, M.; Ruiseco, G.; Farre, A.; Luna, J. (2006). " Das Anfertigen der Philosophie. Die Zapatisten als Denker einer neuen Welt ". In: Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichische Lateinamerika-Forschung 2006. 16 July.
Hernández, V.; Ruiseco, G.; Bona, Y.; Mozka, S.; Terrades, M.; Farre, A.; Luna, J. (2006). " EZLN: Imaginary, Social Imaginary or Radical Imaginary ". In: 29Th Conference of the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP). 12 July.
Hernández, V.; Mozka, S.; Bona, Y.; Terrades, M.; Farre, A.; Luna, J. R.; Ruiseco, G. (2006). " The Zapatistas as Thinkers of a New World ". In: Kulturwissenschaften / Cultural Studies. 14 June.
Terrades, M; Viñals, J. (2007) Deconstrucción del Shintoismo. Actas del I Foro Español de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico.
Bona, Y. & Terrades, M. (2007). Wireless Communities as a sociotechnical infrastructure to inhabit: Becoming expert, becoming a node. In Proceedings of an international Conference on social and cultural aspects of mobile phones, media and wireless technologies (pp. 288–295). Sidney: University of Sydney.
Terrades, M. & Bona, Y. (2007). Mobile phone mediated inter-action. Affectivity, mobile subject and urban space. In Proceedings of an international Conference on social and cultural aspects of mobile phones, media and wireless technologies (pp. 151–160). Sidney: University of Sydney.
Terrades, M. (2009). The keitai as a thing. Media theory through an ethnography of Tokyo (Master’s Thesis). The University of Tokyo, Tokyo (in Japanese).
Papers at conferences: ‘Different places, different customs. Comparative Cultural Studies on Mobile Media’, 13th Public Research Meeting of the MELL Platz, The University of Tokyo & MELL Platz, Tokyo, June 27th 2009.
‘Keitai Bodies. An intimate relationship’, Digital Youth in East Asia, The Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies, Temple University, Tokyo, June 21st and 22nd 2008.
With Yann Bonna, ‘Wireless Communities as a sociotechnical infrastructure to inhabit: Becoming expert, becoming a node’, International Conference on Mobile Media, University of Sydney, Sydney, July 2nd 2007.
With Yann Bonna, ‘Mobile phone mediated inter-action. Affectivity, mobile subject and urban space’, International Conference on Mobile Media, University of Sydney, Sydney, July 2nd 2007.
‘Mobile phone mediated inter-action in Tokyo: Affectivity, emotion and imagination’, Ubiquitous media: Asian Transformations (UMAT), The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, July 13th-16th 2007.
‘Interacción mediada por móvil: TICs, identidad y afectividad, I Encuentro Estatal de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya i Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, May 25th-27th 2006.
With Alejandra Araiza, Yann Bona, Albert Farré, Víctor Hernández, René Hernández, Sayana Moska & Gisela Ruiseco, ‘EZLN: imaginary, social imaginary, or radical imaginary?, The Political Psychology of Liberation, the Political Psychology of Oppression, International Society of Political Psychology, Barcelona, July 15th 2006.
With Alejandra Araiza, Yann Bona, Albert Farré, Víctor Hernández, René Hernández, Sayana Moska & Gisela Ruiseco, ‘La hechura de la filosofía. Los zapatistas como pensadores de un nuevo mundo, 22nd Anual Conference ARGE Österreichische Lateinamerikaforschung, Asociación de Latinoamericanistas de Austria, Ströbl, June 17th 2006.
With Víctor Hernández & Gisela Ruiseco, ‘The Zapatistas as Thinkers of a New World’, Conference at the Faculty of Psychology, The University of Viena, June 2006.
With Jordi Viñals, ‘Deconstrucción del Shintoismo’, Foro Español de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico, Universidad de Granada, Granada, September 18th, 19th and 20th 2006.
‘Interacción mediada por teléfono móvil. TIC’s, identidad y afectividad’ Foro Español de Investigación sobre Asia Pacífico, Universidad de Granada, Granada, September 18th, 19th and 20th 2006.
With Jordi Viñals, ‘Gender and Deconstruction of Shinto’, Gender and Spiritual Praxis in Asian Contexts, The University of Lancaster, September 25th to 28th 2006.
With Maya Ninova, Sergi Noé and Silvia Camps. ‘La comunidad en transformación. Análisis del cambio en la comunidad del Doctorado de Psicología Social Crítica producido por las TIC’s, Simposium: la Virtualización de la Sociedad, Departament de Psicologia Social, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, April 2005.
‘Nuevos retos de la mujer japonesa. El caso de las parasite singles’, La mujer japonesa: realidad y mito, VIII Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios Japoneses en España, Universidad de Zaragoza, December 1st to 3rd 2005.
PhD title: Transmisión de la ironía verbal en Sueño en el Pabellón Rojo: Un estudio exploratorio secuencial
PhD supervisor: Dr. Francesc Galera Porta
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2021/03/25
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Verbal irony as a type of implicit language occurs in all languages. Needless to say its importance in translation, especially in literary translation since in literary works verbal irony has its greatest presence. However, due to many factors such as geographical, cultural and temporal distance between the author and the readers, in many situations such verbal irony suffers loss during the translation process.
Therefore, the general objective of this thesis is to detect the techniques used to solve the problems posed by the transfer of verbal irony in Dream of the Red Chamber, one of the four most famous classical works of China, through the analysis of the translation of ironic statements in the dialogues that both representative characters, Lin Daiyu and Wang Xifeng, maintain with others, as well as revealing the relationship between translation techniques and the maintenance of verbal irony in the translated version.
