Cultura en Viu

Exhibitions Hall

Vicenç Altaió. From anarcho-academia to the traffic of ideas

Vicenç Altaió: Nomad of words

Vicenç Altaió returns to the UAB fifty years after having studied there. From the most poetic to the most transgressive Altaió, visitors now have the opportunity to enter the universe of this creator and poet.

The UAB Exhibition Hall takes us to the home of the artist Vicenç Altaió, a poet who experiments with the image, transgresses limits, constructs a metaphorical world, seeks the relationship between life, art and death and traffics in words. This retrospective is a synthesis of a Vicenç Altaió who, as a nomad of words, has dedicated a lifetime to walking through the possibilities of art, poetry, writing, curating and cinema.

Vicenç Altaió, born in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda in 1954, is a key figure in contemporary Catalan culture. Along with Perejaume, Frederic Amat, Pere Noguera, Jordi Benito, Carlos Pazos, among others, he is part of the third generation of avant-garde artists, receiving the influence of the previous two, especially J.V. Foix and Salvat-Papasseit and Dalí and Miró—of the first generation—and Tàpies and Brossa—of the second generation—. Formed at the UAB in the 70s, the exhibition opens the doors to the poet's career, from his beginnings at this university.

The works that the viewer will find in the exhibition are some of his poetry books, the catalogs of the main exhibitions he has curated, copies of the magazines he has edited throughout his career, photographs, artist books and other works of artists closest to him, such as Perejaume, Alfredo Jaar, Hannah Collins, etc., fragments of the film History of my death by filmmaker Albert Serra, and a large number of objects that are part of the cabinet of curiosities that is home his: masks, skeletons, paintings, drawings, in addition to the screening of an interview with the artist on the occasion of the exhibition. 
The exhibition itinerary, made up of sixty pieces, is distributed in six areas and at the same time proposes a tour of the artist's house, where a link is established between his living room, like a great chamber of wonders, and each of its facets.

The exhibition itinerary, made up of sixty pieces, is distributed in six areas and at the same time proposes a tour of the artist's house, where a link is established between his living room, like a great chamber of wonders, and each of its facets. 
With this exhibition, we can see that Vicenç Altaió has always stood out for his revolutionary poetic voice and for his desire to explore the limits of visual and written culture and break with them. This exhibition, which is the first dedicated entirely to his figure, could be considered, in his words, an autobiography without a subject.  

Cristina Calamonte Naegel, Sofía Carmona Hernando, Andrea Díaz Fernández, Mercedes Fernández Espinosa, Nuria Flores Ortega, Carla García Amores, Juana García García, Alexandra Laplaza Cots, Judith Llenas Cañizares, Mercè Mas Malagarriga, Marina Mirambell Giralt, Sofya Nekhoroshikh, Marta Ortiz Beyret, Júlia Planas Paris, Irene Poch Silva, Paula Rodríguez Lorenzo.

Master's in Management and Analysis of the Artistic Heritage of the UAB (Cours. 2023-2024)
Department of Art and Musicology 
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters
Cultura en Viu


From June 17 to July 30, 2024
From 2 to 30 September 2024

Closing ceremony: 18 September at 4:00 p.m. in the UAB Exhibition Hall

From Monday to Thursday:  from 10:00 a.m. to 19:00 p.m.
Friday: from 10:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m.