Change of studies

Access through a change of studies


You can access undergraduate studies if you have partially-completed official studies at a Spanish university or with partially-completed university studies from foreign education systems. Therefore, the following persons can apply for admission through this path:

  • Those who have initiated and not completed official Spanish university studies.
  • Those with partially-completed university studies from educational systems of member states of the European Union or other states with international agreements applicable to university access subscribed (in accordance with the provisions of Article 38.5 of the Education Act 2 / 2006 of 3 May, and Article 20 of Royal Decree 1892/2008 of 14 November).

In all situations 30 or more credits need to be recognised for the course to which admission is requested, pursuant to the criteria established in the regulations on credit transfer and recognition. However, admission cannot be granted through this path if 75% or more of the total credits for the new course are recognised, with the exception of those cases in which vacancies remain and permission is given by the UAB central administration and executive offices (Rectorat).

For the purposes of credit recognition and the scaling of the transcript of previous studies, consideration is given to those grades obtained by the student up to the deadline for pre-registration.

Admission cannot be granted by this path if the previous academic transcript includes subjects enrolled on three times or more and not passed.

Application for admission by this path is compatible with university pre-registration.

Each UAB centre publishes annually the number of places available for every course, as well as general admission criteria and deadlines for carrying out pre-registration. The relevant dates are set out in the academic and administrative calendar that the UAB Governing Council approves for each academic year.


Applications should be addressed to the UAB's central administration and executive offices (Rectorat) and submitted to the academic management of the centre to which admission is requested. Each application can include only one course of study and should comprise the following documents:

  • Application form.
  • Original of the receipt for payment of the fees established in the Decree of the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) with respect to assessment of academic transcripts.
  • Covering letter.
  • Original and photocopy of identity card, residence permit or passport.
  • Personal academic certificate or certified copy of the academic transcript, stating, if applicable, the subject area studied.
  • Curriculum of the previous studies.
  • Syllabuses of the subjects studied, authenticated by the previous university.
  • Grading system used by the previous university, if not belonging to the Spanish education system.
  • Any other documents that the applicant sees fit to attach.

The documentation of foreign studies must meet the translation and legalisation requirements established in current regulations.

Applications that do not meet legal requirements will be refused. Applications that do meet requirements will be sorted according to the following criteria:

  • First, applicants coming from similar studies to the subject area requested.
  • Second, applicants coming from unrelated studies.

Within each group applications will be ranked according to the scaling of academic transcripts, pursuant to the criteria laid down in the Regulations for admission to the UAB and published by each centre.

Once the ruling on admissions has been signed, the centre publishes a list of authorised applications, those on the waiting list, and those that have been refused.

On being notified of admission, it is essential for the applicant to request the transfer of the academic transcript from the previous university. In the case of the UAB, the transfer will be processed automatically. Similarly, admission to the UAB is subject to the receipt and verification, on the part of the centre, of the official academic certificates sent by the previous university.

Elite sportspersons who have to change residence, if they meet the requirements of current legislation, will be admitted to the UAB without occupying places reserved for this path.

UAB regulations for degrees
Prices for the provision of academic, administrative and other services
2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Legalisation of official documents issued outside Spain (Ministry of Education)
Legalisation of official documents issued outside Spain (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation)
Order EDU/1161/2010 (countries with which international agreements have been signed)