In order to achieve the general objective, we determined the following specific objectives:
1. Develop a theoretical framework for the study of the translation of verbal irony in literary translation from Chinese to Spanish;
2. Identify the specific characteristics and the problems presented by the transmission of verbal irony in Dream of the Red Chamber ;
3. Extend the classification model of verbal irony indicators proposed in my master's thesis (2020) and which is based on the typology of categories proposed by Romero (2010: 303-320) for the analysis of brands colloquial in conversation;
4. To analyze the translational solutions to verbal irony in the Spanish version of Dream of the Red Chamber in order to see if verbal irony has been successfully maintained with the translation techniques adopted;
5. To quantify the translational solutions to verbal irony in the Spanish version of Dream of the Red Chamber in order to reveal the relationship between the use of different translation techniques and the maintenance of verbal irony.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/12/03
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.):
Mingtan Xu. “Transmissió de la Ironia Verbal en El Somni del Pavelló Vermell”. XII Simposi Internacional de Recerca Jove en Traducció, Interpretació, Estudis Interculturals i Estudis d´Àsia Oriental. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 01/07/2022.
Mingtan Xu. "Traducció de la Ironia Verbal en El Somni del Pavelló Vermell". 3r Congrés Internacional de Traducció i Interpretació de Llengües Ibèriques <<TransIbèrica>>. Universitat de Varsòvia. 17/11/2022.
Mingtan Xu. Ponencia Traducir para avanzar: comparación entre la teoría de traducción de Lu Xun y la de José Ortega y Gasset al XIII Simposio Internacional de Investigación Joven en Traducción, Interpretación, Estudios Interculturales y Estudios de Asia Oriental.Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Barcelona: 30/06/2023.
Mingtan Xu. Ponencia El choque intercultural: comparación entre la teoría de traducción de Lu Xun y la de José Ortega y Gasset al XXVII Congreso Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación San Jerónimo. Organización Mexicana de Traductores. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. 25-26 de noviembre de 2023.
Mingtan Xu. Presentation Translating to advance: comparison between Lu Xun's translation theory and that of José Ortega y Gasset at the XIII INTERNATIONAL AND VIRTUAL CONGRESS liLETRAd 2024 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION, TRANSLATION AND LANGUAGE literary, translationological, linguistic reflections. San José State University, California, March 15, 2024.
PhD title: El potencial del uso de inteligencia artificial en el feedback correctivo escrito en la enseñanza-aprendizaje del chino como lengua extranjera mediante la investigación-acción.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Mireia Vargas Urpi; Dr. Christian Olalla Soler.
Date of project acceptance: 26/05/2024
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Scholarship: -
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2023
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Papers at conferences:
PhD title: Gamer Speak: A Case Study of Gaming Terminology in Spain
PhD supervisor: Dra. Carme Mangiron
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: The globalization of video games has opened new investigation pathways for translation studies. While research is being performed on the professional localization process and issues that may arise within it, few academic efforts have focused on the real-life application of gaming terminology by Spanish gamers.
It seems that the task of systematically collecting, organizing, and defining Spanish gamer lingo has fallen to the gamers themselves, as we can find online glossaries and dictionaries such as Geekno or GamerDic, as well as abundant forum and blog posts offering definitions and descriptions of gamer terms, many of which are Anglicized.
In order to bring awareness to “gamer speak”, real-world gaming lingo used by Spanish players, the influence of English on their lexicon requires academic attention. This study, therefore, attempts to describe the influence English exerts on the world of video games in Spain, as well as the sociolinguistic mechanisms involved in creating gamer speak. Due to the complexity of the object of study, a multidisciplinary approach must be followed so as to properly highlight all fields which impact gamer speak, mainly: video game localization, sociolinguistics, lexicology, and neology.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/12/09
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Análisis de la caracterización de personajes en la localización de videojuegos japoneses al inglés y español
PhD supervisor: Dr. Carme Mangiron
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2019/04/08
International PhD: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse what makes a character recognizable, the characterization, and how is that same characterization shown through the localization process from the original Japanese video game to the localized versions in English and Spanish.
For this analysis we are going to extract dialogues from 4 Japanese video games that have been translated into English and Spanish. The video games that we'll analyse are Devil May Cry 3 (2005), Bayonetta (2010), Nier Automata (2016) and Resident Evil 2 (2019). We will analyse the Japanese dialogues of the main characters (and some secondary), focusing on identifying gender specific language, the different grades of formality and the use of dialects or characteristic patterns; meanwhile, the localized versions analysis will focus on identifying and analysing the different ways in which the localization process has reproduced the spoken patterns identified in the analysis of the original Japanese video game.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2019/02/18
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: L’adquisició de les competències transversals en la formació de tecnologies de la traducció
PhD supervisor: Dr. Anabel Galán Mañas
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2019/04/29
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Catalan and english
Abstract: The purpose of the research that is to be carried out within the PhD thesis is to analyze which soft skills are necessary in the field of translation technology training. The importance of soft skills lies in the need for graduates to adapt to the requirements of the industry and rapid technological advances, thus facilitating not only the transition from the university to the job market, but also their capacity to adapt to the evolution of the translation industry.
The main objective of the thesis is to analyze the soft skills needed in the field of translation technologies in order to systematize their development and their evaluation in the translation technologies classroom.
The thesis will be carried out through a participatory action research. In the first place, the soft skills demanded by the translation industry will be identified, as well as the soft skills acquired in the translation technologies classroom, through data from the teaching staff and students. Data from teaching staff will be collected through a map of competences, which will include an emptying of the learning activities. These data will be complemented with a self-assessment questionnaire to the students followed by a discussion group. Subsequently, a proposal for the training of soft skills for the translation technologies classroom will be prepared. Next, the proposal will be implemented in the classroom and its effectiveness will be evaluated. Finally, the proposal will be reviewed.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/10/05
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: Massot, Núria. An overview of translation technology training at MA level in the UK. 1st Annual Conference of the Association of Programmes in Translation and Interpreting Studies of the UK and Ireland (APTIS), Aston University, Birmingham, 23-24 November 2018.
PhD title: La adquisición de estrategias cognitivas de traducción. Un estudio experimental en el caso de la traducción del francés al español
PhD supervisor: Dr. Amparo Hurtado Albir, Dr. Christian Olalla-Soler
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2018/01/29
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: En el marc del Doctorat en Traducció i Estudis Interculturals de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, es persegueix presentar un projecte d’investigació sobre l’adquisició d’estratègies cognitives per la resolució de problemes de traducció escrita.
En aquest sentit, la nostra investigació es basa en els següents objectius específics:
• establir el marc conceptual de la investigació de les estratègies cognitives
• descriure i definir les estratègies cognitives
• identificar com evolucionen les estratègies cognitives a mesura que s’adquireix la Competència Traductora.
Per això, en centrem en:
• estudiar la noció d’estratègia en disciplines afins a la Traductologia
• analitzar la noció d’estratègia en Traductologia i en estudis empírics que s’hagin realitzat com Königs (1987) o Lachat Leal (2003), entre d’altres
• esbrinar com funcionen les estratègies traductores cognitives: quines estratègies s’utilitzen durant el procés de traducció escrita i per què, quan, com i amb quin resultat
• investigar com evolucionen les estratègies en el procés d’adquisició de la Competència Traductora.
Com a resultat d’una investigació prèvia sobre les estratègies cognitives de traducció (Jeczmyk Nowak 2016), es va poder concloure:
• que falta unificar les denominacions i definicions existents, així com la carència d’una classificació precisa aplicable a les estratègies cognitives;
• que falta realitzar un estudi empíric rigorós de les estratègies cognitives de traducció i del seu procés d’adquisició.
Es realitzarà un estudi experimental amb estudiants de traducció de diversos cursos del grau de T/I i amb traductors professionals. Els subjectes hauran de traduir un text del francès a l’espanyol amb problemes prototípics i emplenar un qüestionari sobre les estratègies que han utilitzat. Prèviament a l’experiment, s’efectuarà un estudi exploratori i un estudi pilot.
Els resultats de la investigació podran revertir en una millor formació de traductors, ja que permetran identificar quines tasques i instruments es poden incorporar en la formació per tal de desenvolupar estratègies.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2017/10/05
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: Máster Universitario en Traducción, Interpretación y Estudios Interculturales. Especialidad de Investigación en Traductología y Estudios Interculturales, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015-2016
Unidad de Coordinación de Terminología Directorio General de Traducción del Parlamento Europeo, Luxemburgo, 01/10/2016 – 31/03/2017.
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): • Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. “Documentación: la elección de fuentes fiables”. 1a Jornada para Futuros Traductores, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Querétaro, 25/04/2016 – 27/04/2016
• Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. “Blogs y estrategias en redes sociales”. Workshop of terminology, blogging and social media, Unidad de Coordinación de Terminología del Directorio General de Traducción del Parlamento Europeo, Luxemburgo, 06/03/2017.
• Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. “Cognitive strategies for the resolution of translation problems”. Ier Congrès Mondial de Traductologie: La Traductologie, une discipline autonome, Université Paris-Nanterre, París, 10/04/2017 – 14/04/2017.
• Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. “Estrategias cognitivas para la resolución de problemas de traducción”. VIII Simposio Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Traducción, Interpretación, Estudios Interculturales y Estudios de Asia Oriental, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 30/06/2017.
• Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. "Un estudio empírico sobre la adquisición de estrategias cognitivas para resolver problemas de traducción". IV Congreso Internacional sobre investigación en Didáctica de la traducción, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 20/06/2018-22/06/2018.
• Inscripción y certificado de asistencia a la 4ª Jornada luxemburguesa de traducción e interpretación organizada por la Asociación Luxemburguesa de Traductores e Intérpretes, 28/09/2019.
• Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. “The power of storytelling or how to connect better with your clients”. BP20 Online Translation Conference, 21/04/2020-24/04/2020.
• Olga Jeczmyk Nowak. Aceptación de la comunicación: “La adquisición de estrategias cognitivas en la formación de traductores: qué piensan los estudiantes para resolver problemas de traducción” en el V Congreso Internacional sobre investigación en Didáctica de la traducción del 08/07/2020 al 10/07/2020 en la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. El congreso se aplaza para julio de 2021 debido a las restricciones de la Covid-19.
PhD title: Análisis del statu quo sociolegal del hentai manga en Japón y España
PhD supervisor: Dr. Artur Lozano Méndez; Dr. Amelia Sáiz López.
Joint supervision: - -
Date of project acceptance: 12/06/2024
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: This study will attempt to describe and contextualize the socio-legal framework of hentai manga, that is, comics of Japanese origin of pornographic nature, in Japan and Spain. This genre of comics is a great source of anthropological information, since they are a product through which the sexuality of their readers is represented and reproduced.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Societat - política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.):
Mir, Oriol. Una breve historia de la publicación de hentai manga en España. VI Congreso Internacional de la Fundación Cine+Cómics, Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife), 27/5/2024; 29/5/2024.
PhD title: La transformación artística del manga en la evolución estética de su diseño de personajes: el caso de One Piece.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Artur Lozano Méndez; Dr. Joaquín Beltrán Antolín.
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Mi investigación se centra en analizar y definir las transformaciones de las convenciones estilísticas y formales del manga en base a su diseño de personajes a través del manga One Piece (1997 - actualidad) como caso de estudio principal. El objetivo de esta labor es la de trazar una panorámica de la cultura visual, estilística y estética del manga juvenil de finales de los noventa y principios del siglo XXI, explicando las convenciones formales más establecidas como también su genealogía histórica, adoptando el diseño de personajes como categoría de análisis y foco metodológico. De este modo, la tesis busca contribuir a la elaboración de una historiografía formal y visual del manga, que empiece a valorar este medio no solo por sus cualidades sociológicas o literarias sino también por sus características artísticas y estéticas.
Scholarship: SI
Type of Scholarship: FI-SDUR
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:
Graduate School of Intercultural Studies (Faculty of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University, Kobe), 1 d'octubre de 2023 - 31 de març de 2024. Special auditing student.
Institute of Applied Artificial Intelligence IAAI (Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart Media University, Stuttgart), Starti: 11/04/2023, Endi: 05/05/2023. Training in quantitative methodology for the formal analysis of manga and anime characters at the Japanese Visual Media Graph (JVMG).
García-Aranda, Oscar. (2020). “Representations of Europe in Japanese anime: an Overview of Study Cases and Theoretical Frameworks”. Mutual Images Journal, vol. 8. pp. 47-84.
García-Aranda, Oscar. (2021). “Yoshitaka Amano como paradigma de diseñador de personajes: analizando su figura e influencia en las tendencias estilísticas y estéticas del manga y anime de los ochenta.” En Andrés E., Anía C. P., Escudero I., Espada M. D., Juberías. G., Martín J., Ruíz, L. , Sanz M. A., Torralba, B. (Coordinadores). IV Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Predoctorales: la Historiadel Arte desde Aragón (pp. 323-334). Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
García-Aranda, Oscar. (2023). “Lo “mangaesco” y su extensión en el diseño de personajes de manga juvenil: los casos de Toriyama Akira y Takahashi Rumiko”. In Anía P.C., Calvo J.C. , Caso A., Cercós P., Nelson J. , Escudero I., Martín J., Millan M., Preciado G., Sanz A. M., Torralba B. (Coordinadores). V Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales: la Historia del Arte desde Aragón (pp. 367-374). Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
Papers at conferences:
García-Aranda, Oscar. “Representations of Europe in Japanese anime: an overview of study cases and theoretical frameworks”. Mutual Images 7th International Workshop: Painting the East. Artistic Relations between Japan and the West [Artists, Aesthetics, Artworks]. Mutual Images Research Association / Universidad de Vigo. Pontevedra. 3-4/6/2019.
García-Aranda, Oscar. “Expandiendo el Superflat como categoría artística y estilística: Koji Morimoto y Masaaki Yuasa”. VII Congreso Internacional Grupo de Investigación Japón. Japón: Creatividad e Innovación. Grupo de Investigación Japón / Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza. 23-25/10/2019
“Yoshitaka Amano como paradigma de diseñador de personajes: analizando su figura e influencia en las tendencias estilísticas y estéticas del manga y anime de los ochenta”. IV Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Predoctorales: la Historia del Arte desde Aragón. Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Almudevar. 13-14/11/2020
García-Aranda, Oscar. “Realist Drawing Styles in Manga: An overview of Formal Solutions according to Demography and Period. "15th National and 6th International Conference of the Association for Japanese Studies in Spain". Asociación de Estudios Japoneses en España (AEJE). Salamanca. 26-28/10/2022.
García-Aranda, Oscar. “Lo “mangaesco” y su extensión en el diseño de personajes de manga juvenil: los casos de Toriyama Akira y Takahashi Rumiko”. V Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales: La Historia del Arte desde Aragón. Zaragoza University. Tarazona. 25-26/11/2022.
García-Aranda, Oscar. "Mutual Influences and Artistic Transformations in RPG Character Designs: The case of Kaneko Kazuma and Soejima Shigenori in Atlus RPG Franchises. Mechademia Asia International Conference 2023 "Aftermath". Mechademia Team / Kyoto Seika University / Kyoto International Manga Museum. Kyoto. 27-29/05/2023.
García-Aranda, Oscar. (2024). "El arquetipo de personaje bish¿jo en los años 80 y expresión formal: entre cuerpo simbólico y sexualización cosificada". I Jornadas Internacionales de Estudios sobre Cultura Pop de Asia Oriental. GIR Humanismo Eurasia. Salamanca (Spain). 18 - 19 April 2024.
García-Aranda, Oscar (2024). "The symbolic body and the representation of transgender identities in manga series: the case of Stop!! Hibari-kun! (1981)". The Comics Studies Society Annual Conference: Glitching comics. Comics Studies Society. Online. 24-28 June 2024.
PhD title: China’s Agreements with the European Union and with Latin America in the 21st Century: A Comparative Analysis
PhD supervisor: Dr. Joaquín Beltrán Antolín
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: In the 21st century, economic globalization and regional networks have emerged as two parallel trends. At the same time, agreements exist between regions and states, and relationships have been established between sub-regional blocs and individual countries, with various consequences. In particular, the frameworks of China-EU and China-LAC are being developed, although with different levels of institutionalization. Against this background, firstly, the study will briefly review the advancement of China's agreements with both regions and the contributing factors due to their own characteristics during the period of reaching an agreement. Secondly, based on the trade flows and investments from 2000 to 2021 this research will provide a comparative analysis. In order to understand the evolution of the agreements, it will be addressed theoretical issues as deglobalization, the peaceful development of China, the non-Western International Relations Theories, the North-South / South-South relationships, co-development, among others. It will contribute to both the scholarly and policy arenas, as well as to multinational corporations and investors.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/10/09
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Economia de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: Qi Zhang, Joaquín Beltrán Antolín. The Impact of Chinese- English Translation on China's National Image—From a Perspective of International Relations.11th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies, Department of Translation, Interpreting and East Asian Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, July 02, 2021.
PhD title: El proyecto formativo del Han Kitab: técnicas, métodos y objetivos
PhD supervisor: Dr. Joaquín Beltrán Antolín
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2019/01/10
European PhD thesis: Si
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: This thesis project is part of the field of studies on Islam in China and its central theme is the investigation of the techniques, methods and objectives of the Chinese Islamic training project called Han Kitab, Textual Tradition promoted by Islamic Hui scholars who with educational purposes and doctrinal disclosure originated in China between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries and whose development continues to this day.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2018/09/19
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos especialitzats
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: • Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Arts (RCBTA)/Peking University, Buddhist Studies Center at Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU-BSC), From the Ground Up/ University of British Columbia (Kunming. China)
“Winter International Program of Lecture Series, Conference, Forum, and Fieldwork on Buddhism & East Asian Cultures” (14-21 Dec. 2019)
• University of Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany)
International Summer School (July 21-31, 2019)
“New World Crucibles of Globalization”
• Practical School of Advanced Studies (Paris, France)
ReIRES – Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies.
School on employment and the study of special documents (Feb. 17-22, 2019)
Publications: Flores Paz, Rafael (2018) “The statue of Confucius: revival and spread of Confucianism in Latin America and the world”, in Xu Shicheng and Eduardo Daniel Oviedo, eds., International Forum on Confucianism. I International Symposium in Lima on Dialogue between the Civilizations of China and Latin America. Editions Bellaterra, Barcelona, pp. 215-240.
Papers at conferences: XVII International Congress of the Latin American Association for Asian and African Studies (ALADAA) 2021 from 28 to 31 July (Quito, Ecuador).
11th International Symposium on Young Research in Translation July 2 (Universidad Autonoma De Barcelona)
- “The presence of divinity in the Chinese commentary of the Samkhya Karika” European Academy of Religion First Annual Conference, 2018. Bologna, March 5, 2018
"The religious phraseology in translations: adapting and adopting to convince". I International Congress of Phraseology and Translation in Hispanic America. Lima, 2018
"The Neo-Confucian Eclecticism: Translation and Analysis of Understanding the Meaning of Humanity and Letter of Stabilization Nature by Cheng Hao ¿ (1032-1085)" XVI International Congress of FOREIGN. Lima, 2018.
" Param¿rtha (499-569) and the Buddhist Translation Project from Sanskrit to Chinese". XVI International Congress of FOREIGN. Lima, 2018.
PhD title: Historical revisionism in Japanese cultural products. A study on "The grave of fireflies" and "The wind rises".
PhD supervisor: Dr. Artur Lozano-Méndez
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: English
Abstract: The main goal of this research is to study how historical revisionism influences the existing narrative about Japan's past through its cultural products. Since films, dramas, and manga are effective means of conveying messages in Japan, it is required to research them for a deeper understanding of the success of these narratives in contemporary Japanese society. To this end, in this research, I intend to discern the invisibility of the Japanese Empire by analyzing two of the most political films from Studio Ghibli, "The Grave of Fireflies" and "The Wind Rises." This study will use a qualitative, exploratory research methodology. To satisfy the objectives of the dissertation, a comprehensive review of studies about culture, nationalism and Cool Japan will be undertaken.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/09/30
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Política i relacions internacionals de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Miri Yû y la construcción del éxito desde dentro y fuera del texto literario. Aná-lisis de su obra y persona y de su impacto mediático en Japón.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Jordi Más López
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2022/04/17
European PhD thesis: Yes
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Miri Yû es una escritora étnica coreana de Japón (zainichi) que está adquiriendo una gran visibilidad en el panorama literario occidental, sin embargo en Japón cuenta ya con una larga trayectoria profesional y presencia mediática, además de haber recibido prestigiosos premios literarios.
Mi investigación se centra en las claves de la construcción del éxito de Miri Yû desde dentro y fuera del texto literario, a través de los elementos meramente novelísticos (la temática y los personajes de sus obras), los elementos extraliterarios (su vida privada, sus intervenciones en medios de comunicación y la controversia resultante) y el diálogo e interacción de lo literario y lo extraliterario (la permeabilidad entre las vivencias de la escritora y las de los personajes de sus novelas). ¿Existe una estrategia de comunicación concreta de Yû, consciente o inconsciente, para adquirir mayor visibilidad utilizando determinadas categorías? ¿Es la imagen de Yû un impedimento o una oportunidad para captar más lectores?
Paralelamente, fuera de Japón está adquiriendo una mayor relevancia entre los escritores japoneses traducidos. Sus protagonistas, personas al margen de la sociedad y a menudo mujeres, conforman un tipo de literatura muy atractiva para un cierto tipo de público occidental que reclama una literatura asiática fuera de los estereotipos y más cercana a la literatura de género y de denuncia social. ¿Contribuye la internacionalización de la escritora a un éxito “de retorno” en Japón?
Por último, a través de escritores como Yû, que afirman no pertenecer a ninguna categoría (el desarraigo y la falta de identidad es la columna vertebral que recorre toda su vida y obra), es interesante indagar sobre el posible curso que tomará la categoría zainichi. ¿Cabrá seguir hablando de literatura zainichi conforme vayan pasando las generaciones? ¿O habrá que empezar a hablar de una literatura escrita en japonés, más allá del origen étnico y familiar?
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2022/04/25
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merit (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Study on the reception of anime translations in Catalonia among individuals aged 18 to 60. Domestication and foreignization methods in the translation of Detective Conan.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Jordi Mas López
Date of project acceptance: 3/27/2023
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: català/japonès
Abstract: The main objective of the project is to study the degree of acceptance that audiovisual translations from Japanese to Catalan have among different types of audiences based on the degree of domestication or foreignization of cultural references, as well as to determine consumer preferences. To do so, we will select fragments from the anime series ¿¿¿¿¿¿ (translated as Detective Conan), broadcasted by Televisió de Catalunya, containing cultural elements and we will propose translations with different levels of domestication to an audience between 18 and 60 years old. We will analyze their preferences and search for common criteria by audience type.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 10/3/2022
Areas of research
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad:
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
PhD title: Metáforas y acciones: Teorías implícitas y procesos de traductores principiantes
PhD supervisor: Dr. M. Lluïsa Presas Corbella; Dr. Celia Martín de León.
Date of project acceptance: 2012/03/02
European PhD thesis: No
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Las finalidades de esta investigación son estudiar las teorías implícitas de traductores principiantes, estudiar su proceso de traducción y estudiar correlaciones entre teorías y proceso.
Las preguntas que trataremos de responder son:
1. ¿Con qué contenidos temáticos pueden relacionarse las teorías implícitas de los traductores principiantes? (Contenido de las teorías implícitas)
2. ¿En qué medida los contenidos están relacionados entre ellos? (Estructura de las teorías implícitas)
3. ¿Las teorías implícitas están relacionadas con procedimientos? ¿Se aplican efectivamente a la solución de problemas? ¿Se aplican a la valoración de la calidad de la traducción? (Función de las teorías implícitas)
4. ¿Hay diferencias entre las teorías implícitas de principiantes chinos y principiantes españoles?
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2012/03/02
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Cognició en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): Presas, Marisa, Inna Kozlova y Shao Hui Liang. «Modelos sintéticos de estudiantes chinos y europeos: análisis comparativo de las nociones de escopo, función y destinatario». Comunicación. VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI). Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 23-25/1/2013.
PhD title: La traducción en China: mercado profesional y formación
PhD supervisor: Dr. Anabel Galán-Mañas
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 12/02/2020
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Due to the rapid development of the global economy and the continuous commercial and cultural intercommunication, the demand for translation professionals has increased worldwide. In 2006, the Chinese Ministry of Education determined that universities should offer training in translation and interpretation at the undergraduate level, as no such training existed until then. According to data published by the Ministry of Education, as of 2019, the total number of universities offering the Bachelor´s degree in Translation and Interpretation (BTI) was 281. This shows that over the last decade, numerous universities have created this degree. Because the creation of this degree is so recent in China, there are few studies on the situation in the professional market of translation graduates. Thus, the main objective of the thesis is to analyze whether the BTI meets the needs of the translation market. To achieve this objective, we prepared a study on Chinese companies that hire translation services or that have translation professionals in-house, and another study on graduate translators and interpreters. In addition, we analyse whether the learning contents and teaching methodology in Chinese universities encourage the acquisition of the general and specific skills required by the labour market.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2019
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Aspectos profesionales y laborales de la traducción y la interpretación.
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Formación en Traducción e Interpretación
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Hong, Shiguang and Galán-Mañas, Anabel (2022). Challenges of training in Translation and Interpreting in China: analysis of the "best degrees", TRANS: Revista de Traductología, Vol.26, 281-295.
Papers at conferences:
Hong, Shiguang. Translation training in China. 11th International Symposium for Young Researchers. Department of Translation and Interpretation and East Asian Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, July 2nd, 2021.
Hong, Shiguang. Characteristics of the translation degree in China. 18th International Conference "Translation, Text and Interferences". Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, May 24-26, 2022.
Hong, Shiguang. Translation in China: labor market and training. 10th International Conference of the Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI), University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, June 15-17, 2022.
Hong, Shiguang. Characteristics of translation companies in China. 12th International Symposium for Young Researchers. Department of Translation and Interpretation and East Asian Studies, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Barcelona. July 1st, 2022.
Hong, Shiguang and Galán-Mañas, Anabel. Translation training in China: different opinions on its suitability for the market. III International Congress of the Spanish Association for East Asian Studies. University of Salamanca, Salamanca, June 7-9, 2023.
Hong, Shiguang and Galán-Mañas, Anabel. Needs of translation companies in China. V International Conference on Economic, Commercial, Financial and Institutional Translation. University of Alicante, Alicante, June 29-30, 2023.
PhD title: Audio description and technologies: a study on the semiautomatisation of AD translation and voicing d'audiodescripcions
PhD supervisor: Dr. Jordi Mas López
Date of project acceptance: 2013/11/14
European PhD thesis: No
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: L’objectiu principal de la investigació és descriure l'ús de manlleus i la seva evolució temporal en la traducció dels referents culturals al manga. En concret, es vol comptabilitzar en quins àmbits i subàmbits són més abundants, per determinar el grau i els punts de contacte entre les cultures espanyola i japonesa, i els canvis que han esdevingut amb el pas del temps. Amb aquest objectiu, es crearà un corpus de mangas, originals i traduïts, de diferents gèneres i anys de publicació.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2013/10/02
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció audiovisual i accessibilitat als mitjans de comunicació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: Estada d'investigació a la Universitat de Kobe (Japó). Abril-setembre 2014
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): RUIZ, Silvia (2013). "Los referentes culturales y su tratamiento en la traducción del manga: los casos de La espada del inmortal, GALS!, Vidas etílicas y Ranma ½". Trabajo de investigación de Máster presentado en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
RUIZ, Silvia (2012). "La traducción del manga al español: Cuestiones lingüísticas, metodológicas y técnicas". Trabajo de final de grado presentado en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
PhD title: La cultura en la negociación comercial entre personas chinas e hispanohablantes
PhD supervisor: Dr.Joaquín Beltran Antolin; Dr. Andrés Herrera Feligreras
Date of project acceptance: 2023/03/20
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: -
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2022/10/03
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: -
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Aspectes professionals i laborals de la traducció i la interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Comida, cultura y traducción: Panorama de la cocina fusión japonesa en Cataluña.
PhD supervisor: Dr. Lucía Molina Martínez, Dr. Blai Guarné.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2017/04/27
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: The aim of this investigation is to analyze and to describe the role of the translation of linguistic-cultural gastronomic elements in hybrid culinary settings through the study, in particular, of the situation of Japanese cuisine in Catalonia. More precisely, through the study of a linguistic corpus concerning Japanese fusion cuisine, we wish to investigate how the cultural aspects connected to cuisine and food are reinterpreted on being transferred to a different culture; thus we expect to contribute to the wider analysis of the existing dialectics between cultural globalization and localization.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2016/11/02
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat, ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Cultura, pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: Umemoto, Tomoko, “Fusion language of fusion cuisine”, Paper presented to the 11th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2nd July, 2021.
PhD title: Estudio de las traducciones español-chino de Poeta en Nueva York y su recepción en China
PhD supervisor: Dr. Ramon Farrés Puntí
Date of project acceptance: 17/05/2024
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
PhD title: Los referentes culturales en los manuales de traducción para estudiantes de grado. Análisis y propuestas didácticas
PhD supervisor: Fuliang Chang, Dr. Laura Santamaria Guinot
Date of project acceptance: 15/03/2023
European PhD thesis: NO
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: -
Scholarship: SI
Type of Scholarship: Saudi Ministry of Education
Date of entrance: 01/10/2022
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Formació en traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
Títol de la tesi: La recepción de la traducción de las recetas de cocina en Sueño en el Pabellón Rojo o Sueño de las mansiones rojas entre los estudiantes chinos licenciados en la lengua española y los españoles nativos.
Director/a: Dr. Pau Joan Hernández de Fuenmayor; Dr. Montserrat Bacardí Tomàs
Data d'inscripció de la tesi: 14/02/2023
Tesi europea: SI
Idioma de la tesi: Spanish
Becari: SI
Tipus de Beca: CSC
Data d'admissió als estudis de doctorat: 04/10/2022
Línia o línies de recerca a què s'adscriu: -
Línia prioritària de recerca de l'Àrea de Traducció i Interpretació: Traducció de textos literaris
Línia secundària de recerca de l'Àrea de Traducció i Interpretació: Interculturalitat - ideologia i sociologia de la traducció i interpretació
Línia prioritària de recerca de l'Àrea dels Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Línia secundària de recerca: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Estades predoctorals de recerca: -
Publicacions: -
Comunicacions a congressos: -
PhD title: Estudi estilístic sobre les traduccions al xinès de El amor en los tiempos del cólera a la llum de l'estètica
PhD supervisor: Dr. Francesc Galera Porta
Date of project acceptance: 24/03/2023
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Castellano
Abstract: -
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 10/3/2022
Areas of research
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Secondary line of research Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l’Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research Area of East Asian Studies: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l’Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences:
Guo Xu (¿¿). Definition of fengge in light of the Chinese Stylistics. XIII International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies & East Asian Studies. Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació i d'Estudis de l'Àsia Oriental de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. Juny 30th 2023.
PhD title: El desarrollo de la competencia intercultural en la enseñanza de español en China. Diseño de tareas de traducción pedagógica español-chino-español
PhD supervisor: Dr. Amparo Hurtado Albir; Dr. Christian Olalla Soler.
Joint supervision: -
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/01
European PhD thesis: -
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: En este estudio, se plantea diseñar tareas de traducción pedagógica con el fin de desarrollar la competencia intercultural, dado que durante el proceso traducción se aprende acerca de una cultura ajena reflexionando sobre la propia. Nos proponemos diseñar varias tareas de traducción pedagógica chino-español-chino para diferentes ámbitos culturales y temáticos de la cultura hispana, con el objetivo de que se inserten en la clase de español LE en China. Se llevará a cabo un estudio empírico con un grupo de estudiantes de filología hispánica de tercer curso en la Universidad de la Comunicación de China en Nanjing. Las tareas se implementarán en clase durante un cuatrimestre. Antes de su implementación se efectuará una prueba piloto y un grupo de expertos valorará las tareas diseñadas. Para la valoración de la propuesta, se efectuará una evaluación de los conocimientos de los estudiantes antes y después de recibir el input pedagógico; además, se recogerá información de los estudiantes mediante un cuestionario para que evalúen las tareas.
Scholarship: No
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/10/02
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: -
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Research merits (Publications, conferences, etc.): -
PhD title: Consumo y Nacionalismo en China
PhD supervisor: Dr. Joaquín Beltrán Antolin; Dra. Amelia Sáiz López.
Date of project acceptance: 2022/03/01
European PhD thesis: YES
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Since the birth of China's modern consumer culture, it was closely related to the survival of the country. Although the theory of consumption at that time was not yet complete, the Chinese, who are well aware of the importance of consumption at the cultural level, fought against the plight of local industry with the huge national movement of products, which at the same time affected the formation of Chinese consumer culture. As Karl Gerth put it, the pervasive tensions between consumerism and nationalism were central to the creation of China as a modern nation, which still influence Chinese consumer behavior to this day.
With rapid economic development, China has been the largest commodity trading nation and the largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity.
Different generations of consumers have shown different characteristics, just as nationalism has always affected their consumption behavior, while the younger generation of consumers has shown the strongest nationalistic tendencies, and rising national brands have provided space for them to Express oneself. The changes in the international environment and the adjustment of internal policies have made the relationship between nationalism and consumption more close and complicated. Some of China's official moves are also seen as a sign of rising nationalism, for example, the "made in china 2025" policy is seen as a sign of protectionist and nationalist and the "dual circulation" strategy have offered a course of action more specific. Furthermore, all parts of society support national brands to boost domestic consumption. national brands are also gaining a foothold with improving technology innovation and marketing and profitability.
Some new developments like the Sino-American trade conflict, the Covid-19 pandemic, the Russo-Ukrainian war... The relationship between nationalism and consumption in the Chinese market has become deeper and more complex. Although there is still a high demand for foreign products with better designs and advanced technology in China, in general, nationalistic tendencies in its consumer market are becoming more pronounced.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2021/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: La mirada y la representación de las mujeres en el cine: Kawase, Bollaín, Hansen-Løve
PhD supervisor: Dr. Blai Guarné
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Throughout the last century and the current one, one of the social elements that has changed the most has been the sphere of women and their social reality. From the world of work to the family, women have redefined their role in society and history, and consequently, their representation in cinema has also undergone a significant transformation. However, it should be noted that film productions are still largely governed by androcentric patterns.
In this investigation, I will present the cases of the Japanese director Naomi Kawase (1969-), the Spanish director Icíar Bollaín (1967-), and the French director Mia Hansen-Løve (1981-), who have been awarded some of the most prestigious international prizes. prestigious, and considered as one of the most representative authors of each country. In the first part, I will investigate how they have developed their vision and professional career as successful filmmakers who bring new voices. In the second part, I will focus on the analysis of three cinematographic works that testify to the social commitment of each director, The Mothers (2020) by Kawase, Rosa's Wedding (2020) by Icíar Bollaín, and Things to Come (2016) by Mia Hansen-Løve. This analysis will allow me to study the different figures of mothers in contemporary society, from the following perspectives; sociocultural, cinema and gender, and also representational and narratological theories.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 2020/10/01
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Aplicació de la metodologia empírica en la recerca sobre traducció i interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: -
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Akaeda, Yumi, "The female gaze of Naomi Kawase", Paper presented at the XII International Symposium of Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies. Autonomous University of Barcelona, July 1, 2022
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: Asignación de recursos atencionales entre la posedición y traducción humana en el proceso cognitivo de traducción. Estudio empírico sobre el texto de medicina tradicional china.
PhD supervisor: Dr.Inna Kozlova Mikurova
Date of project acceptance: 20/02/2024
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: El rápido desarrollo de tecnologías avanzadas, como la inteligencia artificial y el big data, está impulsando la transformación de la industria de los servicios lingüísticos. En este contexto, la PE, en calidad de un modelo de traducción híbrido que combina la automatización de la TA y la profesionalidad de la traducción humana, se ha convertido en uno de los medios importantes para mejorar la calidad y eficiencia de la traducción, así como una importante manifestación de la traducción interactiva hombre-máquina. Los estudios de traducción cognitiva se refieren a la investigación de actividades de traducción e interpretación desde una perspectiva cognitiva y psicolingüística (Muñoz Martín, 2016). Este campo abarca dos principales paradigmas de investigación: la traductología cognitiva y los estudios del proceso de traducción (Olalla-Soler et al., 2020). Al igual que la traducción tradicional, la PE consiste también en una tarea cognitiva compleja que involucra una serie de actividades de pensamiento como la lectura, la comprensión, el monitoreo y la conversión de códigos (O’Brien, 2017). Los estudios sobre la PE de TA y la interacción hombre-máquina, así como la investigación en traducción cognitiva, tienen una cierta convergencia teórica y metodológica(Wang et al., 2023). La investigación existente se ha centrado principalmente en las diferencias entre la PE y la traducción tradicional, así como en las subetapas de la PE. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han explorado los recursos cognitivos utilizados por los poseditores durante el proceso de PE. Este estudio se enfoca en la asignación de recursos de atención de los poseditores en la tarea de traducir del chino al español. Mediante métodos empíricos como el seguimiento ocular y el registro del teclado, se proporcionarán datos sistemáticos y empíricos sobre la asignación de recursos de atención de los poseditores.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 01/10/2023
Areas of research:
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation:Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Tradumàtica. TICs aplicades a la traducció
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Papers at conferences:
PhD title: Traducción y recepción de la narrativa en español de Centroamérica y el Caribe en China
PhD supervisor: Dr. Montserrat Bacardí Tomàs
Date of project acceptance: 02/10/2023
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Castellà
Abstract: -.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 02/10/2023
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Història de la traducció i la interpretació
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Traducció de textos literaris
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research: Cultura - pensament i interculturalitat de l'Àsia Oriental
Predoctoral stays abroad:-
Publications: -
Papers at conferences: -
PhD title: El uso de redes sociales en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas: una propuesta para la expresión escrita en chino
PhD supervisor: Dr. Helena Casas-Tost; Dr. Mireia Vargas-Urpí.
Date of project acceptance: 2021/02/18
European PhD thesis: SI
Language of PhD: Spanish
Abstract: Social networks, being a tool to interact in the virtual world, are used by more than half of the Spanish population and have unconsciously been integrated into our daily lives. According to previous research contributions, social networks can be an excellent way to learn foreign languages. However, the study of Chinese by Spanish speakers through social networks is still a field to be explored, despite the growing numbers of Chinese language learners in Spain. In this context, we would like to offer a didactic proposal to improve the teaching and learning of written skills in Chinese with the use of social networks. The research phases of this Ph.D. dissertation are inspired by the action research model. First, we will observe Chinese language courses of both the Bachelor’s Degree in East Asian Studies and the Bachelor's Degree in Spanish and Chinese Studies: Language, Literature and Culture using observation forms. Second, we will analyze the results of our observation in order to find a solution to the problems identified in this phase. Third, we will propose the use of social networks in a formal learning environment. Fourth, we will carry out a quasi-experiment with Chinese language students from the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at UAB. Finally, we will assess the effect of our intervention by analyzing all the data obtained from the previous phases and thereafter, refine our didactic proposal. In addition, we will analyze the written productions from all the students compiled during our intervention and make suggestions to improve the teaching and learning of Chinese. We hope to inspire foreign language teachers whose teaching methods have been affected by the global pandemic, by offering an alternative teaching method to enhance student motivation through written interaction in an authentic context. This can, in turn, help create a positive classroom environment.
Scholarship: NO
Type of Scholarship: -
Date of entrance: 09/10/2020
Areas of research: -
Research Priority Area Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Secondary line of research for the Department of Translation and Interpretation: Llengua i literatura de l'Àsia Oriental
Research Priority Area of East Asian Studies: -
Secondary line of research: -
Predoctoral stays abroad: -
Publications: Wang, Zihui. (2020). Propuesta para el aprendizaje de chino con redes sociales [Proposal for learning Chinese with social networks]. Master's dissertation. Autonomous University of Barcelona. Retrieved from
Papers at conferences:
Wang, Zihui (1st July 2022). El uso de redes sociales en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas: una propuesta para la expresión escrita en chino [Social networks for language teaching and learning: a proposal for writing skills in Chinese]. The 11th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies. Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Presentation available at:
Wang, Zihui (8th June de 2023). Análisis de errores de la expresión escrita en chino: una propuesta didáctica con el uso de Instagram [Error analysis of written expression in Chinese: a didactic proposal with the use of Instagram]. The 3rd International Congress of the Spanish Association for East Asian Studies (AEEAO). University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.